All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1559: Ward off evil spirits

"Without the military pay, I'm going to feed? Let's go and ask your majesty to take back your life with your adult!" The cronies hidden in the crowd began to confuse, and the team of soldiers and horses will be in chaos.

But a black shadow flashed, and Xungui who was talking on the stage had no head. A young **** who looked only 18 or 9 years old, with a sword, shouted loudly with the head of the honorary, " Your majesty has never said that the Beijing camp will be abolished. This person is bewitching you to rebel! Are you waiting for your brain? "

The crowd suddenly panicked. It ’s one thing to ask your majesty. It ’s another thing to rebel. When they heard this, they quickly dropped their weapons and knelt to the ground. Dare! "

"I haven't caught the crowd talking in a hurry!" With an order, the crowd below spread out, revealing a few circles, before they spoke. Those people were shaking in the circle alone!

The wise man immediately rushed up and took these people down, and the father-in-law immediately smiled, "It's not bad, I'm waiting for your majesty's loyal ministers. I have taken good care of them, and Jinyiwei and Dongchang will send someone to get them later. , This is all due to you! "

A similar situation occurred in multiple military camps in Beijing at the same time. Many honoraries and generals who had just begun to confuse the pawns were killed on the spot by evil eunuchs. In addition, the distinguished honoraries of the British public helped to maintain order, and finally there were few soldiers. A few batches of bad luck were able to step out of the military camp. They were surrounded by Teng Xiang's four guards soon after they left the military camp.

Shen Long ’s only worry is this. He is not afraid that the soldiers in Jingying can enter the palace, but if there are more people coming, the capital will be in chaos. Fortunately, he arranged these evil eunuchs early to stare at those who are mischievous. The honorables and generals of the country resolved them before they had any trouble, so as to avoid greater chaos.

Without the support of Jingying, the rest of the civil and military officials are equivalent to dogs with teeth removed, and they can only tremble in their homes. Once they hear the knock on the door, they will be afraid of death. The young people quickly took drugs and hanged themselves when Jinyiwei and Dongchang broke into the gate.

Of course, it's not that there is no stubborn resistance or want to run away, but as long as someone dares to resist, Jin Yiwei will kill it. How can several family members they domesticate compete with the regular army? It was nothing more than a few deaths in vain. After killing the rebellious family, these people also became prisoners of the order.

"What's wrong with Master Li?" The people on both sides of the street couldn't help but see the minister escorted in the prison car.

"Let ’s tell you that during Your Majesty ’s Royal Expedition, this Master Li was responsible for supplying grain and grass. However, Master Li had already resold the grain and grass in the warehouse, and seeing that this gap could not be filled, Master Li took the risk and took the food team The course of the journey told Tatar, you said that this kind of person should not kill? "Qian Yiwei, the leader of the team, reported his crime aloud.

"Actually colluding with Tartar, it's time to kill!" Jiannu Besieged the city but scared the people in the capital. Now that I heard that there are officials colluding with Jiannu, they don't get angry all at once. Hit the prison car.

Some people were already prepared in Fuzhong. As soon as they heard Jinyiwei smashing the door, they hurriedly tried to escape into the tunnel, and then mixed with the people, looking for an opportunity to escape; but they just opened the secret passage entrance and listened. A sharp voice came from behind, "Master Ma, where are you going?"

Looking back, another young eunuch's belt sword appeared at the entrance of the study. He was looking at them with a smile, "Kill him!" Master Lu raised his secret strong crossbow and planned to shoot.

However, I saw the little eunuch's body flashed away and disappeared. There was a sudden pain in his wrist. When he looked down, his wrist muscles had been picked by the eunuch, and the **** kept flashing in the study. After a while, the family fell to the ground and wailed. Their hamstrings and hamstrings were all picked up by the evil spirits, and they could not escape even if they wanted to escape.

"Thanks to this father-in-law for his help, I'm grateful!" Jin Yiwei also came here at this time, and took a breath at the sight of the situation in the house. If the father-in-law came quickly, they would let them escape. what!

"It's all for your majesty, why don't you divide each other, since you are here, our family can go, and there are several places in our family to look after!" The **** laughed sharply, and his body arrived in a flash A few ups and downs on the roof immediately disappeared between the heavy houses.

Jin Yiwei's Zhao prison was packed full of people. The first time these criminals were arrested, Jin Yiwei and Dongchang began interrogation, some took a few whips to speak, and some thought they could not escape the death penalty. So, he bite the bullet and refused to let go, Jinyiwei's punishment of thousands of households and Dongchang's fan used various means ~ ~ and could not get the testimony he wanted.

"Oh, why not let our family try it!" At this moment, an evil **** stood up and smiled and walked to the prison officer, "Master Lu, look at my eyes!"

Eyes? The tortured adult Lu looked subconsciously, and then his eyes fell into a deep vortex, and the whole person became in a trance.

"Master Lu, say, have you participated in the assassination of Your Majesty? Who else is your party?" The **** asked with a smile.

"I did it. That night, I waited in Master Lin's secret room to discuss countermeasures. Master Zhang was the saint of Xinglin. He came up with a medicinal method to murder His Majesty. There are relatives in Master Yu's room to do the job, So he **** some of the family members of the imperial cooks and threatened them to do things ... "In a trance, this man said everything.

"Go and get people, and take what Master Zhang, Master Yu, Master Lin!" Jinyi Weiqian immediately ordered, but there were two of them who didn't notice it.

After arranging for the man to go out for arrest, thousands of households came to the **** with compliments and smiled, complimenting, "If today is not Grandfather Ji, the official may be delayed!"

"Hahahaha, it's all for your majesty, why don't you be so polite; not to mention that even if he doesn't say, those few can't escape, someone has been staring at their house! It should have been taken down by now!" The **** laughed.

On this day, 300 eunuchs erupted in the capital, showing great power, suppressing all irregularities, helping Jinyiwei and Dongchang to win countless suspects, and asking many important confessions.

After this, the name of the evil guards resounded all over the world.

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