All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1563: This one trick is too ruthless

Regarding this, the ministers did not have any opinions. When my ministers of the Ming Dynasty rarely shut up, today they have to shut up, because now Shen Long is not just a little emperor who has just enthroned. They are also recognized by God. In a short time, they can't think of a good way.

"In addition, there are those who abandoned their officials and fled when the slaves were attacked. What should these people do?" Nima held the court's salaries one by one. When she was fine, she could do anything by embezzlement and bribery. When an enemy strikes, I immediately clean up the road, what use do I want these people?

"Your Majesty, these shameless people should follow the example of abandoned Tuer escape, behead and copy the house, exile the three tribes!" The previous civil servants who followed Shen Long together and drove them immediately began to show loyalty. They came to ask your majesty, let ’s say that they were Beijing officials, and they fled when they built the siege, what is not the crime of abandoning the earth?

"This is wrong, even though this generation is wrong, but it should not be beheaded!" Recently, the loss of civil servants in Daming was really too heavy, so the big men in the court had to come out and help them talk.

"Yes, Your Majesty, this generation is shameless, but it should not be too harsh ..." Today Shen Long suppresses these civil servants. It is too pitiful, so once someone takes the lead, someone will immediately follow up and demonstrate from all aspects. It is unreasonable to decapitate these beheadings who fled the government.

More and more people came to persuade, and gradually suppressed those civilians who recommended severe punishment. Shen Long now basically controls the generals of Daming, but there are not many supporters among the civilians.

"Since Aiqing pleads for them, then I will bypass them this time." Shen Long sneered in his heart, would they be better off without killing them? There are many ways to punish.

"But the death sin is redeemable, the living sin is hard to spare, and the official, the name of the country, if everyone wants to give up, what is the face of the court? Since these people have abandoned the name of the country, they don't have to serve the court! The purpose is to chase their writings since they were born, quit their jobs for the people, confiscate their property, and repatriate them! "Well, since you have lost your official position, don't be an official forever!

The public ministers were slightly relieved when they heard the words. Although the punishment was harsh, it was much looser than the disposal of the exile of the three tribes.

They were about to thank Shen Long, but they heard Shen Long continue to say, "Their tribes do not need to be exiled, but don't think about being an official anymore. Officials who have deserted are strictly forbidden in the three generations. "Right now, it doesn't matter what one person does and one person does. It's common for Zhulian family.

what! Qunchen was shocked, if only one person's official position was wiped out, it would be better to say something, although the court would copy the house, but they still have some surplus for many years. After returning to their hometown, they carefully taught the younger generation. Come out, by this time, depending on his old age in the officialdom, this family may still be able to turn over.

But if the imperial examinations are forbidden within three generations, then it ’s really over. In the local area, you still have no talents or celebrities in your family, and they will definitely be reduced to being bullied by the officials and the nobles; Hope, who will you bully without bullying? If this is left in the village, I am afraid it will be more miserable than exile.

This method of disposal is not without precedent. For example, Xu Xiake was so troubled that he could not take the Imperial Examination because of his fraud on the imperial examination. Shen Long said just now that you do n’t want to be an official? Well, don't let your whole family be an official anymore. The future generations still want to be a political judge. There is something like this in your family. Do you want to be an official? Wonderful!

However, this is not over yet. Shen Long covered the coffins of these people with a shovel of soil again. He continued, "The emergence of such shameless people means that his hometown is in a wrong style! The hometown of these shameless people is temporarily suspended. Three years of imperial examination, and then reopen the local imperial examination after three years! During this period, it is strictly forbidden to apply for the examination!

If it is just for their family, then they may complain that the court did not do justice, sing with the local scholars, and corrupt the image of the court; now because of their reasons, local scholars cannot participate in the imperial examination within three years. Exams, do these haters still hate them in their bones?

Wait for them to come home and wait for them to be scolded by the local scholars! It is because of their involvement that they have wasted three years of precious time. Who can bear this? The dogs they scolded had to be bloodied. How could they sing with each other and listen to their nonsense?

"Your Majesty!" The first two are more apt to say, but the last one has made many ministers panic. Since they are willing to come out to help these people, it will naturally not be irrelevant. There are many people in their hometown. What about ~ ~ If my son and nephew, who had been involved in the incident, were unable to take the imperial examination for three years, it would be a big loss!

"Okay, this matter is so settled! If the court is too generous, how can I face the loyal loyal ministers who lost their loyalty to the country? In the past three years, the places taken from them were rewarded to them for their loyalty The official hometown! "Shen Long could not help but make a decision.

You want to leave their lives, no problem, but I will do nothing about what I will do next! I think you probably regret to speak for them now? It is a pity that it is too late.

After this, I am afraid that few people dare to abandon their jobs and escape? Because you dare to run, the whole family and the whole village have to be implicated. When you return to your hometown, you will only be spurned by the villagers, and maybe you will be kicked out by the clan; if you are loyal to the country, you will be able to welcome deep welfare for your hometown. The people in their hometowns will certainly offer incense at four o'clock, and the relatives who stay in their hometowns will also receive the best care.

By comparison, what kind of decision should be made? Sometimes you want to run away. Those family members who follow you must force you to stay for their children! Your majesty is so cruel.

The ministers who had just pleaded with each other regretted it. If they knew that it would be better to let them die, they would n’t be implicated in me. Now they are fine. My nephews have to waste three years in vain ! When they think of this, they ca n’t wait to kill those who have just helped pleading!

This matter is over. Today, all the issues of the Dachao meeting have been discussed, and the officials have no intention to discuss other things. So the Dachao meeting will be dispersed, and the big guy will continue to discuss the measures.

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