All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1611: The Doomsday of the Executioners

"Cheng En's hard work! Come here, the purpose is to promote Wang Cheng'en to be the **** of the Dongchang official school of the governor of Qing Dynasty ..." This is the full name of the eunuch's official title held by the Dongchang. From now on, Wang Chengen is the new Dongchang's official In addition, the evil eunuchs who went to Europe with Wang Chengen also had their own rewards.

"Slaughter majesty thanked your majesty, long live my emperor, long live long live." Wang Chengen immediately took the eunuchs to the knees and thanked each other, and his faces showed joy, and the hard work was finally worth it.

"I'll wait for a few days to rest, let me take your leave, allow you to go out to play, and wait for a few days before coming to work!" These people have long been away from their homeland and must miss the prosperity of the capital.

The **** was difficult to get to the palace on weekdays. Everyone was very happy when he heard the good news. His majesty rewarded a lot of money. This time, he should have a good time to go out to play; Fei Mao and others are out of the palace. However, Wang Chengen came to Shen Long again the next day. Shen Long asked the reason, and Wang Chengen replied, "When the slave-servant was in Europa, he never wanted to go back to the grandfather and wait for him. For the slave-servant, staying with the grandfather is more fun than going there."

"You can talk!" Shen Long estimated that he felt that he had been away from the palace for a long time, worried about his falling out of favor? However, he did not debunk it, but said, "I was planning to let you do it again in a few days. Since you don't want to rest, go now!"

"Grandpa, please!" Wang Chengen was pleased and let him do things as soon as he came back. This is to value himself. He should immediately respond. "The Isibanians who were sent back by Zheng Zhilong were still locked in the prison! I always feel that it is too cheap to kill them. Now that you brought those things back is just right. You take them now. Go to the prison to see them, see what they have brought to their family, and then **** them to Caishikou for thousands of dollars! "Shen Long ordered, now it is time to solve Akula, etc. It's time for the executioner.

"The slave-servant obeyed the purpose!" Wang Chengen immediately ordered to go to Neiku to borrow the crown of Philip IV, and when he was in Esbania, he took it from the important figures of his family in Akula and others. 'S personal ornaments, and then took his followers to Tianlao, showing the name of his Dongchang Duke.

"Oh, I heard that Duke Wang had made great contributions to Tai Ming in Taixi to promote the Duke of Dongchang. The young people had long wanted to congratulate the father-in-law, but they just felt humble and his father-in-law was always by his side. I was waiting, so I missed it; I did n’t expect my father-in-law to come to us today. It ’s really prosperous! "The officials who guarded the prison quickly greeted.

"You just have this kind of heart, as long as you do a good job, it will be more useful than giving any gifts." Wang Chengen grinned and responded to two sentences, and declined their invitation to eat tea. "Our family will also give your majesty a job, these, etc. I ’ll finish it later. "

"The father-in-law's loyalty to the king's affairs really made me wait for admiration." The officials who managed Tianlao touted another sentence, and then asked Wang Chengen's intention, "I don't know what the father-in-law is going to do? But I can help Where? "" Take our family to see the Esperanians who were sent back by General Zheng from Xuanwei Division in the old port! "Wang Chengen ordered Wang Chengen to take him to the darkest and dampest place in the depths of Tianlao. .

Akula and others have been kept here since they were sent to the capital by Zheng Zhilong. Shen Long did not say they killed them or let them go, so they kept them here, and occasionally sent an **** to look at them, lest they die inside; It has been almost a year now, and these people have been locked up for a long time.

Finally, it was easy to see someone coming, Akula and others were immediately excited, all of them got up from the damp straw pile, shouting desperately, grabbing the railing of the cell, and even more excited when they recognized an acquaintance. , "Dear Honored Prince, did our family send the ransom?"

"Hahahaha, you are clever, half guessed. Our family came here this time to give you a glance at your family!" Wang Chengen laughed and said in Spanish.

These people thought that it was really the family who sent the ransom to ransom them out, and one by one quickly asked, "Duke, did my family send anything?"

"Yes, there are all of your families, come, let's show you slowly! Akula, look, is this your family's thing?" Wang Chengen took out a gem-set gold cross.

"Yes, this was left by my great-grandfather to my grandfather, and then my grandfather passed it to my father!" Akula recognized it at a glance, "Could it be to save me ~ ~ They even have the heirloom of our family Are they all taken out? "

"Oh, I will slowly tell you this later! Come over and see if this is yours? And you, also be clever ..." Wang Chengen took the ornaments he took from those people's bodies and gave them one by one. These executioners looked at it and they all recognized it as the treasure of their family.

After everyone finished reading, Wang Chengen brought out a big guy. He took the crown of Philip IV from the wooden box and showed it to Akula and others.

"This is ... this is the crown of His Majesty the King!" There was a moment of ominousness in Akula and others' hearts. It is reasonable to say that it is reasonable to bring out his family heirloom for the purpose of redemption. What is the crown of King Bania?

"So that you know, our family went to Esbania specifically, and came to you as soon as you came back!" Wang Chengen changed his face, said with a cold face, "This crown is Esbania King's compensation to me Daming; your family was uprooted because of your involvement! "

"The kings of all of them in Esbania were decapitated. From the old man in his seventies or eighties to the child who had just been breastfeeding, none of them let it go. The same thing my Daming people did! You finally paid the price for your mistakes! "" God! "Hearing this, Akula and others collapsed, and they thought Daming was not going to kill themselves. None of their family members have spared them. The sins they committed at the time have affected the whole family.

"Now it's your turn! Come on, come and take them out and bring them to Caishikou with thousands of swords, to comfort me that the Ming people are in the spirit of heaven!" The end of these executioners arrived.

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