All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1568: East China Sea Fleet

With a bit of anxiety, Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao went to Hudiao successively. Although the two enemies were on the same route, they did not have any communication at all. It is no wonder that Yu Zigao lost his official because of Zheng Zhilong. What about the belly fire?

Hurrying to Huduo, the two came to Wang Chengen's station and sent a famous post to meet him. Wang Chengen immediately welcomed the two of them together in the hospital, and then read the imperial decree, Shen Long asked them to go to Beijing, then went to Denglai to take charge After preparing for the Ming Dynasty East China Sea Fleet, Yu Xiagao immediately thanked him, and he was finally able to become an official again.

Zheng Zhilong was quite entangled. His territory was in Quanzhou. He suddenly left the base camp and headed north. For his former pirate who had just recruited him, he was a bit worried. Should he be chopped as soon as he entered Beijing?

"Huh? Isn't Zheng Guerrilla going to take orders?" Wang Chengen suddenly snorted when he saw his face. What do you mean? Was he still stunned at the time of receiving the decree, do you think you lived too long?

"Last will perish Xie Huangen, long live my emperor long live long live long live!" Zheng Zhilong has no big ambitions, otherwise he will not vote for Manchu in the future, since he can go to the capital in Manchurian rule, he received the decree of Daming Naturally, he didn't dare to go against it. He froze and thanked quickly, and then quickly explained, "The end will be overjoyed, and hope the father-in-law will forgive me!"

"Well!" Wang Chengen nodded slightly, accepting his explanation, and then took them to the house, and began to explain the meaning of Shen Long. "Now, Taixi Barbarians violated my famous territory. General Yu and General Zheng had previously Defeat Hong Maoyi, Your Majesty is deeply pleased. "Yu Xigao once defeated the Dutch fleet in the Penghu Islands, and Zheng Zhilong once fought against the Dutch on Dayuan Island.

"Some slight achievements can even be passed into His Majesty's ears, and he will be terrified!" Now Shen Long has just defeated the Emperor Taiji and obtained the Jade Seal of the Passing Kingdom. It was when the prestige was uplifted. Overjoyed.

"The two generals, I don't know what was the difficulty when fighting Hongmao Yi?" Wang Chengen asked according to Professor Shen Long's routine, and Yu Xiagao and Zheng Zhilong answered one after another. In fact, since Liu Daxia burned the drawings of the treasure ship and Daming banned the sea, Daming ’s navigation technology has gradually fallen behind the world.

"Your Majesty is also aware of this matter. His Majesty thought that today's Da Ming sea ship is afraid that it would be difficult to defeat Hong Moyi's fleet in the ocean. It was not easy for the two generals to win!" Then Wang Chengen ordered a model of a warship. Come, "But the two generals can rest assured that His Majesty has prepared a new warship for the two generals. Mr. Sun also prepared a more powerful and longer-range cannon for the warship in the battlefield. It's when Daming completely drove Hong Maoyi out of Daming Sea! "

Yu Xiagao and Zheng Zhilong are both experienced naval warfare generations. As soon as they saw Shen Long take it out, they were ahead of the sailing battleships of this era for more than a hundred years, and they couldn't open their eyes. "Is it possible to build such a big ship? "At least with their strength, it is certain that no such warship can be built in Fujian.

"Ha ha ha ha, this matter does not need to worry about the two generals. Your majesty has ordered Sun Yuanhua to replace Sun Guozhen as governor of Dun Lai. Sun Guan Fu has recruited boatmen, collected wood and set up a shipyard in Denlai. It's time to get ready! "Sun Guozhen has already been promoted to Beijing because of the timely supply of grain and grass for Mao Wenlong.

Sun Yuanhua became a governor of Deng Lai as in history, but this time, he no longer had to encounter Kong Youde's rebellion. Shen Long planned to make Deng Lai a Daming northern naval base and let Sun Yuanhua, a science-savvy person, serve as the governor It couldn't be more appropriate.

"And it ’s not just this fleet that His Majesty wants to build for Daming. After the completion of the East China Sea Fleet, His Majesty will build another fleet in the South China Sea. Then General Yu and General Zheng can each lead a fleet for me. Daming is in full swing! "Wang Chengen revealed some more information.

According to Shen Long ’s plan, Yu Xiagao will serve as the commander of the East China Sea Fleet to control the East China Sea, attack the slaves from the sea, and block trade routes with Japan. By that time, Daming can start collecting sea trade tax.

"With only five such warships, he will surely be able to drive away these red hairs for His Majesty!" Yu Xiagao looked at the model of the warship and couldn't be more excited. This warship is much more powerful than the Dutch's largest flagship. Times!

Zheng Zhilong was both excited and sorry. His majesty was really planning to reuse himself. The wealth of the Zheng family was guaranteed; but it was regrettable that the fleet on which he lived seemed to be useless. Compared with this battleship, his men Those pirate ships are really nothing.

It's okay. I heard that Mao Wenlong and Zu Dashou are going to give up Ding Yizi. UU reading books What's the use of them even if I continue to hold those warships? It is still safe to return to Daming, and work hard for your majesty! Your Majesty has sealed so many knighthoods last time, and in the future I might be able to earn a knighthood for the Zheng family!

"Dare to ask the father-in-law, when will I go to the capital? I will arrange this at the end!" Zheng Zhilong is still very aware of the current affairs and immediately distinguishes the pros and cons.

"No hurry, your majesty heard that General Zheng had recruited hungry people in Fujian to go to Dayuan Island for reclamation, and there are countless living people. His Majesty is quite praised for this!" Wang Chengen continued.

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong immediately knelt to guilt. When Daming imposed the sea ban, he did so illegally. Second, any dynasty was very vigilant about privately recruiting hungry people. He said to Dali that he was suspected of misconduct.

"Get up, Your Majesty said, although General Zheng's move was inappropriate, he ultimately saved tens of thousands of Ming people. If they were left in Fujian, I am afraid that they would only starve to death!" Wang Chengen asked after comforting, " It's just that there is no king in the world, and since the members of the Datong Island have already been settled by the people, why doesn't General Zheng go to the court and ask His Majesty to send officials to govern? "

Zheng Zhilong originally regarded the clerk as the private property of their Zheng family, would they be willing to send officials to the court? But now that he has made up his mind to attach himself to the court, he can only give up this interest. Anyway, the Zheng family does not lack money. What he wants more is the official position and title of the court.

So Zheng Zhilong quickly explained, "The big member island is a barbarous land, and the general will also have the intention to ask His Majesty to send officials to govern, why worry that no one will go!"

"Oh, I don't have to worry about General Zheng. Your Majesty has already prepared it." Wang Chengen smiled.

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