All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1553: Natural vision

"Write down the names of the officials, and the evidence is well preserved. I need their heads when I return to Beijing ... Zu Dashou thinks that Daming cannot leave them, but I want to tell him that he was wrong!" Shen Long With a sneer, didn't Zu Dashou escape in the history of Yi Si?

Since then, he will never leave Liaodong and become a de facto warlord, and Daming feared that he would defect, not only daring not to blame, but also repeatedly adding officials to his ancestors to join the prince, which can explain the warlords in the last military towns. Hua started from Zu Dashou, but he wanted to play this set with himself is not enough!

After retiring the Emperor Taichi and packing up the civil servants in Beijing and Zhongzhong, it is time to solve the cancer of Guan Ningjun. Perhaps there are indeed soldier generals fighting for the country in Guan Ningjun, but on the whole, they have gradually become It's no longer possible to remove the tumor from lying on Daming's body and sucking blood and sweat to support himself.

"Wang Chengen can have a reply?" The Beijing side won, Guan Ningjun can't count on it, there is no news from Dongjiang Town, if Mao Wenlong is willing to cooperate with him, this time is enough for him to bite hard from Jiannu A few pieces of flesh are coming.

"Princess Duke just sent news that Mao Shuai has led the army to land and is sweeping the land along the coast of Jiannu." A young **** immediately reported that the road from Jingcheng to Dongjiang Town is far away, and if it takes too long to travel between people However, as for the delivery of pigeons with pigeons, it takes time to build the pigeon road before Wang Cheng'en went to Dongjiang Town, which was definitely impossible.

So in general, Shen Long wants to contact Wang Chengen and Mao Wenlong, which can take a lot of time, but who let Shen Long go? This problem can be solved by installing a few radio transmitters in the portable space. How to use the repair tool is also a required course for eunuchs.

"Tell Wang Chengen that I have defeated the Emperor Tai Chi in Beijing and let Mao Wenlong continue to attack!" So Shen Long not only learned the news of Dongjiang Town in the first time, but also immediately issued orders to Wang Chengen. Of course, he only gave some big The order of direction, specific tactical micro-manipulation let Mao Wenlong do it, he is not someone.

"Continue to chase after the trimming! Even if Zu Dashou does not stop, I can't let Hong Tai run like that!" Shen Long didn't expect Zu Dashou too much, this time it was just giving them a chance, since they grasped If you ca n’t live, then do n’t blame me for finding them in the future.

With a single order, the Teng Xiang four guards who finished the trimming and refilled the ammunition continued to pursue. The army advanced more than ten miles, and again caught up with the emperor of the Taiji. Maybe the Taiji also knew that it would n’t leave anything. Unable to escape, he arranged for Yue Tuo to break the army, and the two armies started a fierce battle as soon as they contacted.

Perhaps Yue Tuo felt that if the Ming army continued to form a large square array, they would have no chance of winning, so they chose a relatively narrow battlefield, and as soon as they saw the Ming army, they attacked, hoping to hit them by surprise.

However, Napoleon ’s phalanx has large and small phalanx changes. The hard training lasted for more than a year and these soldiers formed an instinct. When they encountered the enemy, they formed a small phalanx, which is still in this terrain environment. Can form a military formation to resist the attack of the enemy cavalry, Yue Tuo also hit the iron plate.

"Who is that leader? Can you fight?" The musketeers and artillery rely on the formation to kill the enemy, and the hunters continue to look for high-value targets. Someone soon saw Yue Tuo.

"Daishan's son Yue Tuo, but he was an unfilial son. He didn't go to his elder son. He had to treat Huang Taiji as a dog. This man killed him!" Soon, someone recognized Yue Tuo and turned After turning over the roster of the chieftain of the slave chief, Yue Tuo was sentenced to death immediately. Mang Gurtai was temporarily released because he opposed Huang Taiji, and the death party that killed Yue Tuo such as Huang Taiji would easily cause Jiannu to mess up himself. But it is very beneficial.

"Okay, he belongs to me!" The voice just fell, and several hunters who had aimed at Yue Tuo pulled the trigger at the same time. In the distance, Yue Tuo shook immediately, and immediately fell under the horse and was trampled into mud.

"This time your joint gains will be reported to you later when you report the merits." The Tengxiang Siwei has formed a set of more scientific and reasonable rules on how to determine the results and how to reward the merits, so they do not need to fight Grab it and quickly target the next person.

After Yue Tuo's death, the broken soldier suddenly became chaotic, without the courage to continue fighting, and turned to flee. The breastplate cavalry who had been preparing for a long time now came in handy, waving the tail of the saber and chasing it, all the way. Jian Nu's head.

The broken Yue Tuo not only failed to delay the pursuit of the army, but also buried his own life, and sent thousands of first ranks to Shen Long, plus the lost batch outside the Desheng gate. It is estimated that entering the customs is a loss of money. They originally lacked Dingkou. This time, they lost tens of thousands of elites in one breath. Huang Taiji's life is not easy.

The army was chasing all the way, and Huang Taiji was exhausted in front. He had to give up Dingkou and Fortune looted from Daming and fled all the way from Tongzhou, Sanhe and Jimen to Zunhua. Fortunately, Zu Dashou planned to raise his own weight and did not arrive in time Zunhua blocked their way, so Huang Taiji escaped from Xifengkou.

Once out of the Great Wall, Huang Taiji and others were a little relieved, but after calculating the loss this time, the four major Baylors were crying and weeping at the same time. Not only did they not get much, but they also lost so much. Even the relationship with the Karaqin Department was broken. As soon as those Taijis left the border, they ran away without even saying hello. It seems that there is no hope to invite them to deal with Daming again in the future ~ ~ Shen Long also led the army to chase Xifengkou, but it was also the limit here, Ding Baiying and others came to persuade, "Your Majesty, the ammunition in the army is almost consumed now, and the soldiers have been exhausted to pursue along the way, and have now entered Enemy, it is not appropriate to pursue too far! "

"Okay, let them go for the time being, next time I'm going to smash the Huanglong and completely destroy the slaves!" Shen Long also knew that it was not time to destroy them, so he ordered to camp on the spot and returned after a rest. Capital city.

As night fell, Shen Long was summing up the battle with the generals in the handsome account. Suddenly there was a burst of exclamation from outside, so he immediately led the congregation to watch the account.

"Your Majesty, there is a vision!" Someone immediately pointed to the horizon.

Looking in the direction of his finger, I saw a five-colored light rising up into the sky, reflecting a five-claw golden dragon in the night sky.

"Your Majesty, this is Xiangtianrui! Chen Chen congratulates Your Majesty!" The whole army kneeled down.

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