All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1602: Wang Chengen's Journey to the West

"What's the matter with Grand Duke?" It stands to reason that this matter is done, shouldn't Wang Chengen return to Beijing? Why doesn't it seem to mean going back at all? Zheng Zhilong couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Hahaha, the Ibnians slaughtered more than 20,000 of our Ming people. Such a big thing can't be carried by Akula alone, and their king will certainly be punished by my Ming!" Wang Chengen Laughing loudly, "Our family will go to Tessi to find the king of Esbania and the ministers of North Korea and China!"

"Uh, Prince Duke, the road to Esbania is far away, and I am unfamiliar with the sea, I am afraid it is not appropriate to go hurriedly? And the cadres will have to rectify the old port, can't leave the post without permission?" Zheng Zhilong began to have a headache. The old port is almost the farthest sea area he is familiar with, and it is unclear what it is like to go further west, and listening to the confession of Akula and others, from Esbania to the old port, there are thousands of miles away for such a long expedition. It's not easy.

"This matter has nothing to do with General Zheng, it's what His Majesty gave me!" Wang Chengen said, "General Zheng will just transfer a sea boat to me. Missionaries contaminated with the blood of my Daming people, let them take me to Esbania to question their king! "

"Father-in-law, Esbania is a barbaric generation. I am afraid there is no rule that the two countries will not fight each other. If you go this way, if there is a chance ..." Zheng Zhilong couldn't help worrying, but Wang Cheng'en was the most favored **** One of the leaders, if he never went back, he was afraid that he would have to eat and die.

"You don't need to worry about this. Your majesty had already given the imperial edict when we left Beijing, and let our family go to Taisi, and our family didn't think they could keep me waiting." The most important task, Shen Long also knows that Daming wants to go to Europe in a short period of time, but this breath ca n’t be swallowed. Since there is no way to suppress the situation, let ’s order something else and let it out. More than a dozen evil eunuchs came to Spain to decapitate the Spanish high-level, unless they also have martial arts spread there, it will definitely be unstoppable.

If I can bring back the heads of the Spanish kings, queens, and prime ministers, this tone will basically come out. As for whether European countries will revenge Daming in the future, Shen Long is not worried at all, from Daming to Europe. It was tens of thousands of miles away, which was an obstacle to Daming's attack on Taisi, and the same was true for the countries in Taisi.

If they could organize a large army of tens of thousands of people and bring hundreds of warships to attack Daming, Shen Long still did not know what it would be like, which saved him the trouble of expedition.

Wang Chengen moved out of Shen Long, and Zheng Zhilong was not good enough to continue to persuade. He could only prepare a large ship for Wang Chengen and others. The sailors on the ship were all surviving Tassie sailors. Responsible as the communication bridge between Wang Chengen and the King of Spain.

Before boarding the ship, Wang Chengen gave chronic poison to all the sailors and missionaries on board. This kind of poison needed to take antidote in time, so he did n’t worry that they would make trouble on the way. After arriving in Esbania, he used it. These people are no longer there. After completing the mission, Shen Long also helped Wang Chengen and others to make a detailed explanation. They will travel from Spain to the Arabian Peninsula along the Mediterranean Sea, then take the land route into the Red Sea, and then take a sea boat from there to return to Daming.

Therefore, in Wang Chengen's team, there are not only eunuchs who are proficient in Spanish, but also eunuchs who are proficient in Arabic. These are cultivated by Shen Long in advance, for this battle.

After boarding the ship, the missionaries really thought that Wang Chengen and others were the messengers who went to Europe to negotiate, so they knew all the questions they raised, and wanted to let Wang Chengen and others understand the situation in Europe. It is best to establish a formal Diplomatic relations; the interests of these missionaries and the king's nobility are not the same. They want to spread the glory of God. If Daming and Europe formally establish diplomatic relations, they may have a chance to enter the mission of Daming.

Wang Chengen will naturally not reveal his true purpose. Every time he arrives at a port along the way, he will use the time for the vessel to supply fresh water for grain, vegetables and fresh water, disembark to communicate with local officials, and then return to the ship to make detailed records and see what he sees. Wendu recorded in the notebook, this is also the task Shen Long explained.

Nowadays, there are too few people who can understand the world, and the relevant information is also lacking. Although he has detailed data records of later generations, it is not always good for people to see it with his own eyes. When Wang Chengen returns, his notes will be widely distributed. Let the people of Daming take a look at what the world is like today.

Such a move is more like a professional diplomat, and the accompanying missionaries also admire Wang Chengen, thinking that he is a learned, humble and cautious senior official ~ ~ When sailing along the way, Wang Chengen He asked the missionaries and soldiers about the situation in various countries in Taisi. When he was ashore, he went to check the local customs and customs, communicated with local officials, and came back to take notes.

The ship entered the Arabian Sea along the coast of the Indian Ocean, and then headed south along the African coastline. At this point, Wang Chengen surpassed his predecessor, the three treasures **** Zheng He, and became the farthest official of Ming sailing.

Then go all the way to the Cape of Good Hope. After passing the Cape of Good Hope, the ship turned north and continued to sail along the African continent. When it reached the coast of North Africa, there were more ships encountered. British, French and Portuguese ships listened. It was astonishing to say that there was Daming's envoy to Africa on this ship.

The captains were eager to invite Wang Chengen to be a guest, and they were also eager to understand the situation of Daming. After all, the name of the Golden Kingdom has been well-known in Europe since Marco Polo wrote that note, but there are not many Europeans who can reach Daming. Those The news brought back by the missionaries and sea merchants, how direct was it to listen to what the Ming ambassador said?

Wang Chengen did not shirk, and he visited with a little gift of Daming. Through exchanges with these captains, he knew a little bit more about the current situation in Europe; after all, the missionaries had left Tessie for many years and got the information from their mouths. Somewhat lagging behind.

"So, now the Thai and Western countries are fighting?" Wang Chengen asked the British captain.

"Yes, the Sibanians and the Habsburg dynasty formed an alliance, and our country also formed an alliance with France, Sweden, the Union Provincial Republic, etc., and is fighting them!" Said the British captain.

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