All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1555: Stunned group minister

"Today's rebirth of the Great Jade Seal is alive, proving that my Daming is the destiny of heaven! I will live up to Heaven's trust, work hard to overcome the old ills, and open up the Great Peace of the Great Ming for me!" Thousand warriors worship.

Those who had heard of the need to reform in the past all came up with ancestors to persuade the emperor's literary ministers. At this time, they did not dare to say a word, and they prodded to the ground like ordinary soldiers, trembling, and even dare not look up at Shen Long !

"The end will follow your majesty and conquer the Quartet for me!" Ding Baiying and Ding Jiaqian also burst into tears with excitement and shouted out their hearts.

"Slave slaves are willing to work hard for your majesty and for me, even if the liver and brain are painted!" The eunuchs deeply hated, how can this kind of loyalty fall behind the generals!

The princes also succumbed, and in the face of this vision, they also had to succumb. In the past, they would use the destiny as an excuse to stop the emperor's various actions, but today, in front of them, such a vision happened. It is said that your majesty is destined, and even heaven has recognized your majesty, what else can they say? Can only swear along with the generals and eunuchs, "Chen waits to bow down for Daming and die."

"All of you, please wait, remember the oath of today, and serve my life with my heart, and I will go far to the Han and Tang Dynasties, and you will leave a glorious page in the history book!" Well, with this With regard to military achievements and these movements, I finally no longer need to keep a low profile, and when I return to the capital, I will start reforming to see if I dare to accept it.

"Your Majesty, immediately spread the word to all the people of Ming Dynasty!" Someone immediately put forward suggestions. This is definitely a great thing to prove the authority of His Majesty. How can you not let the whole world know about it!

"Okay! Just do it, and send it to Beijing Zhongzhong with Lubu Feijie." Shen Long glanced at the minister who spoke, remembering that he had repeatedly opposed himself before, but today he is faster than anyone who kneels, it seems that he Was completely deterred.

"Submit the order, treat the three armies tonight, and I have fun with you!" With an order, countless fires ignited in the barracks, and the soldiers killed the cows, sheep and horses snatched back from the tatars and put them on the fire. The wine from the altar was also taken out, and Shen Long and the generals swallowed it together.

He had been investigated before, and Huang Taiji had already ran tens of miles with the Eight Banner Soldiers. There was no need to worry about them attacking at all, and he was not expected to have the courage now.

However, he was not allowed to escape back to Liaodong peacefully. After drinking with the generals for a while, Shen Long returned to the tent to rest. After driving away the inner attendant, he went out of the tent and set up a cloud of clouds to flee towards the imperial Tai Chi. Chased away, and soon came to Tatar's account.

There was a lot of joy in Daming ’s barracks, but there was still silence in Jiannu ’s barracks. When we listened carefully, there were wailing and sobbing. Compared with each other, it was simply the two heavens of ice and fire. It seems to be the same, except that in the past, Jiannu was happy, and it was Daming who wept bitterly, but this time it was transferred.

When I found Huang Taiji's tent, there were only two people in the tent. One was Huang Taiji, and the other was Mangguertai. It was a coincidence that Shen Long was overjoyed.

He flashed behind Mangultai, stunned him with a palm, and then pulled out Mangultai's waist knife. With a flash of knife, he cut the head of Huang Taiji, and then put the waist knife back into Mangultai.

After doing this, the blood from Emperor Taiji ’s neck sprayed on Mangultai, and immediately awakened him. Seeing this scene, Mangultai suddenly felt stunned. What happened was this, I blinked, how? Just fell to the ground? Also, how old is Ba Ba? Who did this?

"Barbed ..." Mangultai blurted out, but as soon as he shouted two words, he saw the blood-stained waist knife and immediately swallowed the last word back. Did I kill Khan? But I do n’t remember?

"Da Khan, Wu Belle, what happened?" The guard outside the account asked the voice. He not only heard the shouts of Mangultai, but also heard someone falling.

Oops, there's no way to explain it even if I didn't kill it! The two of us are in the tent, and the knife that killed the eighth is still in my hands! Mang Gultai's thoughts turned, but he found that as soon as the guard came in to see this scene, he would be dead! Mangguertai was reluctant to die. He gritted his teeth and cut the tent with his waist knife. The group rushed out, and now he could only barely survive by returning to the camp of Zhenglan Banner.

"Thank you, please redeem your slaves for being rude!" The guard outside the tent finally couldn't help but come in. After seeing it clearly, a scream broke the silence of the camp, "No, Khan was killed, Mangultai Kill Khan! "

Hearing this, Mangultai ran faster, and a bunch of torches lit up in the camp, and Daishan, Amin, and others hurried out of the tent, and they quickly called their soldiers and horses.

Not long afterwards, the entire barracks became chaotic. Mangguertai wanted to escape with the Zhenglan flag, Amin took the blue flag and Daishan wanted to stop with two red flags. The two yellow flags and the white flag that belonged directly to the imperial Tai Chi were surprised Also rectified the soldiers and began to chase Gurtai, the Eight Banners soldiers suddenly killed each other.

Chaos, chaos, see how many people are left after you have killed this one! Shen Long sneered in the sky and kept seeing the whitening of the sky before she reluctantly returned to her royal tent.

In the capital, many ministers divided into several dials above the tower, and gathered together to discuss, "His Majesty today could have heard the news? I do n’t know how the battle ahead is!" God bless you ~ ~ let emperor Tai Chi has caught your majesty, or we will not have a good life if he waits for him to come back.

"I don't know, it should have been out yesterday, right?" Hey, Huang Taiji, why don't you disappoint? On the way to Tongzhou, Jimen, Zunhua, did you not find a chance? Even if you ca n’t find it in Guanguan, can you always find it outside Guanguan?

"Look, Lubu Feijie!" There was a sharp eye to see the horses running fast, and at the same time sighed in my heart, hey, how did you win again? This is really going to end!

The messenger of Baojie quickly spurred on and lifted up the cloth, and soon came to the gate of the city. When he saw the crowd, he shouted, "Your Majesty led the army to defeat the slaves. Now the slaves have been expelled from Xifengkou!"

Hey, the group ministers sighed again in their hearts, but before they sighed, they heard more surprising news. The knight of the victory shouted with the loudest voice, "Tianyou Daming, Your Majesty sees auspiciousness outside the cyprus, Jinlong was born and dedicated his majesty to his majesty. Long live my life!

what! The group ministers were ignorant.

List of chapters of the high-speed writing hand playing the heavenly dragon system

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