All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1557: Someone stabbed

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The person arrived first, and with the tidy footsteps, Tengxiang Siwei wore a new armor and wiped down the Deshengmen into the capital, one by one with his chest and armor bright, one Change everyone's impression of the soldiers in the past, and see these majestic soldiers, can not help but have a feeling of admiration.

"Those are the first class of Tatar? Actually so many?" Among the ranks of the army, there are many large vehicles, the cars are all well-prepared first class, and there are people holding the banner of Jiannu, these are all In the proof, the victory of His Majesty's Royal Tour is not false, this battle really won the first level of tens of thousands of Tatarko.

"The general worked hard. The general killed so many tarts and avenged my family. The little old man thanked me again." Some people couldn't help but bring out all kinds of food, and even copper coins to tuck those pawns and pawns. Resolutely refused to accept; seeing this scene, many literary ministers could not help but face ashamed, but this is the food to eat the pulp to welcome the master!

Of course, there are also captives who have surrendered. They do n’t have a good look at these people. They picked up things like stones and smashed them over, and soon they smashed these captives.

Finally, Shen Long ’s imperial prince appeared. In front of the imperial prince, Cao Huachun personally held the Chuanxi jade and held it high to show it to the surrounding people. After seeing this, many Jinyiwei dressed as ordinary people immediately knelt down, "Oh, this It ’s the traditional jade seal. It ’s been 500 years since I lost the traditional jade seal in the Central Plains. Today, I was finally found by the real man! ”

"Long live my emperor, long live long live!" The people on both sides of the street fell down at the same time, shouting long live, the sound of the sky shook the sky, and many of the suspicious courtiers looked pale, and the majesty of his majesty was so great. That ’s good.

If you let Shen Long hear their words, I am afraid they will only sneer, in the future? Rest assured, you do n’t have to worry about this issue at all, because you do n’t have a future.

After the army marched outside the Meridian Gate, Shen Long boarded the tower and began the ceremony of offering prisoners at the Meridian Gate. Like the military parade in later generations, this was a grand celebration that demonstrated the strength of a country ’s military, and the heads were taken out and piled on the ground. In a few moments, several hills were piled up; then the captive tatars. For the official tatars above Niu Luzhen, all of them were pulled out and decapitated, and the rest were punished for hard labor and went to various construction sites. Work to death.

Shen Long loves the people of Daming very much. There are some hard work and danger in road construction, water conservancy, and mining. He really ca n’t bear to let his own people do it, so let these people do it, just as it is. To atone for them, it is cheaper to cut their heads directly. Anyway, they are good labor, and they cannot be wasted.

After the end of the Wumen offering of prisoners, Shen Long took the civil and military officials to the victory temple, beheaded tens of thousands, and captured tens of thousands of victories. They were absolutely qualified to let Daming ’s ancestors know this good news Besides, in addition to this matter, Shen Long also retrieved the jade seal, which is the great news of the day. He wanted to inform Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di of them.

Before the ceremony of winning the Taimiao Temple ended, Shen Long also announced another decision, "It is my great Ming event to retrieve the jade seal of the passing country. I should go to Jinling to inform my majesty the emperor, and the ancestors should pay tribute to the tribute."

If the other emperors said that they would go to the south of the Yangtze, the civil and military officials must be exploded, and they would immediately take out the deeds of the Sui Yang emperor to persuade him, but Shen Long, with the prestige of victory, also reported to Zhu Yuanzhang that he had retrieved the jade seal The reason, Qun Chen did not dare to say anything. He could only kneel down and scream for a long time. It took only a few days for Kung Fu, and Shen Long ’s position in their hearts was very different.

Previously, it was just a little emperor who inherited the ancestor's legacy and became the emperor, but now the real king who pursues the military ancestors and ancestors and is recognized by heaven is completely different.

"I'm a little tired. Go here today. Three days later, I will honor the heroes who have made great contributions to me in this battle." The ceremony for the Taiji Temple ended, and Shen Long let the big guy go. .

The civil and military officials went away after thanks, some of them began to look forward to the rewards they could get; others began to worry, since there are rewards, then there must be punishment. We have done so many illegal things before, this head can still protect Can it survive?

Shen Long returned to the dormitory and rested. Many civil and military officials could not sleep. Some began to look around for the previous news. Those civilians who followed Shen Long became the focus of their visit. However, these people directly closed after returning to the palace. Thank you, no one is here. It is a blessing to be able to save your life this time. How dare you continue to be involved with them?

However, there were always some relations that could not be broken away, so they wrote the confession to Shen Long and slowly dispersed; many ministers reacted differently to this, some hurriedly had a kind of example, and also wrote a detailed petition Sent into the palace, hoping to ask His Majesty for forgiveness; others decided to take the risk and they felt that their guilt was too great. Even if they admit it, they may not be able to survive, and simply go out and fight.

Waking up the next day, Shen Long listened to the reports of Lu Wenzhao and Cao Huachun while eating. These days, there are a lot of demons dancing in the capital, and there are all kinds of weird things. He heard him sneer.

"Your Majesty, please try the rice porridge boiled in the Imperial Dining Room today?" Seeing Shen Long's eyes swept, the little **** who was waiting for the meal immediately filled a bowl of porridge and handed it to Shen Long.

"Cao Huachun." Shen Long glanced at the porridge bowl and immediately ordered, "Everyone who has done a good job has poisoned me. You don't know yet!"

"Ah?" Cao Huachun suddenly panicked and immediately knelt down to the ground. "Your Majesty's Atonement, the old slave took someone to catch this big pervert!"

"Your Majesty ~ Your Majesty ~ ~ This porridge has been tested for poison with a silver needle, and ... and the **** who tried the drug is still good?" The **** who persuaded Shen Long to drink porridge was even more Frightened to pee, quickly distinguished.

"Oh, the silver needle can only test a small amount of poisons such as arsenic." When the silver needle encounters sulfur or sulfide, it will produce a kind of silver sulfide. If the poison does not contain sulfur, this hand will not work. "The one who tried the poison The **** also hurried to the Tai Hospital to see if the poison hasn't come out yet, and it's too late. "But it's not that any poison can be effective immediately.

Soon, Cao Huachun took control of the imperial kitchen, but unfortunately he went one step late. When he went there, two imperial chefs had committed suicide; the Tai hospital also analyzed it. A poison that is too serious is not too harmful if eaten alone. It can be highly toxic when combined with another flavor. This flavor is also found in the Imperial Dining Room.

"How dare someone stab, it's a big deal!" Cao Huachun and Lu Wenzhao both exploded.


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