All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1601: It's not over yet

"Take it away with those soldiers!" Wang Chengen was too lazy to be verbose with a dying person, and directly asked people to separate the Akula family, Akula and his sons and soldiers, his wife and The daughter was locked in the female prison.

"I'm a noble, you can't do this to me!" Akula shouted desperately, but these are useless, this is Da Ming's sphere of influence, not to pay attention to the rules of Europe; and Akula is not just a defeated captive, He was also the executioner who slaughtered more than 20,000 Ming people. What kind of treatment can such people give him?

After winning Manila City, Yu Xiagao and Zheng Zhilong left some people stationed, and the remaining soldiers were divided into two roads, constantly cleaning up the colonial strongholds of the Esbanians, Franji and the Dutch in Southeast Asia, until the old port reassures All colonial strongholds in the Division ’s original territory were cleared before returning to Manila.

After returning to Manila, Wang Chengen, Zheng Zhilong, and Yu Xigao immediately found the survivors of the last massacre according to their will. In front of all the people, they held an open trial against Akula and others. Niahs, local indigenous people, and a handful of Ming businessmen who worked as tigers were all sentenced to death.

Those soldiers at the bottom and grass-roots officers were beheaded on the spot, and senior officials such as Akula were taken back to the boat after visiting the execution site. They will be taken to Beijing to be executed.

"This is too brutal!" Akula shouted angrily after seeing his men executed, and he also vaguely guessed the fate he was about to usher in, which was definitely not good news.

"Savage? When you slaughtered my Daming people, you weren't savage?" Wang Chengen sneered. "In the beginning, you killed more than 20,000 of my Daming people. If you want to say brutality, compared with you, we are still far away. Well! At least I gave you a fair legal trial. Will behaviors like yours be sentenced to death in that country? "

Akula was suddenly dumb. In fact, in his heart, he did not treat Daming people as human beings, but now he is still in the hands of Daming, how can he say such words?

"I'm not afraid to tell you that this matter is not over yet. You killed more than 20,000 Ming people with the Sibanias. You can't pay it by the lives of thousands of people in your area!" Wang Chengen continued, "According to Your sins are supposed to kill the Nine Clan. Now you and your wife and children are not enough to repay. I am sure that I will continue to pursue this blood debt until you, the Sibanians, exchange it for clarity! "

Then Wang Chengen read out Shen Long ’s decree to all the Ming people who were present. Shen Long told them that no matter where they were, they were all the people of Daming. Daming ’s powerful fleet would provide them with blessings and dare to hurt me. Yes, no matter which country, Daming's fleet will recover this blood debt for them.

For a time, the whole city of Manila shouted with joy. These people who were far away from Daming always regarded themselves as a court deserter, but when they encountered things, they only complained about their bad lives, and never thought that Daming would avenge them. Will protect them, tears burst into tears for a while.

Then, Wang Chengen continued to read the decree, Shen Long ordered the restoration of the old port Xuanwei Division, and appointed Zheng Zhilong as the first old port Xuanwei envoy, but this time the old port Xuanwei envoy is no longer a hereditary official, but Zheng Erba Under the rule of the imperial court, Zheng Zhilong's tenure in the old port is only five years, and after five years he will be replaced by a new mission.

In these five years, Zheng Zhilong will use Daming ’s powerful fleet to re-establish order on the ground, clean up all opposition forces, build castles in various places, and provide refuge to the visiting caravans. Of course, these caravans will pay taxes to Daming, This must be indispensable.

At the same time, Zheng Zhilong will also cooperate with the imperial court to divide the prefectures and counties in the old port Xuanwei Division, to attract Daming people to do business and build plantations, so that this wild land becomes civilized; the previous ones were involved in Beijing and Jinling. In the cases of the Clan, the Patriarchate, and the Shanxi Merchants, the scholars who were banished from office will atone for themselves, act as local officials, and lead ordinary people to build homes and govern places.

This is also the reason why Shen Long chose Zheng Zhilong to serve as the ambassador of the Old Port Xuanwei Division, rather than Yu Xiagao. Perhaps Yu Xiagao could still outsmart Zheng Zhilong on the basis of his family history. Not just military chiefs, but colonial governors like Akula.

Such a request requires that the missionary not only be familiar with the military, but also have to be familiar with government operations, commercial operations, etc. In this respect, Zheng Zhilong, a pirate gangster, must be much stronger than Yu Zigao.

What he has to do now is almost the same as when he was the pirate leader. Zheng Zhilong must be very familiar with it; Shen Long will not worry that Zheng Zhilong will betray Daming ~ ~ Now the old port Xuanwei Division can be compared with Daming It is worth mentioning that there is nothing but possession of large, uncultivated fertile land and trade routes that control the east and west.

Both of these must rely on Daming's local support. Without Daming's human and material resources, Zheng Zhilong could not develop this place; without Daming's strong cargo supply and purchasing capabilities, the commercial roads mastered by the old port Xuanwei Division would not It's worth mentioning.

Zheng Zhilong also understands this, so he was still reluctant when he received the imperial edict, because staying in the old port is certainly comfortable, but he is far away from the Daming homeland, especially from the emperor. Long promised him that as long as he could handle this matter well, he would at least give him a marquis in the future.

In addition, Zheng Zhilong only agreed to stay here for five years; then Wang Chengen gave him another surprise, "Your Majesty has long heard that General Zheng ’s child, Zheng Sen, is extremely smart, so I want him to be a prince. Read, the youngest son will meet Guangzong Yaozu in the future! "

"Ahahaha, this is the smoke from my Zheng Jiazu's grave! Zheng Sen's child can be valued by His Majesty, which is really a great blessing for my Zheng family." Zheng Zhilong also knew that Shen Long's move took Zheng Sen again The meaning of the hostage, but he did not plan to betray Daming, and as a companion to the prince, after the prince succeeds in the future, Zheng Sen will definitely develop, he can not ask for it.

"So, General Yu will lead the army to **** Akula and others back to Beijing, and General Zheng will continue to station in the old port." The matter of the old port is over.

"How about your father-in-law?" Zheng Zhilong asked.

"Our family has something else to do!"

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