All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1560: Copycat

Jinyiwei and Dongchang stirred the capital into a pot of porridge. Shen Long was waiting for the return in the palace. Various news kept coming. Shen Long's face gradually appeared a smile, but those people were not willing to wait for death. They tried their best. In order to alleviate their predicament, some people even found the head of Queen Zhou, and Queen Zhou also came to persuade Shen Long, "Your Majesty, please redeem your concubine. Is it a bit harsh for you to do this? And ... And it's so important to eunuchs, I'm afraid it's not a blessing!

"Oh, Zi Tong, I also want to treat them kindly, but you can see how they treat me; when I went on the expedition, I tried to cut off my grain and grass. After I came back, I tried to poison and poison me, How do ministers like this treat me kindly? "Shen Long sneered, but he had no opinion on Queen Zhou. He knew that Queen Zhou was not going to fight against himself, but had limited knowledge and did not know what these ministers did.

The Ming generation, in order to prevent the grandfather from growing up, so only choose queens from the cold, so that it can prevent the problem that the grandfather like Yang Jian usurped power, but there is no way to appear like the empress of the grandson, who can understand the general and worry about the emperor. Most of the women who came from Hanmen had limited knowledge and could not see anything deeper.

Queen Zhou didn't know this yet. After reading the reports of Jinyiwei and Dongchang, Shen Long was quite speechless. Shen Long took her hand and said, "If I hadn't gotten more of my heart, I'm afraid I won't be able to come back this time. I saw Zitong. "

Why would the emperor call the empress Zitong? There are several kinds of sayings in it. There is a saying that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty dreamed of a catkin tree, and later favored Wei Zifu. Later, Wei Zifu became the queen, so the descendants called the queen Zi Zi,

There is also a saying that in the ancients, Zi was regarded as the noble king in the wood, and it also had the good intention of taking the homonym, and had Zizi as the son; in ancient times, people felt that the queen should bear the responsibility of opening branches and leaves, and the heir was The first thing of the feudal dynasty, especially among the royal family, the heirs were particularly important. Therefore, in order to cater to the prosperity of this heir, the queen was called Zitong.

"Zi Tong, I also want to be kind to them, but I am really kind to them, and the people of the world will suffer; for the people of the world, as well as my wise mountains, then I have to make them suffer; this It ’s like a big family, they have to be optimistic about their officials and owners, so that they do n’t dare to make trouble, and the servants and tenants in the family can live a little more generously. ”Shen Long knew that the Queen Zhou might not understand it, but In this way she can understand a little.

"The concubine understood it, it was the concubine who took the liberty!" Queen Zhou looked at Jin Yiwei and Dongchang Bao from the discounts. There were so many properties copied from the corrupt officials' house that she couldn't help thinking of her being in Suzhou. The deeds of the corrupt officials heard at that time naturally have little affection for these officials.

"If I were too generous, it would inevitably happen that the evil slaves bullied the Lord. In fact, there were many doubts about the death of the elder brother. I have also quietly checked after assuming the throne. Now I have some eyebrows. Sister said, sooner or later, I will give an explanation to Huangsao. "Shen Long continued, he had buried the forehead before and had played a role, intending to take this opportunity to also solve the problem of the death of the Emperor Tianqi together, this pot is natural To be buckled on Wenchen.

Queen Zhou was the apocalypse queen Zhang Yan's surrogate mother and chose to be Princess of Letters. The relationship with Empress Zhang has always been better. After hearing this, I suddenly forgot the others and immediately cared about this matter.

"It won't take long to find out, Zi Tong don't worry." Shen Long did not disclose the news for the time being, this evidence chain has to wait for Jinyiwei and Dongchang to fill it, but it is not difficult. During Wei Zhongxian's reign, in fact Some civil servants have tried to defeat Wei Zhongxian by killing Tianqi. Since they are prepared, they will not leave clues.

"That concubine would not disturb your majesty." Queen Zhou got up and prepared to leave.

"Right, Zi Tong." Shen Long added after thinking, "If Zhang Zhang and Uncle go into the palace, Zi Tong can tell them that if they want money, they can come to me, and I will help them find a way, but Do n’t take money that you should n’t. ”

Zhou ’s father, Jiadingbo, and Zhou Kuike were the best. When Li Zicheng was besieged by the city, Zhu Youjian ordered all the relatives of the emperor and the ministers of the Manchu dynasty to be donated with silver as military expenses. When the queen sold gold and silver jewelry, he gathered five thousand two, and asked him to hand it to Zhu Youjian.

This guy also deducted 2000 two dollars before reluctantly handing over the remaining 3000 two silvers to the treasury. After Li Zicheng won the capital, Zhou Kui continued to think about nothing, but Li Zicheng was not so good at talking, and his wife and daughter-in-law were forced to hang themselves. When the eldest son was killed and his and his second son and nephew were severely tortured and almost killed, he had to hand over three million silver money and all his family property ~ ~ But then again, Zhou Kui did not give Money can't be considered completely unwise, because he knows the morals of Daming officials very well. What if he can get 50,000 or 100,000? The hand was handed over to the Hube first, and the Hube sent it to the officer again. The officer gave some deductions to the subordinates, and then the subordinates continued to deduct the deductions, and then sent them to ordinary soldiers. It is estimated that even a bun could not be afforded.

Anyway, it ’s useless to hand over the money. It ’s better to keep it. Maybe he can keep his wealth. He just did n’t expect Li Zicheng to be so cruel!

"Concubine ... The concubine knew." Reminiscent of Zhou Kui's character, Queen Zhou suddenly turned pale, and quickly left, leaving Zhou Kui to hurriedly ask.

At this time, in a mansion in Beijing, Jinyiwei and Dongchang also encountered an official who did not give up on the Yellow River. The official justified that he has always been clean and has a clean wind in both sleeves. I copied the money from the official, I am afraid that I have found the wrong person. "

"Oh, Lord Lu is serving in a large number of fat bureaucrats like the military arsenal. No one believes you even if you are a clean official!" The **** of the East Factory who led the team sneered. The deployment of the government, the Literary Selection Department of the Librarianship, the Gonggong Division of the Librarianship, and the Wuxuan Division of the Military Department also called the four major fat gaps in the world. How could there be a clear official in this place.

"If Lord Lu is honest, it saves us trouble, and we can also make Lord Lu live a better life before he dies, but if we speak hard, we will blame me for being ruthless."

Lord Lu continued to be silent, and the **** of the East Factory shook his head. "It seems that there is no tears in the coffin. Come on, please, your majesty, give us our copycat beast."

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