All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1604: Court duel

Without a word on his way, Wang Chengen and his envoys came to the royal palace of Esbania before they announced the purpose of his trip. They sternly questioned Esbania ’s massacre of the people of Luzon and told them, All the forces of Esbania in Southeast Asia were uprooted by Daming, and they now demanded that Philip IV severely punish those who returned to the country and pay compensation to Daming.

The smile on Philip IV's face froze. Although he couldn't understand Wang Chengen's words, it could be seen from Wang Chengen's expression that it was definitely not a good thing; the missionary responsible for the translation didn't even dare to translate Wang Cheng'en's words, but it didn't matter On this way, Wang Chengen had learned Esperanto, and he saw it in Esperanian without seeing him.

This time Philip IV was suddenly furious. He did not expect that the Ming's messenger was actually asking for sin. What made him angry was the loss of Sibania's power in Southeast Asia. Now Sibania is preparing for the battle. When money is needed, the money provided by the Southeast Asian colonies to Esbania is an important source of income. Now that this income is directly cleared, Esbania is really not far from the next bankruptcy.

Today, not only the noble officials of their own country, but also the envoys of other countries in Europe appeared in the royal palace of Esbania. Philip IV invited them to come to the show, but he did not expect to expose Esbania. The failure of those messengers did not show any expression on their faces, but there was a smile that could not be concealed under the eyes.

Now that the European continent has become a pot of porridge, many countries have profound contradictions with Esperania, especially the messengers of countries such as France, and they laughed out loud.

Philip IV was not even clear about the massacre in Luzon, because this place is too far away from the native of Esperania, but he will never admit that it was the error of Esperania. He sternly refuted Wang Chengen The statement, in turn, asked Daming to ask for compensation, and asked Daming to release all the Estonian colonists.

"Oh, those executioners are already dead, Akula and others have been escorted to Daming's capital, and waiting for them will be more severe punishment." Wang Chengen replied with a sneer.

In the palace, several nobles fainted, and some of their family members served in the Luzon governor ’s office. It certainly seemed that they could not come back. They did not distress the death of their relatives, but distressed the money, because they A lot of money has also been invested in Luzon, and now it seems that all of this money has been lost.

Ah, Issibania ’s influence in Southeast Asia is not weak, but it was all wiped out by Daming? It seems that we have to re-evaluate the power of this great oriental nation. So, is there a chance to introduce them to this war that will not end when? Diplomats from some other countries have begun to think about it.

"You will have to pay the price!" Philip IV roared angrily, but the diplomats in the court knew that Philip IV was just shouting, and Esbania was now unable to initiate an expedition to the East, After all, it is no longer the time for the invincible fleet to run across the ocean.

"If Ibania does not punish the executioners who committed unforgivable sins in Luzon, and does not compensate Daming, you will immediately pay the price!" Wang Chengen did not show any weakness, and went back with no mercy.

This time put Philip IV a little bit off the stage, he threw a glance at his subjects, as a court swordsman in Sibania, Diego Alat, who had never failed in the previous duel List stood up, walked to Wang Chengen, and threw a white handkerchief in front of Wang Chengen.

This is an expression of the Western nobles starting a duel. Seeing Diego Alatrist sent Wang Chengen an invitation to a duel, cheers suddenly sounded in the court, especially those noble ladies, all flushed with excitement, because Diego Alatrist is a famous duel master in Sibania. He once won the favor of one noble woman after another with excellent swordsmanship. It is a rare thing to have the opportunity to see his swordsmanship. .

Wang Chengen had learned this understanding from the missionary when he was on the ship. He smiled ironically and shook his head. "It's a brutal custom."

These words were spoken in the Spanish language, and at once they angered all the European nobles present. They made a huge boo, and Diego Alatrist asked, "Why? Are you afraid? If you dare not?" Accept the duel, then apologize? "

Wang Chengen held the sword handle and planned to agree to his invitation to duel, but soon someone came forward and Fei Mao, the youngest evil **** in the team, stepped forward, "Duke Wang, kill the chicken with an ox knife. Let me go! "

After talking about it, he pulled out his long sword ~ ​​ ~ Seeing his gorgeous costumes, these Europeans thought he should also be a noble, so he did not question his qualifications, and stepped back a bit, Leave room for duel.

Diego Alatrist also pulled out his long sword. This is a swift sword popular in Sibania. It has a slender blade and complex hand guards. It is a weapon designed for assault. With the development of medicine, the Esbanians have been able to find that penetrating injuries are often more deadly than chopping injuries.

As a result, they developed the weapon Swift Sword and the accompanying swordsmanship. This swordsmanship is called "LaVerdaderaDestreza" in the Bahraini language, and it is based on a circular map, called the Mariceski circle , Which is covered with complex geometric lines, every move, every attack and defense, follow the calculated line, and strive to hit the opponent at the fastest speed at the most clever angle without being hit by the opponent in.

"Interesting weapon!" Fei Mao saw at a glance the strengths of this weapon, but it was slightly similar to the magic sword he practiced, so he did not immediately attack, but watched Diego Alat with interest. Lister's attack; the chief heads-up player of Esbania used the perfect supreme technique. Every stab and every step was exquisite, and he immediately won the applause of the nobles on the spot.

Fei Mao didn't shoot a sword, he avoided all his offenses by using his pace. Every time, Diego Alatrist seemed to be only a short distance away from winning, but it was so short that he could not attack Fei Mao by one or two centimeters. .

"Good swordsmanship, but unfortunately you are too slow! Now take a look at my swordsmanship!"

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