All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1564: Ice and Fire 2

Jingzhong suddenly won so many officials, Zhao prison was quickly filled, Dongchang and Jinyiwei had to start borrowing the prison of the criminal department, Lu Wenzhao was very clear about the doorway in the prison, he was not at ease to let the criminal department People guard these prisoners, and if they are allowed to deal with them, the ghost knows when these prisoners were committed suicide.

So he asked Shen Long to send some evil eunuchs to help guard the prison. The prison guards and everything were replaced by reliable personnel borrowed from Teng Xiang ’s four guards. If anyone wants to inform the news or kill someone, he is not so good now. It's easy.

Most of the officials who abandoned their jobs and were fleeing were also arrested, but they did not need much effort. Once verified, Jin Yiwei would immediately copy the house; Lu Wenzhao escaped from the blood of the corpse mountain in Salhu. The people who fled the battle naturally had no good feelings, and immediately ordered people to **** them back to their place of origin after the copying.

Shen Lian was also ordered to **** a group of officials whose hometown is not far from the capital to return to his hometown. After packing, he took a small group of people to **** these people out of Beijing to return to the village. Just out of the city gate, he saw a team ahead The team is led by the **** Li Fusheng, who had previously dealt with him.

"Oh, isn't this Shen Qianhu? Did Shen Qianhu go there for a job?" Li Fusheng saw Shen Lian, waited for a while by the road, and then said hello.

"When I returned to my father-in-law, Xiaguan was escorting the deserted principal Jiang back home to Yucheng County, not only the father-in-law was going there?" Shen Lian Gongshou replied, then asked, he knew that Li Fusheng was His Majesty's confidant, Don't dare to neglect at all.

"Hahaha, that was a coincidence. Our family is about to send the bones of Lord Wang in Zunhua to return to his hometown for burial. His hometown is in Jinshan County, just next to Yucheng County. We can go together!" Li Fusheng also knew that Shen Lian was the commander of Jin Yiwei's commander Lu Wenzhao, and naturally wanted to have a good relationship with him.

"That's really no better!" Since the two are on the same road, the two teams will be one team and head to the south together. When staying at the post along the way, officials and merchants have heard about the errands they want to do. Stepped forward to accuse Master Jiang.

Especially his fellow countryman, glared at him and yelled, "You are dying and die, why do you want me to wait? The child has been studying hard for more than ten years. You ca n’t even enter the exam room! Do you still have a face?

In the front of the coffin of Lord Wang, there are people who continue to send incense, "Master Wang is loyal to the country and is a model for the world's readers. Even if I die, I will leave Jinshan County. Allow the next blessing to protect the king's heroic spirit back to his hometown, and then burn some incense sticks in front of the king's spirit. "

This guy was very happy, and his family also had a nephew who was preparing for the scientific exam. It was originally estimated that he lacked academic ability. This subject might not be a high school, but who had thought that Jinshan had a hero like Master Wang, who put The talent spot in Yucheng was won by Jinshan. This place has more than doubled the number of talents. The probability of Zhong Xiucai has greatly increased. How can he be unhappy!

Jiang Jiang wailed and wept in the prison car. It was like this when he met his fellow countryman on the road. I'm afraid it would be even worse when he returned home? I might as well die.

Shen Lian saw Master Jiang ’s thoughts, and warned before coming to the prison car, “Since Your Majesty has spared your life, you should be grateful. If you dare to commit suicide, you will be disrespectful to Your Majesty; The four generations of Yucheng Jiang's family are forbidden to do scientific research, and the six-year scientific research in Yucheng is suspended. "

The Yucheng people who have been suspended for three years of scientific research can't stand it anymore. If they stop for another six years, the prospects of the people will be completely ruined. When they heard this, the Yucheng people in the post couldn't help but continue to point at Master Jiang. 'S nose yelled, "Dare you dare to hold a grudge? Could it be to destroy my jade city completely?"

The principal Jiang Xia did n’t even dare to die. If he died, he would have affected the Jiang family for a generation. Well, although he had no official position, the three generations in his family could not have an imperial examination. Willing to marry his daughter to their Jiang family, it is not necessarily that he will have grandchildren, but there is always some hope?

If you die, you will still be involved in your great-grandson's generation. That Jiang family will have no hope at all. You can't die or dare to die! Master Jiang turned his head and looked at the incense in front of Lord Wang's spirit. His eyes were full of envy, knowing that there would be today, I might as well go out of town and die!

Shen Lian and Li Fusheng did not dare to delay all the way, and finally arrived at the junction of Yucheng and Jinshan County on this day, and the county officials of these two counties were informed that they had led people to wait at the intersection early.

The expressions on the faces of these two magistrates are completely different. The magistrate of Yucheng County, where Chief Jiang is located, looks as dark as a pan ~ ~ Although he is not from Yucheng County, his education is to verify whether a magistrate is qualified. As an important indicator, Yucheng County is affected by Jiang ’s principal, and he cannot take the imperial examination for three years. His assessment will definitely fall into the lower class. What good looks will he have?

In contrast, the county magistrate of Jinshan County has a solemn face, and his eyes are full of irresistible joys. The county has suddenly doubled the number of talents. His evaluation will be very beautiful. It is hopeful that this post will be promoted!

"Xiaguan leads Jinshan's father to welcome Wang Gongying to his hometown!" After seeing King Wang's coffin, the Jinshan county magistrate immediately brought people down to the ground and stood up after the ceremony. During the break, the elders of Jinshan are also preparing to build a temple to worship near the rest of the prince, offering incense at four.

"Adults in Zhixian are ready!" Li Fusheng replied.

"Since Master Wang has returned to his hometown, let Xiaguan and the fathers of Jinshan return the home for Master Wang, and go through this last part of the journey!" The casket walked towards the county step by step. Everywhere on the way, the people of Jinshan burned incense and sacrificed on the side of the road. Everyone of the accompanying Wang clan felt that there was light on their faces, and they thanked them all.

On the other hand, in Yucheng County, the patriarch of the Jiang family in Yucheng looked as dark as a pot. After the county magistrate and Shen Lian greeted him, they immediately read out the clan ’s decision to break Jiang ’s family out of the clan. They get rid of punishment, but this is also a necessary means to show attitude to His Majesty.

Along the way, the people in Yucheng saw Master Jiang coming, and they rushed to spit and yelled. The Jiang family who once lived in the past could not lift their heads, and the two neighboring counties showed the scene of ice and fire.

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