All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1562: exile

The decree, the nobles who were remembered by their names, wept bitterly. The knighthood inherited for more than ten generations and more than two hundred years was cut off on him. How can he live in the future, and what face does he have to see the ancestors after his death? Zong!

Those nobles who were praised by Shen Long were also silent. Before that, no matter what happened in the court, as long as we did not blend in, our riches would not be disturbed. Now, your majesty dare to break the noble title, In the future, if we do things unfavorably, we might follow them!

No, I do n’t need to do it in the future, I ’m going to rectify the Beijing camp soon. If I make a mess here, or if I ’m affected by my family, I ’m going to lose my title! No, after the next dynasty, I have to summon all my family members. If I do n’t have the skills, I hurried to resign and go home. If I have some skills, I have to cooperate with General Ding to rectify the Beijing camp!

If in the past, Shen Long gave the title to a woman, the civil and military officials above the court would certainly resolutely oppose it, but now the generals are afraid, and the civil officials have also counseled, and the purpose of Feng Dingbaiying as the earl has not many people dare to insist. And passed smoothly.

"Silence!" Cao Huachun stopped their crying and continued to recite the imperial edict, "but for the sake of the ancestors of Er and other ancestors who had contributed to Da Ming, the court will give you another chance. I have made great contributions and I can still restore my title! "

Hey, a military commander who was not able in the imperial court would not work either. These honorable families have some inheritance. If they are willing to work hard, they may be able to come up with a few names in the future.

"The courtier waited to thank Lord Long!" Hearing that he still hopes to take the title back, these people are naturally grateful. They have expressed their will to be ashamed and brave, and they will serve the court with care.

"It's just incompetence, but some people are not only incompetent, but even the most basic loyalty is gone, and dare to try to rebellion, it is really a big deal!" Cao Huachun took out the third roster related to honors, "An Xiang Bo Zhang Guangcan, Su Anbo Chen Bingheng, Peng Chengbo Zhang Guangzu ... The above people tried to incite Jingying to make trouble, or were killed on the spot, or were sent to Zhao prison. "

"The above titles have been erased. Those who participated in the rebellion will be decapitated and confiscated, and their property will be confiscated to fill the national treasury. The three families will be exiled in Qiongzhou, and they will not be returned if they are forgiven!"

"My emperor is generous." The ministers were somewhat surprised by the result of the punishment. Since they all rebelled and rebelled, it would be perfectly normal to cut down the princes and the clansman. Even if the Jiu clan is a bit excessive, the Yi clan is completely normal. Actually, only the first evil was killed, and the three tribes were only in exile. Although Qiongzhou was a land of bad disease, it finally saved a life.

They thought Shen Long was generous. In fact, Shen Long just thought that people are precious resources. It is a waste to kill them. It is better to let them open up territory for the Ming Dynasty. At that time, Europe was also occupied by exile prisoners. And New Zealand? He originally wanted these people to go to Dayuan Island, but now that the Dutch on Dayuan Island have not been expelled, they have to let them go to Hainan for a while.

When the Dutch are driven away in the future, the next batch of exiled people can be placed here; killing them is just a breath, leaving them can help Daming to reclaim some land and harvest more food.

Then came the civil servants who followed Shen Long together, and they were of course guilty, but for the sake of their ability to confess their sins and stand up to testify against others, Shen Long dealt with them much lighter, or was demoted and retained Or let them be officials of Jimen, Tongzhou, Zunhua and other places that have been harmed by Tatar, and let them restore order in these places. I believe that with this lesson, they probably dare not perfunctory. Is that right?

"Your Majesty is so generous to wait for his officials, and his officials are grateful. They only have the intention to act to report to your majesty." These people finally breathed a sigh of relief, and their lives were saved, and the result was not too bad. If things are done well, it may not be possible to continue to be promoted in the future, but after this incident, those who are reported by them will definitely regard them as a nail in the eye, and if they lose their backing, they can only continue to hold His Majesty's thighs.

"I need to remember what I said today. I will save money in these places for a few years. When I arrive at the place, I will report to any place that needs the help of the court. I will send someone to send you over, but if someone dares to continue to collect from the people. Taxes, or someone embezzlement, I blame me for being ruthless! "So many commodities of the nobles and officials were confiscated. Shen Long ’s inner treasury and Daming ’s national treasury are now abundant, and restoring order in several states and counties is not at all problem.

However, Shen Long could n’t believe the ethics of the local officials, so he warned them in advance ~ ~ I hope they wo n’t be blinded by local officials after they have assumed office? Those people said yes, write down these one by one.

"For those officials who died in Zunhua, Tongzhou, Sanhe and other places, the court should be generous and compassionate; and those who dare to abandon the city and run away should be beheaded and robbed, the tribes are exiled in Qiongzhou!" These are what I said before, now Handling in accordance with the regulations also makes people resentful, and the plagiarized property just happens to be used for the restoration of these places.

"For the army under the commander of Liaodong and Mao Wenlong and other ministries in Dongjiang Town, rewards and punishments will be made after the war report is reported and verified!" Mao Wenlong said better. As for Guan Ningjun, it depends on Zu Dashou if they know If you know it, if you know it, you will come to Beijing to lead the death, and you will have to hand over the military power. If you die, you can still keep your family.

If you are not interested, if you continue to be in Liaodong, do n’t blame me for killing your family! Chongzhen did n’t dare to deal with Zu Dashou because he was afraid of surrendering to Jian slaves, and Shen Long did n’t worry about them at all, not to mention Jian slaves had been beaten up by himself, and after the death of Emperor Taiji, Mangguertai and Amin , Daishan, Dorgon and others will surely be in a group, as long as Zu Dashou still has a little brain, he will not go to build slaves.

"Your Majesty Shengming!" These treatments are all reasonable and reasonable, leaving the group officials with nothing to say but to extol themselves.

"Okay, now the rewards and punishments for the war are temporarily over, it ’s time to talk about those things that are against the party; Dongchang and Jinyiwei continue to arrest the suspects, and after the evidence is found, they are handed over to the Trial Division for trial; the Ministry of Criminal Affairs, Dali Temple and all The procuratorate must be prepared. "Shen Long asked the three law divisions to examine these people. One is the procedure, and the other is to look at it. Under such circumstances, will it be possible to catch more people out.

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