All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1567: Zheng Zhilong

Shen Long ordered this, and Wang Chengen received the will immediately, so he hurriedly handed over the post of the supervising army to the **** eunuch who came to Dongjiang Town with him, and then said to Mao Wenlong, "His Majesty is right Mao Shuai is quite commendable. After returning to the palace, our family will report all the merits and hard work of Mao Shuai to His Majesty. "

"Now there is a supervisor in Mao Shuaijun and Sun Guozhen in Denglai is supplying grain and grass ordnance. Mao Shuai can boldly attack Jiannu. When the Liao affair is settled, when His Majesty returns to Beijing, his majesty will not hesitate to reward him. "

"Thank you Prince Gong for your kindness." Mao Wenlong and Wang Chengen's cooperation was quite pleasant. People did not interfere with their military command, and they could accurately report their credit and promptly urge Dun Lai to supply grain and grass. Such a military supervision is simply awesome. , "Originally, I would like to let the prince continue to stay in the army, but the prince is a celebrity before the prince. This time it will be of great use to enter Beijing, and the lord will not dare to delay the future of the prince. Some gifts are not respectable, I also hope that the Grand Duke will accept it. "

"It must not be the case. Your majesty has been told not to ask for property from Mao Shuai!" Wang Chengen did not dare to ask. After he resigned, he said another question, "To let Mao Shuai know, Xu Guangqi, Master Xu Guangqi cultivated in Huangzhuang The elite has now achieved little success, and later His Majesty will send someone to deliver the elite to Dongjiang Professor Er and other plants for planting. At that time, Mao Shuai must cooperate carefully. The importance of this matter is never under the elimination of slaves. "

During the Xiaobinghe period, I wanted to grow common crops in the Northeast, and the harvest might not be optimistic, so Shen Long planned to let Xu Guangqi ’s students come to Dongjiang Town to teach him how to grow sorghum, millet, soybeans and other food suitable for planting in the Northeast region in order to feed. More local people will be strengthened to develop the Northeast.

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will definitely do it with my heart!" Dongjiang Town also has a military bureau, and Mao Wenlong attached equal importance to this work, and immediately agreed without hesitation.

People today are very worried about planting new crops, because they all rely on the land to eat, and if they ca n’t grow anything in the field, then it ’s all over; in fact, I do n’t know what I know, that is, in future generations, what does the local government want to introduce When new crops are used, local people will be very cautious.

So although potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and other crops have already entered Daming, they have not been able to plant them on a large scale; considering these factors, Shen Long did not directly order ordinary people to plant, but first in the royal imperial estate Trial planting, when the surrounding people see the results, they will naturally imitate.

In other places, he intends to start from Juntun in various military towns. As long as the army has food and the soldiers do not participate in the rebellion, then Daming will not have too much chaos, and the land of Juntun will have a lot of speeches. Right, this is better than persuading ordinary people to plant sweet potatoes and soybeans. Like Huangzhuang, after seeing the results, the surrounding people will follow suit.

Dongjiang Town is all the way, Yansui Town, Gansu Town, Guyuan Town and other northwest border towns are also the key points. Shen Long also sent eunuchs and officials who are familiar with sweet potato and potato cultivation, and were escorted by the Tengxiang Fourth Guardian to teach the local army Town planting, and they also have the task of secretly investigating the local corruption and cleaning up the military village, but they will not deal with these corrupt officials immediately. They need to wait for the completion of the Beijing camp before they can start. The method takes into account all border towns in Jiubian.

Taking into account that the uprising in the northwest has gradually emerged, Shen Long also came up with a countermeasure. He followed the method of the Song Dynasty and selected young and strong soldiers from the army. Without the young and strong, it is not easy for the refugees to think about things again, according to According to the latest news he received, Li Zicheng, Zhang Xianzhong and others have joined the army, and it seems that they will no longer do the promising job of the leader of the peasant uprising.

Several groups of evil eunuchs were sent out, and then Shen Long waited for Wang Chengen's return to go out. Shen Long found that Wang Chengen was a bit more capable than before, and it seemed that the exercise during this time had greatly improved him.

After listening to Wang Chengen's report, Shen Long nodded, "It's a good job, and let's go to rest for a few days. After the rest, I have another important task."

"Your Majesty, please direct your orders, the slave-servant does not need to rest." Wang Chengen's inner power of warding off evil spirits is quite a bit of a skill, and the long journey will not make him too hard.

"A few days of rest will not delay the business. Besides, you have now been promoted to the **** of the governor of the Imperial Horse, and you have to see your subordinates." Shen Long planned to train Wang Chengen to be the governor of Dongchang, so he was promoted as soon as he came back After he was an official, he was still a real authority such as Yu Ma Jian.

After a few days of rest, Wang Chengen visited Shen Long again, this time Shen Long began to give him an account of the task, "Cheng En, you went to Liaodong before, this time you help me go to the south! Bring more people, see first Look at the situation from Beijing to Jiangnan ~ ~ to make some preparations for me to worship the emperor Taizu. "

"Then go to Fujian again and see the Fujian Procurator Xiong Wencan and the Haiphong guerrilla Zheng Zhilong. Oh, yes, Yu Daigao, the son of Yu Dayou, seems to have been taken away from the military now. Did you go to meet him and take Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao brought him to the capital together! "Zheng Zhilong has now been recruited by Xiong Wencan, and Yu Xiagao was taken to office because he was defeated by Zheng Zhilong.

"Go tell them that I plan to set up a naval division on the north side and let them take charge of this matter." Hey, there are not many naval talents in Daming today, and there are probably only a few that can be counted on.

"Slaughter-in-law!" After Wang Chengen took the imperial edict, he brought a new team of evil eunuchs. Without any alarm, he quietly traveled from Beijing to Jiangnan. After arriving in Jinling, Wang Chengen organized what he saw along the way into documents and gave them to several names. The guardian of evil spirits was sent back to Beijing, and then the banner of the mission was sent out, from Jinling to Fujian.

Went from Jinling to the sea along the Yangtze River, heading south along the coastline, heading upstream on the Min River, landing from Mawei to Huduocheng, where the Fujian governor's office is located.

Wang Chengen first gave Xiong Wencan some encouragement. Shen Long praised Zheng Zhilong in his will, and Xiong Wencan was delighted.

Then Wang Chengen had to call Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao together. At this time, Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao were in Quanzhou, but the situation was very different. Yu Xiagao had been dismissed for the people, but Zheng Zhilong had just become a Shanghai guerrilla. It is in the spring breeze.

They suddenly received a message from Xiong Wencan and asked them to quickly go to Huduo to receive the imperial edict. This time Zheng Zhilong and Yu Zigao wondered at the same time, what did your majesty give us the imperial edict to let us go?

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