All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1598: Member Recovery

After being in the study for a while, Wang Chengen came out immediately, took the imperial edict and transferred a group of martial arts superb eunuchs, and then went to Xu Guangqi, where he asked for several missionaries proficient in Esperanian. People found Yu Xigao and Zheng Zhilong and returned to Denglai with them.

After arriving at Denglai, taking out the decree, Sun Yuanhua immediately mobilized enough ammunition grain and fresh water for the fleet to help them prepare for the attack, and at the same time began to build a new warship. With previous experience, Sun Yuanhua estimated that renewed The time required to build a fleet will definitely save a lot.

During this period, in addition to supervising their work, Wang Chengen has been taking the evil eunuchs to follow the missionary to learn Esperanto. Zheng Zhilong was not only curious, but after asking Wang Chengen to explain, "This time I won the old port After that, the Secretary had to deal with those Esbanians, saying that they would not be taken back to Beijing to offer prisoners, so how can I wait for your majesty's people to understand the Esperanian dialect? "

Zheng Zhilong had no doubt about him, and immediately expressed his admiration, "Duke Duke's diligence in the king's affairs, he was really admired." Then he deliberately made a cabin for Wang Chengen and his missionaries on their flagships for their teaching. .

After preparing for the war, Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao led the fleet out of Hong Kong and headed south. Both of them were studying how to attack the officers and Lu Song every day in the chart room, while Wang Chengen took other eunuchs to continue to study Esba Niah; until the fleet arrived in Zhejiang, Wang Chengen and other talents disembarked and left, and Zheng Zhilong supplied freshwater vegetables at the port.

They went to Lanxi to take home Xu Xueju, and then returned to the fleet to continue south. After arriving in Hudiao, Wang Chengen disembarked again and went to Zhangzhou to take the two collaborating Esbanian businessmen and knock them into the house. Jail, waiting for them will be the same as Fan Yongdou and others.

At the same time, Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao also attacked Dayuan Island, "When these red Maoyi peeped at Penghu, the old man drove them back, but at that time the red Maoyi ship was strong, and the old man could only The siege with a small boat forced them away, but they could not be defeated. Now that you have a warship built by your majesty, dealing with those mohairs is nothing more than catching turtles in the urn! "Yu Zigao talked to Zheng Zhilong enthusiastically about himself and the Dutch. The old thing about fighting.

"Yeah, now our battleship cannons are all better than Hong Maoyi, and it's a matter of course to take the hot blue city and the popular people's city." Zheng Zhilong is also fortunate. Fortunately, I surrendered to the court in time. In such a fleet, I am afraid there is only one way to go? He was very happy at the thought of this. Haha, the old opponents Liu Xiang and Li Kuiqi were about to finish.

Especially Liu Xiang, who was originally a gang with Zheng Zhilong and later left Zheng Zhilong Group to act as an agent for the Francis and Esperanians. This time, whether public or private, he is dead. .

"After this battle, the member of the Datong Island belongs to all of me Daming." Yu Zigao touched the beard and said that although the court continued to exile people on the Dayuan Island, but the surrounding castles occupied by Hong Maoyi did not Arranging people, this is the most fertile land and the most convenient port on Dayuan Island. After taking it, it will be much more convenient for Fujian officials to travel, and it can also accommodate more migrants. Yu Xiagao began to wonder whether he was in A large plantation was built on Dayuan Island.

The Maritime Academy in Dunlay not only teaches the skills of navigation and naval warfare, they also teach various colonial knowledge with textbooks written by Shen Long. Among them, the construction of plantations and the operation of special cash crops can make a profit. Yu Xiagao is Very clearly, he even thought about what to plant.

Zheng Zhilong and Yu Zigao did not cover up. They directly attacked Jelanja City and Prominence City in two ways. Hongmao Yi had up to a thousand soldiers on Dayuan Island, but they brought two Tens of thousands of soldiers, dozens of battleships, this battle is nothing more than a sword.

If you don't want all soldiers to feel the atmosphere of the battlefield, Yu Xiagao and Zheng Zhilong can bring these two places to solve.

Hongmao Yi spent a lot of time to build the city of Jelanja and Prominence, referring to the construction design of the European bastion, and equipped with relatively advanced cannons. There is also ample ammunition food in the castle. Even if you encounter an enemy attack, you can block the enemy with a solid city and wait for reinforcements.

Originally, this idea was true, and Zheng spent a lot of effort when he successfully attacked the two cities in the future; but unfortunately, they met the leader led by the open Daming navy, Yu Xigao and Zheng Zhilong. The warships of this century have used cannons that have also been ahead of them for hundreds of years ~ ~ The Dutch warships encountered such a fleet, they could not beat them, they could not run, they were beaten. After being full of holes, he quickly raised the white flag and surrendered. The Ming army learned from these Dutch populations the real conditions of the cities of Jelanja and Prominja, and then quickly formulated corresponding attack strategies based on these intelligences.

The longer-range, faster, and more powerful artillery quickly destroyed the defensive firepower of the city of Jelanja and Prominja, and then the infantry landed on the beach and attacked the city. The red hair in the city was either killed, or He surrendered on his knees; the war ended in less than half a day, and the Ming Navy won its first big victory since its establishment.

Then it took a few days to clean up the remaining red Maoyi on Dayuan Island. Since then, Dawei Island has all returned to Daming. At this time, it has been only six years since the Dutch occupied the clerk, which is three years earlier than Zheng Chenggong ’s recovery of the clerk. Ten years.

After Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao returned to Hudiao, Xiong Wencan was also pleasantly surprised, because the imperial court now placed Dayuan Island under the rule of Fujian. Previously, the Mao Maoyi on Dayuan Island has been the biggest obstacle for the court development officer. Now this The obstacles have been resolved, the route from Fujian to the bureaucrats is more convenient, and the development of the bureaucratic island will also become smoother. This is a political achievement.

"Contribute two generals!" Wang Chengen, who came back from Zhangzhou, also came forward to congratulate him.

"Don't dare to dare, it's all because of the ship's strong guns given by your majesty. I can't wait for the merits." Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao both grinned, but they were humble.

"The soldiers have really walked on the battlefield right now, and it will be much easier to fight in the future." Zheng Zhilong has already begun to wonder how to clean up Liu Xiang.

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