All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1561: Rewards and penalties

When the speech fell, I saw a little **** holding a little guy covered with black fluff and long mouth, which looked like a big mouse, and came forward. After seeing the nominee, he carefully took the little **** The guy was on the ground, and the little guy stood up straight and looked around in the yard, and hurried towards the rockery in the courtyard.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! If you leave the beast, our family wants your head!" The **** of Dongchang immediately took someone up, and the rest of Jinyiwei and Dongchang Fan immediately spread out and surrounded the rockery. , Lest the beast escape.

And Lord Lu suddenly became pale. Of course, he knew what was in the rockery, and he couldn't help but collapse to the ground, and he muttered in his mouth, "This is over, this is over!"

"Haha, Master Lu, your treasure room is cleverly built!" Soon, the **** of Dongchang came out holding the little black guy, and behind him, Jin Yiwei came out of the box holding boxes one by one. It turned out that the old man Lu placed the entrance of the secret room in the rockery and opened the secret room, which was full of gold, silver jewelry, antique calligraphy and paintings that he had obtained through corruption and bribery.

Needless to say, this little black guy is of course the sniff that Shen Long brought back from the Harry Potter world. It is really convenient for the **** of the East Factory to take this guy to copy the house, no matter what the corrupt officials are. No matter how secret it is, there is no way to hide this clever little guy.

"Our house is a little bit, and the things in your secret room are converted into patterned silver. I am afraid that it will be no less than 500,000 two. In the inner library, then let's go to the next one! "The **** of the Dongchang **** was so comfortable. Was it so easy to copy the house before?

Teng Xiang's four guards strictly guarded the city gates. Dongchang and Jinyiwei went all over the city and broke open the door of a family official. They went in and locked them up and closed their doors. The city was a mess.

However, it didn't have much impact on the people. At the beginning, they were still worried. Later, they found that whether it was Jinyiwei or Dongchangfanzi, they only stared at the official family, and they did not make any mistakes for ordinary people. This gradually relieved my heart, and then heard that these officials dared to collude with slaves and seek to stab your majesty, these people suddenly became very angry.

It was not long before the slaves retreated, and their siege was still vivid. They did not have any good feelings about the scum of colluding with the slaves. In addition, Shen Long led the army to **** the army and defeated the slaves, which lifted the siege of Beijing. To make the people feel good about him, we finally met a Mingjun, you actually want to assassinate him, this is really a big deal!

So when an official was taken out of the house and sent to the prison car, the people around him were scolded and thrown into the prison car.

Soon it was time to agree on the award of the Three Armies, and all officials who were qualified to participate in the Dachao meeting came to the gate of the palace early. In the past, these officials would be divided into numbers when they waited to enter the DPRK. Different factions such as the Donglin Party, Qi Party, Zhejiang Party, Chu Party, etc. formed a circle to discuss the countermeasures from the past.

But today, the big guys dare not join in the excitement, standing there silently and silently, while looking at the surroundings secretly, Master Li, Master Lu, Master Ji ... A lot of people have been caught? Suddenly there are so few people in the upswing, but do n’t take my turn!

In stark contrast to them, the generals who participated in the imperial expedition with Shen Long, their faces are all covered with smiles, His Majesty said at the beginning, as long as the battle is won, we will not hesitate to reward, we will solve it in one breath. After tens of thousands of slaves were built, it is needless to say that the promotion of rewards and silver rewards, there is a chance to be a lord!

Xun Gui's expressions were different. Zhang Weixian and some Xun Gui who had a good performance in the battle of defending the city and were not involved in the rebellion of Jingying were relatively calm. They knew that although they could not get the Tengxiang Siwei It's a reward, but my own knighthood should be able to be kept; as for those timid avoiders, the faces are ashamed. Isn't the knighthood that the ancestors have uploaded lost in my hands? What kind of face do I have to meet the ancestors?

When the time had come, the civil and military officials entered the chapel in turn and bowed down to Shen Long on the dragon chair. Long live the mountain, Shen Long did not waste time. After they were flattened, they began to announce the award, from Ding Baiying, Ding Xiu, Ding Xian, Below Ding Chong and Ding Tai, all the Tengxiang four-guard generals who participated in this battle had a reward.

The promotion and reward of silver is self-evident. Shen Long really took out the titles of several counts, rewarded Ding Baiying and others who had made contributions in the process of training strong soldiers and defeating slaves, and then announced their new appointment. "Beijing Camp has been corrupted for many years, and it's time to have to repair it ~ ~ Will wait to go back and get a plan to reorganize the Beijing Camp, and then cooperate with the British public to go and clean up the Beijing Camp!"

"Chen et al.!" Ding Baiying and Zhang Weixian and others fell down together. Zhang Weixian finally put his heart back in his stomach, and His Majesty also let himself be responsible for things in the Beijing camp. This shows that they passed the Zhang family.

"If anyone dares to block the Jingying reorganization, no matter what the origin is, you can cut it first!" It is not enough to have the Tengxiang four guards, Daming is too big, so you must train Jingying into a strong army, etc. After Jingying practiced, it was the end of Tatar, and then the people of Daming could get rid of the burden of Liao.

"Although Jingying is in a state of dilapidation, it is not without talents. In the previous battle of defending the city ..." Shen Feng praised the soldiers who made merits in the battle of defending the city after granting Teng Xiang's four guards It is also a silver reward for promotion, but it is far less generous than Teng Xiang Si Wei, after all, their credit is far less than Teng Xiang Si Wei.

Poor officers of successive backgrounds have been promoted several levels, and some honorable ancestors have received oral praise from Shen Long. Everyone is grateful.

"I have always been rewarded and punished, but I said above the city head, what is the purpose of my Daming to ask you these honors? Isn't it to expect you to train strong soldiers and conquer the Quartet for my Daming? And now, you are even I dare not go to the battlefield, so what use do I want you to have? "Shen Long's eyes swept over Xungui, and they bowed their heads one after another.

"Xiangcheng Bo Li Shouqi, Xing'an Bo Xu Jiben, Xinningbo Tan Hongye, Yingcheng Bo Sun Tingxun ... Ire afraid of advancing the enemies, worthy of my hope, and ashamed of my ancestors, now I will cut down the prince and other officials, Xiangcheng Bo, Xing'an Bo ... Wait for Jazz to wait for severance! "

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