All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1600: Redemption, you think too much

Luzon, in the city of Manila, the Governor of the Esperanian Akula was unaware of the upcoming war. He still had a dance in the governor ’s palace, and the officials in the governor ’s palace and the ladies in the city danced gracefully. When entering the climax, a guard suddenly rushed in from outside, disrupting the joy of the ball.

"Soldier, you must give me a reasonable explanation, otherwise you will go to the most remote outpost tomorrow!" As the Sibanians like to enjoy, the prom interruption is unforgivable to Akula.

"Governor ... Your Excellency, a powerful fleet suddenly came outside. It looked like they were coming towards us. The port is now in chaos." The soldier said nervously.

"Fleet? What a joke? Is there a stronger fleet than us in this sea area?" Akula sneered at this. Did the British hit Southeast Asia? Is this obviously impossible? As for the Dutch, they do not have such strong power in Southeast Asia.

"It's the Ming Dynasty's fleet! They have dozens of large ships, and now they have surrounded the port!" The soldier quickly explained that he wouldn't believe it unless he saw the flag on the ship of Zheng Zhilong and others. How could the Chinese have such a powerful fleet? These warships are probably more powerful than the most powerful warships of the invincible fleet?

If the Ming people have such a powerful navy, why did they endure our massacre of the Ming people? Akula didn't believe this at all, but the sudden sound of gunfire made him suddenly uneasy. He immediately led people to the watchtower of the Governor's Palace and took out the telescope to look at the sea of ​​the port.

At this look, the expression on Akula's face suddenly froze, as the soldier said, the sea outside the port had been blocked by a huge warship, and several of their warships were being attacked by the enemy. However, their artillery did not work at all. The shells fired fell into the sea far away from the warships of the Ming Dynasty. They could only be passively beaten at the port without causing any damage to the enemy.

"Quick trumpet, ring the bell, summon all the soldiers to defend on the city walls, and pull out all the artillery!" Akula immediately realized that the warships in the port were sunk sooner or later, they must rely on the city of Manila Defensive, and it is very likely that they will not be able to withstand the attack of the Ming army.

Since their navy is so powerful, the army is certainly not weak there. Even if their army is only half of the navy, no, one-third of the ability, the fall of Manila City is just a matter of time.

"Your Excellency, there are many Ming merchants in the city, do we have to solve them in advance? Or when the Ming army is besieging the city, they will find a way to meet the Ming army outside!" The defensive commander in the city Quickly suggested.

"Are you a fool? When is it now, and you still think about their wealth? Hurry and take someone to defend and stop their first wave of attack first!" Akula scolded angrily.

He was not kind to those merchants of the Ming Dynasty. If that was the case, he would not command the massacre. Akula thought that if the defense failed, he would definitely fall into the hands of the Ming people. At this time, the Ming Dynasty merchants were massacred, and those angry Ming Dynasty officers would definitely cut off his head.

Moreover, depending on the situation outside, perhaps those fleets could not support them at the end of the massacre; even if the massacre was to be carried out, it was necessary to make sure that the city of Manila would not fall.

Akula only sent people to guard all the points in the city strictly, and it was strictly forbidden for everyone to go out. Until he had finished mobilizing his troops, the warships in the port had been destroyed by the Ming Dynasty warships. At the same time, countless small boats poured into the port, and the soldiers on board were armed with muskets, and they planned to capture the port.

The shore defense artillery of the port was destroyed by the naval artillery of the Daming Fleet only a few times. Generally speaking, the range and power of the naval artillery cannot be compared with the shore defense artillery. However, the naval artillery of the navy is really ahead of this era. too much.

Without shore defense artillery, the Port of Manila became an undefended position. The Marines of the Daming Navy landed in a boat, quickly wiped out the few remaining Esbanian soldiers in the port, and then attacked the city of Manila.

They transported the artillery from the ship and quickly established artillery positions against the city head. As more and more artillery was transported from the ship, the artillery fire at the city head of Manila was gradually suppressed by them.

The infantry quickly surrounded and surrounded Manila City. They looked like they did not intend to let anyone escape from the city. At this time, the huge warships also followed the Bashi River and began to use naval guns to attack Manila City. When the Esbanians built the city of Manila, they also considered the issue of naval artillery attack ~ ~ so they deliberately repaired it further so as not to be directly covered by the enemy's fleet.

It is a pity that when they built the city, they were referring to the range of their naval guns, but now that they encountered a range far better than their Ming Guo fleet, this design became useless, and the shells of the Ming Guo fleet were mercilessly It hit the city head, hit the Manila Governor's Mansion.

For a time, the Esbanian soldiers suffered heavy losses, and the Ming soldiers took the opportunity to attack the city head, quickly cleared the nearby defenders, opened the city gates of Manila, the remaining soldiers swarmed in, only the first attack, This colonial stronghold operated by the Esbanians for many years was taken by Ming soldiers.

After they entered the city, they quickly cleaned up the enemy. Many Esbanian soldiers saw the hopeless victory and all put down their knives and surrendered; Manila City soon fell under the control of the Ming army.

Akula and his wife and children also wanted to hide in the basement of the Governor's Mansion to escape, but they were quickly confessed by the servants, caught by the basement, and sent to Zheng Zhilong's flagship.

After seeing Zheng Zhilong and Wang Chengen, Akula took out his gentleman appointment, "Dear Lord General, I am willing to surrender, but please give me equal treatment and allow me to redeem myself with money."

Before the common matter had time to translate, Wang Chengen laughed, "Ha ha ha, do you still want to live? You must have forgotten what you did?" He studied Esperanto along the way. I can already understand some less complicated conversations.

"Wait for all the barbarians in the old port to be swept away, and send them to Beijing Middle School for disposal by your majesty!" Wang Chengen made arrangements, and he knew that Shen Long would not let these people live.

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