All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1603: Wang Chengen's Journey to the West 2

This year is four years in Chongzhen, 1631 in the Western calendar, which is the middle of the thirty-year European war. Countries have risen one after another, and large-scale international wars involving major European countries involved in the German civil war broke out from 1618 to 1648. The war has continued for twelve years and will continue to fight for more than ten years.

"A few years ago, the Holy Roman Emperor hired Bohemian noble Wallenstein ’s mercenaries to fight for him. Wallenstein defeated Mansfield at the Battle of Dessau Bridge, and then defeated Denmark at the Battle of Vogast. He took control of Saxony and forced Denmark to surrender. Wallenstein planned to build a fleet in the Baltic Sea. The King of Sweden was afraid of threatening his own security, so Gustav II began to attack Pomera with the support of France. Niya, the war has begun! "The British captain had a bit of gloating. After all, the more lively the European continent, the more beneficial it will be to Britain.

"So, how did the Esperanians behave in this war? What kind of king was Philip IV? What does it have to do with your country?" Wang Chengen continued to ask if he was suddenly lost during the war King, the end of the Esperanians might be miserable?

"Ha, Philip IV was the eldest son of Philip III. He was twenty-six years old and inherited the throne at the age of sixteen. His wife was Elizabeth Bourbon and sister of King Louis XIII of France; Philip IV After World Ascension, the army began to expand and prepare for war, expanding the army of Sibania to 300,000, and then Sibania could not bear such a large expenditure, and the national finances went bankrupt! "The British captain laughed.

"Because of religious reasons, the Esbanians and France have always been hostile, but Richelieu of France is an old traitor, and he will not take the initiative to fight Esbania until he finds a suitable opportunity." The British captain Some proudly said, "My country just defeated the Invincible Fleet of the Esbanians 40 years ago. They always wanted revenge, but they barely dared to take action."

What? A princess from one country married a king from another country, but these two countries are going to fight again? How can I be so messy? Wang Chengen was a little bit unsuited to this rhythm.

"By the way, Mr. Dear Messenger, why did you go to Esbania? Is it to establish a formal diplomatic relationship on behalf of Daming and Esbania?" The British captain asked curiously, he also cared about this In fact, the European news from all sides shows that Daming is a big country, and it would not be good news for them if they form an alliance with Sibania and Daming.

Although Daming is unlikely to be involved in the war in Europe, they ca n’t afford to cope with Isibania sweeping other European colonies in Asia.

"No, the Esbanians slaughtered more than 20,000 Ming people on Daming's land; so my emperor Daming sent the navy to wipe out the Esperanians in Asia, but it was not enough. I came this time Tessi, on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor, asked the King of Esperania for his crime. "Wang Chengen said with a chest.

"His Majesty asked the King of Esbania to apologize for this matter and executed those who had returned to Esbania to punish their families. If they did not agree, they would be severely punished!" Wang Chengen Swearingly, he had already collected the rosters of these murderers in Luzon.

"Ah! It's really a kind majesty!" The British captain froze before saying, he didn't expect Wang Cheng'en's purpose to be this, he didn't believe that Daming could punish Esbania far in Europe, but this Does not prevent him from being happy, haha, the Esbanian colonies in Asia are over, so their national financial situation will certainly be affected!

He did not ask how Wang Chengen and Daming planned to punish Esibania, because in his view this was impossible, and instead asked about the battle between the Daming Fleet and the Esbanians.

Wang Chengen replied truthfully, the British captain was not quite convinced, because he thought that the technical level of Daming must be far inferior to that of Europe. How could there be such a powerful cannon? But from the missionary who served as the translator for Wang Chengen, he got the same answer, and he was a little surprised.

However, he did not take this matter seriously, or that sentence, Daming and Taisi are too far apart, and now the focus of the British Raiders colony is on Africa and America, and there is no conflict with Daming.

The two of them had a pleasant conversation. It happened that the place they met at this time was not too far away from the British mainland, so the captain invited Wang Chengen to visit the United Kingdom, and Wang Chengen gladly agreed.

King Charles I of the United Kingdom was also surprised when he heard that Da Ming's messenger came to Europe ~ ~, and then held a grand welcome ceremony to greet the arrival of Wang Chengen and his party. Proud of the king.

Wang Chengen and others put on formal official uniforms. This high-quality silk and fine and complicated patterns made the British soil buns very surprised and envied; then Wang Chengen gave gifts from the fine porcelain of Daming, these items make Charles I was overjoyed.

At this time in Europe, Chinese porcelain was a very rare and precious item. More than a hundred years later, the Polish King Augustus Persian merchants exchanged 48 pieces of Chinese porcelain vases and paid 600 fully armed cavalry, not to mention now?

Those European porcelains that can be circulated are just ordinary products produced by Daming. Is the royal kiln tribute brought by Wang Chengen precious? The crystal-clear texture, warm color, and thin paper-like porcelain shocked the British nobility.

Charles I even swears that this is the most precious gift he has ever received; Wang Chengen and his entourage have been warmly received by the British nobility, but the enjoyment of Britain is far less developed than Daming, they have a task, so they stayed in Britain for a few days Just left.

In the past few days, the news that Charles I received the rare treasures of the Ming ambassador also spread to the European continent, and the European kings and nobles were looking forward to the arrival of Wang Chengen and his entourage.

After learning that Daming's next destination was Sibania, Philip IV was overjoyed and thought he would also receive the same precious gift, so he sent a messenger to the port to greet Wang Chengen and his party.

But soon Philip IV was disappointed!

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