All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1556: Your Majesty returns to Beijing

"Jinlong is born? Passing the jade seal?" Is this fake? Didn't the Chuanyu jade be lost in Jingkang's change? How could it be recovered? As for what the Golden Dragon must be, it is true that all the ministers are anxious. If this is true, how will the imperial power be restricted in the future?

They always like to use the pretexts of destiny, ancestors and the like to limit the imperial power, but if the sky descends on the vision, does it mean that your majesty is really born with fate, so how do you use these excuses since then?

"Long live your majesty, long live long live!" The people in Beijing didn't think so much. When they built the siege before, they were terrified. Now that the majesty is driving the defeat and building the slave, the capital is still very peaceful and can still live comfortably. In his little life, he was naturally grateful to Shen Long.

"Guo Lao, what should I wait for?" The ministers at the head of the city began to tremble. They did so many small movements in the back. If your majesty came back, they would have nothing to eat.

"The old man is weak and old, so I am afraid that he will bear the heavy responsibility. After his majesty returns to Beijing, the old man will sue the old man to return to his hometown." No, this capital is definitely not going to stay any longer. I don't know what will happen next, I It's better to leave quickly. Although the official position is gone, can I save my life anyway?

Just as the civil and military officials in the capital were frightened and overwhelmed, the civil servants who went with Shen Long had already made a decision. They came to the royal tent and fell down to the ground, asking for sin, "Please, His Majesty, atonement, I ’m waiting to be a vassal, and sin is unforgivable! "

Hearing is not true, but seeing is believing. Those officials in the capital city panic when they just heard the words of Jinlongxian passing on the national jade seal, let alone witnessed them? What can be done besides confessing voluntarily? There may still be a way of life to confess guilt voluntarily, if nothing is said to be detected by your majesty, not only yourself, but the whole family may have to kneel.

"Oh? What crime did you wait for?" Shen Long sneered. Do you know how to borrow destiny? I will also, the destiny in your mouth is unpredictable, but I can make such a big movement that tens of thousands of people can see it.

"Senke deducted the military food given to His Majesty from the capital. His Majesty and his officials are also a last resort. All the adults of the Ministry of Warfare and the Hube Forced the Micro-Ministers. If the Micro-Ministers did not obey, they would have a small life!" He quickly said, "The minister is willing to give up his family's property to make up for this shortfall. Please also ask your majesty to see the confession of the minister, Rao Chen's life!"

"Give him a pen and paper." As soon as Shen Long's words fell, a Cao Huachun sent someone to the minister, "Go and write down the details of this matter, all those people participated, and they deducted it. How many grains and grasses, how these grains and grasses are divided, and what wrong things you did before, all related to those people, write them all! If they are well written, it is not impossible to spare your life. "

"Your Majesty, the minister is willing to take the lead. The minister has heard that several ministers in Beijing have repeatedly made irresponsible remarks and tried to be detrimental to His Majesty!" At the first sight of the hope of life, the other ministers shook their heads like garlic.

"Write it all, and I will settle the accounts with them after I return to Beijing!" These things Shen Long knew from Lu Wenzhao and Cao Huachun, but the testimony of these ministers is naturally the best. I believe they are to save their lives. Maybe you can write many activities that Jinyiwei and Dongchang didn't know about.

"Chen Zunzhi, ministers and other officials must not dare to omit a little omission!" So a minister took the paper and pen and laid down on the ground to write quickly, starting from trying to report to Tatar, burning grain, etc., and writing By the time he was just appointed as an official by the court, all kinds of wrongs were written out, and I was afraid that it was not detailed enough.

Shen Long got up from the throne, walked in front of these ministers, glanced at what they wrote, and sneered in his mouth, "Oh, this is my minister of Daming! In the past, you all pretended to be gentlemen and persuaded me. Don't do this, don't do that, you're good, you can do anything dirty in the background! "

Hearing this, the ministers were pale, their clothes were soaked in cold sweat, and their hands were trembling and even their pens were almost unsteady, but deep in their hearts, they were laughing.

Hahahaha, when we were forced to deliver food to your majesty, we still complained about our bad luck, but now it seems that we have had great luck, and let me wait to see the auspiciousness of the Golden Dragon to provide the Xi, before we can stand up. Only by confessing your sins can you save your life. Those who stay in the capital, wait for your death!

Your Majesty is willing to scold us, which means that His Majesty still has expectations for us, otherwise people will directly pull us out and behead his head; no, this is the one who took me into the water, I can not let him go, No matter what happened this time or what I heard before, I will write it to your majesty. I hope that your majesty can take care of me when I report so many people.

These ministers wrote a lot of things. Until Shen Longbaying returned to Beijing, they did not stop, but came to the carriage, endured the bumps and continued to write. Once a copy was written, Dongchang and Jinyiwei would Immediately pick up the past to review, organize the things they wrote into a book, and prepare to reconcile the accounts with those ministers as soon as they return to Beijing.

Not only these ministers, on Shenlong ’s return to Beijing, officials along the county of Tuzhou also heard the news of Jinlong Xianxi and came to seek guilt from Shenlong.

This trend quickly spread to the capital, and even the officials with the capital were even more anxious. How could this be good? It seems that what we have done before can no longer be concealed ~ ~ What panic? Isn't it the passing of the jade seal, did Song Zezong also get the passing jade seal? Did n’t I still fail to resurrect the Song? "Someone forced himself to calm down." Besides, with the jade seal passed down, can all the poison be invaded, and all evils easily broken? "

"Yeah, think about it, are you willing to be an official in the courts of Taizu and Chengzu? Anyway, I have already committed the crime of death before. Let's fight hard! Anyway, this kind of thing is not before us. I have done it! "

"The matter of Zhengde and Apocalypse ..." Our civil servants did not kill the emperor. Since they did it for the first time for the second time, we are not afraid to come again.

"In this way, we must make preparations as soon as His Majesty has not returned to Beijing!" The people discussed carefully.

Shen Long accepted the confession of the officials all the way, appeased the people whose homes were destroyed by the slaves, and finally arrived in the capital. The news spread quickly in the middle of Beijing, "Your Majesty will return to Beijing!"

In this regard, all parties have mixed reactions.

List of chapters of the high-speed writing hand playing the heavenly dragon system

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