All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1566: You can't keep your own money

"I shouldn't regret that I didn't go to Zunhua. Your Majesty asked me to wait in Beijing to ask for guilt. How should my ancestral family be good?" Zu Dashou regretted and got together with Zu Dale, Zu Runze and others to discuss countermeasures .

"My ancestors have been stationed in Liaodong for many years. Even if there is no credit, there will be hard work! Now that the slaves are not destroyed, will your majesty be as good as a bird, hide it, and cook a cunning rabbit?" Zu Dale is still not convinced. But he didn't want to think about it. They have been stationed in Liaodong for many years. What have they done besides wasting Liao?

"I don't need our ancestral family to eliminate Jian Nu right now. Teng Xiang's four guards are enough! Even though Teng Xiang's four guards can't easily leave Beijing, His Majesty has begun to rectify the Beijing camp. These of us are really useless. "Wu Xiang sighed, why the world has changed so fast, Guan Ningjun was still a strong army in the world in the past two years, how long has it been before he emerged from the Tengxiang four guards This kind of battle can kill tens of thousands of powerful troops? Go there and justify it.

"I'll wait for Daming to close, and your majesty can't force you too much? It's so hard, let's put Tatar into the gate and see how the court ends!" Zu Runze said with a bite.

"Confused! If you might still be able to frighten the court before, but now, there are Teng Xiang four guards in Beijing, Jian Nu has just been interrupted, and after the death of the slave chief Hong Tai, Mang Gurtai, A Min, Dai Shan, Dorgon, and others were in a group, and it was not enough to defend the existing site. Then there was still the power to commit my Da Ming! "To be honest, Zu Dashou now hopes that Huang Taiji is still alive than many slaves.

If he was alive, Jiannu could still twist into a rope and continue to maintain the threat to Daming, but now that Emperor Taiji died, Jiannu would become a mess. Not to mention Daming, even Lin Danhan started to go east and tried to find Jianming The slave revenge.

"Is it only possible to go to Beijing to ask for guilt? The younger brother also asked someone to ask for some rumors. Those civilians who greeted us with smiles in the past will either go to prison or stay behind closed doors. Even our messengers are reluctant to see them. I am afraid they have entered the capital. No one will help us speak. ”Wu Xiang sighed again.“ Since then, even if I can save my life after entering Beijing, I am afraid I will be dismissed for the people! It ’s hard to say that even three generations will be implicated. ”

They did not rush to Zunhua, and how different is it from those officials who deserted the soil? If they were not a step late, I am afraid that at least tens of thousands of slaves would have to be kept in the gate. How can your majesty swallow it? Thinking about the three generations of fugitives who could not take the scientific examination, Wu Xiang was almost afraid of getting into his bones. In this case, the Wu family and the ancestor's family would all be over.

"I'm afraid there is only one way now." Zu Dashou sighed. He was unwilling to make such a choice unless he had to do so, but now there is no other way out. He glanced at the relatives of the ancestral family and the Wu family. Said, "I will ask the supervisor tomorrow, let the supervisor allow me to wait out of the city to fight against Tatar!"

"Brother, don't do it! Tatar is fierce. If I'm in a battle, the family who has been tamed for many years will be completely finished!" At this, the big guy panicked. You want to say that the city is okay. Don't you die?

"Oh, what's the use of keeping these family members now? Can you stop Teng Xiang's four guards?" Zu Dashou smiled bitterly, "If there are other ways to go, I'll be willing to go there again?" The old book of survival.

"I heard that there were many gains from Mao Wenlong, and His Majesty was quite commendable, and Mao Wenlong had dispersed his righteous sons. He has always been loved by His Majesty. It is expected that His Majesty is very dissatisfied with me and his family. In this way, it is better to obey His Majesty ’s meaning, and it ’s better to wear crimes and make merits! ”You have to say that fighting Zu Dashou has no idea, but the ability to figure out people ’s hearts is still quite good.“ After solving Liaodong, it ’s time to turn to other towns in Jiubian Well, if I can save your majesty, I do n’t think your majesty will be too harsh for me to wait? "

"Big Brother said yes." Wu Xiang and others also wanted to understand that now they can't raise their own weight as they used to. They are facing two roads in front of them, either surrender to build slaves, or listen to your majesty completely, In comparison, how can Jiannu handle better than Tengxiang Siwei? "That being the case, I'll go to ask Sun Dushi together and let him let us go out of town to fight against Tatar."

With military merit, should it be possible to punish the merit? What's more, now that Tatar is all in a ball, I'll wait for work, maybe I can still get some results. At that time, maybe I can not only offset the original sin, but also go up a liter! Teng Xiang's four guards have sealed several titles, and I may not have a chance to wait.

So overnight, Zu Dashou, Wu Xiang and others changed from cowards who were afraid of war to warriors who vowed to die for the court, and they came to Sun Chengzong to pray for battle.

Of course Sun Chengzong knows their thoughts, and he is also happy to see them go to war. After all, he has also been responsible for the crime of besieging the slaves. He is the supervisor of Liaodong, Zu Dashou. They are all subordinates of Sun Chengzong ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ The subordinates made a mistake, can Shangguan have no responsibility? So he thought about it and agreed to Zu Dashou's request.

"That's all, the officer made this old face and begged His Majesty to allow Er to wait for the crime and make merits, but this time Er and others can't have other thoughts."

"Thank you Supervisor, at the end, I will definitely reinvent the heart and settle the Liaodong for the court!" Zu Dashou and others were overjoyed. After going down, they hurriedly rectified their troops and left behind the old, weak, sick and disabled, only with the young and the elite Go out of the city and go straight to the cities that are still occupied by Jiannu.

Nowadays, there has been a mess inside the Jiannu. Only a few of the slaves in these cities are left behind. They did not expect that Zudashou and others would dare to take the initiative, so they were caught by surprise. Zudashou, Wu Xiang and others The next three cities are in succession, but there has been a lot of limelight.

Hehe, does it seem that Guan Ningjun can still fight? It was just that they refused to give up their power. Now they have no way out, and to the point where there is no way to fight deadly, they can finally take out all the fighting power? After receiving the news, Shen Long sneered, okay, they were quite interesting.

If they are willing to accept the adaptation after the establishment of the slaves, they should bypass them this time. Of course, the responsibility for delaying the fighters must be investigated. Can we control the army with clear rewards and penalties?

The slaves suffered heavy losses, and without the core of Huang Taiji, under the two sides of Sun Chengzong and Mao Wenlong, they could not be annihilated in a short time, but they did not have to worry about them harming the territory of Daming.

In this way, you can consider another wave of problems, "Come here, call Wang Chengen back to Beijing!"

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