All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1565: Zu Dashou panicked

Political life is also a life. Sometimes the punishment of exclusion of political power is more deterrent than murder. After receiving the rewards from Li Fusheng and Shen Lian, Shen Long said with emotion that it seems that he can continue to exterminate a family Even the case of scientific qualifications in a certain area is carried forward.

In fact, he still has a foreshadowing of this method. The punishment for deprivation of political power is currently limited to the territory of Daming. If the colony expands in the future and enters Southeast Asia, East Asia, and even the American continent, this punishment can be released. The family did not expect to be an official in Daming, but it was not subject to this restriction in the colony. They could go to Southeast Asia, Japan and South Korea, and the American continent.

In this way, you can resolve the habits of Daming people ’s relocation and lay a solid foundation for Daming to expand into new territories, and help these newly-developed territories solve the problem of lack of officials; it is up to you to attach more importance to your hometown. Seriously, if the desire to be an official is even better.

But then again, as in the case of Master Jiang's family, if you stay in your hometown, I'm afraid it will be more uncomfortable? Think about it, the clan regards it as a drag, the fathers and fathers of the whole county hate them, and they have no chance to climb up. At this time, if the court has a purpose, say that if you are willing to go to Southeast Asia, it will be given immediately. County magistrates, I am afraid that these people will immediately be tempted?

Since His Majesty the First Emperor unified the Six Kingdoms, the Central Plains dynasty has occupied the most fertile land in East Asia. All directions in the southeast and northwest are central to the Central Plains. In addition, the characteristics of feudal farming civilization have made Central Plains lose its direction. The desire to expand abroad, and Shen Long ’s approach is to cut off the hope of some elite families climbing up the Central Plains, forcing them to turn their eyes overseas. Perhaps this way, when Daming began to expand the colony, Someone is available.

Well, when the trial of the civil and military officials of the three law divisions is over, the first evil must be beheaded, and their families have been dealt with according to this method; within three years, the Jingying camp will be trained, and then the slaves will be promoted, and then the round will be followed. When Daming expanded outwards, I believe that for them, the three years will definitely be like a year. When the court opens a little bit of mouth, it is estimated that many people will actively sign up to go overseas?

If you stay in the Central Plains, you can only watch what you learned in the past is not useful. Perhaps your generation can rely on the teaching of your parents, and you can still read and read, but you can wait until your child ’s generation, but you will not be qualified. ; The three generations cannot take imperial examinations, which means that you have absolutely no political power locally. Such a family can only become weaker and weaker. If you want to find a way out for the family, you can only go overseas.

While Shen Long was calmly waiting for the review results of the three law divisions, the dynamics of Beijing and Zhongzhong also spread to Liaodong and to Dongjiang Town, and the two places also showed completely different reactions.

After Mao Wenlong heard that Ding Baiying and others were knighted, he was excited and difficult to attach. He had been in Liaodong for many years, and his gains were certainly not to mention Ding Baiying and others. However, he also made considerable contributions to contain slaves. When he withdrew his troops, he attacked many times and also won a lot of first ranks. It is estimated that he also had the hope of lordship.

"Mao Shuai, Your Majesty said, as long as you continue to be loyal to the country and wait for Liaodong to be completely settled, His Majesty will not hesitate to reward the Lord!" Wang Chengen received Shen Long's telegram, comforting Mao Wenlong according to the information in the telegram, "Previously Dongjiang The merits of the town have been reported to Your Majesty, and His Majesty has sent people to come to Dongjiang Town for a reward. Mao Shuaida does not have to worry about the credit being divided by others. "

When there are many online novels that mention Mao Wenlong, he always talks about his poem, "Looking for a Seal in Three Thousands of Miles," to prove Mao Wenlong's merits and fame; however, this poem is by Li Hongzhang, and the full text is " Husband only took Wu Hou, and his ambition was higher than Baizhilou. Who has written a history for 10,000 years? Looking for a seal of eight thousand miles away. He will take the lead and follow the way, that is the leisurely chase of water gulls! , How many people have come to Yingzhou since then? "

But Mao Wenlong's heart of fame and fortune is real, otherwise he will not come to Dongjiang Town at risk, so after hearing Wang Chengen's words, thank him immediately, "Thank you His Majesty for your love, and Wei Chen will bow down."

"Although the contribution of Dongjiang Town this time is not as great as that of Tengxiang's four guards, but it also has a lot of gains. It is worse than Ningjin Dajie and Ningyuan Dajie. His majesty will definitely reward Dongjiang Town with ups and downs." Wang Chengen encouraged Mao Wenlong and others After some comments, he warned, "However, judging from His Majesty's adaptation of Teng Xiang's four guards, His Majesty did not like what Ning Yuanbo did in the past, but instead favored Qi Shaobao's methods, so Mao Shuai still had some things It ’s better to think clearly. "

What is the difference between Li Chengliang and Qi Jiguang? Of course, Mao Wenlong knew that Li Chengliang was in Liaodong big trainer Ding ~ ~ while Qi Jiguang treated his fellow soldiers equally. Lian Jiading can undoubtedly make it easy for the leader to take his pay and treat his subordinates as his own things. The soldier's general is a good thing, but it is just the other way round for the court.

If in the past, Mao Wenlong might hesitate one or two, because in his view, training family Ding is a good way to maintain the combat effectiveness of the army, but now, Teng Xiang four defenders defeated 100,000 gold soldiers outside the Desheng gate, your family Ding Lian No matter how good it is, will it be possible to win Teng Xiang's four guards? So Mao Wenlong's thinking has also changed.

"The last general had done something wrong before, and after that, let those children recognize their ancestors and return their original surnames." Mao Wenlong had previously collected many dry sons in Dongjiang Town. Geng Zhongming, Shang Kexi, Kong Youde and others had once It was his dry son, and he followed him to change his surname to Mao. After a few words from Wang Chengen, Mao Wenlong knew that His Majesty certainly did not like him to do so.

Of course, Shen Long doesn't like it. You are not a white beard. Why do you accept so many sons? Are you planning to turn Dongjiang Town into a private force? So he deliberately asked Wang Chengen to order Mao Wenlong. If he knew it well, if he didn't know it, he resolved Guan Ningjun, and then it was Dongjiang Town's turn.

Fortunately, Mao Wenlong was quite interesting, but it saved a lot of trouble for Shen Long; Mao Wenlong used to perform meritorious deeds when he fought against slaves and made the right choice, but Zu Dashou made a completely opposite decision. Didn't obey Shen Long's orders, and blocked the Taiyuan Great Army in Zunhua, but now Zu Dashou has a headache.

If the Jingying is unable to withstand a battle, it is better to say that the imperial court can only place the hope of blocking the slaves on them, but at present, the Tengxiang Siwei defeated the slaves outside the capital, and the slaves lost tens of thousands. Hong Tai is dead, what should I do now?

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