All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1599: Dragon into Nanyang

"That being the case, can I go to the old port after a few days of revision?" Wang Cheng'en's domestic tasks have been completed, and he began to look forward to overseas tasks.

"Also please your father-in-law to rest assured that Xiong Futai has already prepared food and vegetables for fresh water, and will be ready to go after being transported to the ship!" Zheng Zhilong quickly replied, assaulting the officers was not even a warm-up for them. , They also look forward to making greater contributions! Both Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao thought about it. The enemies of Dayuan Island were too weak. Even if the court had a reward, it would not be very heavy. It would be different to win the old port. Maybe the court would give the knighthood. But it was Guangzong Yaozu!

"That's all right." Wang Chengen nodded in satisfaction, he also wondered, after completing this task to return to Beijing, Dongchang's position should be his turn, Cao Huachun let him serve as the chief of the court, the eunuch. .

"Father-in-law, there are still many businessmen in Fujian who have business dealings with the Esperanians. Isn't it time to find some businessmen to inquire about the situation?" Yu Xiagao suggested.

"This matter really should be done, but we must be careful not to disclose the news; there were former Jin merchants such as Fan Yongdou and Wang Dengku who sold the country. This time our family won a businessman colluding with the Esperanians in Zhangzhou. A little carelessly, if these good-hearted businessmen fail, they will sell the news to the Esperanians! Even if they cannot decide the outcome of this battle, I am afraid that it will also affect the safety of the common people in the old port! "Wang Chengenjiu Next to Shen Long, it was clear that Shen Long was not like the previous emperor. He regarded the people who went out to sea as a generation without monarchs and fathers. He still regarded them as the people of Ming Dynasty and attached great importance to their safety.

"The father-in-law said that we went here for revenge for the people of Daming, but it was not good because the incident affected the people." Zheng Zhilong and Yu Zigao even disregarded their hearts, but he also listened to Wang Chengen's advice, and Instead of preaching the matter, he found some reliable businessmen from his own network to ask about it.

Didn't let them go after the inquiry, but took these people to the boat together. One can prevent the news from leaking. Second, after taking Lu Song and other places, these people can also come in handy.

These merchants were a little uneasy at first, but they felt relieved immediately after seeing the strong ships and cannons of the Daming Navy, and even began to wonder how much benefit Daming would bring to Lu Song when they brought them; previously because of the presence of the Esperanians The tentacles of Daming ’s sea merchants can only reach around Luzon. If Luzon is occupied by Daming, then they can continue to go west and go to farther places to do business. Longer distance means more The interests of these sea merchants are very clear.

The army went south, and near the Guangdong, Zheng Zhilong proposed to resolve Liu Xiang, neither Yu Xiagao nor Wang Chengen objected. It is a good thing for His Majesty to flatten the sea area, not to mention Liu Xiang colluded with the Esperanian people, if not resolved He, with Liu Xiang ’s eye line on the sea, will sooner or later find Zheng Zhilong their true purpose, and then inform the Esbanians.

Suddenly encountered Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao's attack, Liu Xiang, who was at the mouth of the Pearl River, was beaten into an army. Not only was his pirate ship damaged more than half, but even he himself became a captive of Zheng Zhilong; seeing his former party became a senior official of Ming Ming Liu Xiang was deeply regretted. I knew that I might as well surrender to the Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi Wang Zunde. Now I am afraid that there is only one way to die, but when did Zheng Zhilong have such a powerful fleet?

The Governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Wang Zunde, not only was overjoyed when Liu Xiang, the giant tycoon who harmed Guangdong, was killed, he quickly sent people to welcome Yu Zigao, Zheng Zhilong, and others into the city. The famous father-in-law Wang Chengen also went south with the fleet. In this case, Wang Zunde must not be sloppy.

With Wang Chengen in place, Wang Zunde will naturally not deny the requests made by Zheng Zhilong and Yu Xiagao. Whether it is to supply fresh water for grain and vegetables, or to send craftsmen to repair the ship, they will immediately arrange for someone to do it; then the fleet will be repaired at the Pearl River Mouth A few days later, he went out to Hainan again.

After this voyage, the fleet directly sailed forward, and the destruction of the Liu Xiang Group will naturally attract the attention of the Esbanians. Fortunately, their warships are much faster than today ’s sea ships, and it is entirely possible that the news has not yet reached Luzon. Earlier, they blocked the door of the Esbanians.

Zheng Zhilong stood on the bow of the ship, and he could n’t help smiling when he thought that he would be able to make great achievements and be promoted to the rank of emperor; he did not know that in the original history, they were the Zheng family and the Esperanians of Luzon How many entanglements are there.

In the twelve years of Chongzhen, the Esbanians carried out a second massacre against the Daming people in Luzon. The court originally expected Zheng Zhilong to punish the Esbans. However, at this time, the slaves were powerful, and Zheng Zhilong gave up not far away. Too.

After Zheng Chenggong inherited the power of the Zheng Group ~ ~ expressed his concern for the Lu Song Daming people many times, and after taking the member island, he sent a Catholic Italian priest Li Keluo to the Philippines to deliver to the Spanish Governor The book condemned the crime of killing and plundering the Daming people, and strictly ordered him to correct evil and bow his head, but the Spaniards carried out the third slaughter instead.

Zheng Chenggong was furious when he heard the news and decided to use his division to convene and avenge the people of Daming. On the one hand, he arranged for the overseas Chinese who had fled from Lu Song to the clerk. Ke Liying outside, but had not yet sent troops, he learned that his son Zheng Jing had committed adultery with his nanny Chen in Xiamen. Zheng Chenggong was furious. The commander killed Zheng Tai. Zheng Tai resisted because of intolerance. Zheng Chenggong was furious and suffered from malaria. , Died soon.

Later, Zheng Jing also prepared to send a fleet to conquer Manila in the 9th year of Kangxi and 10th year of Kangxi, but because of the rebellion of the San Francisco, Zheng Jing led the army to cross West Fujian to support Geng Jingzhong and did not send troops; after Zheng Jing was destroyed by the Qing Dynasty, Lu Song ’s Daming people were completely deserted and could only endure the Spaniards again and again.

This powerful fleet that has never appeared in the East Asian seas chopped through the sea and drove forward all the way. After a few days of effort, it reached the territory of Xuanwei Division in the old port. The indigenous people on the surrounding islands not only were terrified to see this powerful fleet. Endless.

Slightly knowledgeable indigenous people recognized the flag on the mast, "This is Daming's sailor! When will Daming be able to organize such a large fleet? Haven't they been attacked by the barbarians in the north all these years?"

"These Esbanians are afraid to be unlucky." Previously, you could be unscrupulous, but now the dragon enters the South Ocean, and your end is here.

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