All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1612: The first battle of the East China Sea Fleet

Akula and others could not stand up anymore, or the jailers went in and clipped them out. After they came out, they were sent directly to the prison car and sent all the way from Tian prison to Caishikou. The Caishekou was also prepared here. The master has sharpened the knife, and the representatives of the three divisions read the sins of Akula and others on the spot.

Then he was sentenced to kill Akula and others as late as possible to comfort the people who died in Luzon. Although Akula and others could not understand Chinese, they also knew that it was definitely not a good thing. Fearing that it was about to end, they woke up from the grief of losing their families and cried out for mercy.

It's a pity that none of the people present, except Wang Chengen and a few missionaries who heard the news, could understand what they said, and even if they understood it, the officials of the three law divisions would not care, the tokens were dropped, and the craftsmanship was passed down from generation to generation. The executioners walked in front of Akula and others, removed their clothes, wrapped their bodies tightly with fishing nets, and fed them a soup of ginseng soup. , Can't let them die too fast.

When the first knife went down, Akula and others issued a bitter cry, and the two eyelids were immediately dropped by the executioner, so that they could not close their eyes and could only watch themselves piece by piece. The onlookers immediately cheered. The people in the capital had not forgotten the misfortune when the slaves were built, and they did not have any sympathy for the aliens who dared to kill the Daming people.

Of course, it is not that those who read and read silly shook their heads in the crowd and said, "In terms of late life, these people leave the country and go to the country, leaving the land of their ancestors and going to a foreign country. Even if they die, they deserve it."

"Nonsense! When did the old port Xuanwei Division become a foreign country? That was my hometown of Daming. As early as the ancestor period, it belonged to me Daming! Who are you? How dare you say such things, is it? Do you want to give my Daming territory to a foreign country? "Someone immediately retorted that since Zheng Zhilong regained the old port Xuanweisi, this allusion was widely circulated in Daming. Everyone thinks that the Sibanias occupy Daming. land. "What? Going to another place is to abandon the land of the ancestors? As you say, I can't open up the territory of Daming?" Some of the relatives were also dissatisfied when they were assigned to the clerk and the honorable children in the old port. Relatives have established meritorious careers overseas to return to the old soil, and they are not cold to this old-fashioned rhetoric.

"The court is willing to avenge me for Daming, it is your majesty who treats the people well, you scholars do not want to be loyal to the country, but here they are talking nonsense, I think you are stupid in reading and reading; if you have good luck in the future, you are sent If you are an official abroad, do n’t ask your lord to save you when you are in trouble! ”With the expansion of the old port and bureaucrats and other places, now more and more people are going overseas, and everyone is not satisfied with his words.

At this moment, this little-sighted scholar was attacked by the surrounding people, and he was described as disgraced, and he did not dare to refute. He could only cover his face and fled.

The execution lasted three days in a row. After every ten knives were cut, he rested for a while, giving Akula and others a sip of ginseng soup, and then continued to cut. In three days, a total of 3,357 knives were cut. It was only after these executioners finally lost their lives that they got their due retribution, and Wang Chengen returned to the palace.

After returning to the palace, Wang Cheng'en saw Yu Zigao talking to Shen Long in the study. They were looking at the charts on the wall, and they seemed to start fighting there again. "Cheng En came just right. Now that General Yu has trained my Daming Donghai Fleet, it is time to completely solve the problem of building slaves! What is the latest news from your East Factory?" Shen Long asked.

"Your Majesty Qixun, the slave-servant read the documents as soon as she came back, and happened to see some news about slave-building." After Wang Cheng'en returned, he went to Caishikou during the day and returned to the East Factory to read the latest intelligence collection at night. Nothing in vain; since Shen Long reorganized Dongchang and Jinyiwei, their work efficiency has been greatly improved.

With the money obtained from copying the family, and the clues collected from the eight Jin merchants such as Fan Yongdou and Wang Dengku, Jinyiwei and Dongchang's penetration of Liaodong was increasing, which in turn built the slave's intelligence network inside Daming to be destroyed. Sexual assault, now Daming's information on Jiannu is very clear, but Jiannu knows nothing about Daming.

After passing through the information in my mind a little bit, then Wang Chengen replied in detail, "Now Mao Shuai and General Zu and others attacked on both sides, increasingly approaching Shenyang; looking back at the establishment of slaves, the disputes between the several slave chiefs also ended. The slave chief Mang Gultai was the weakest, and was killed by Dorgon and the Duduo brothers. Dorgon also thought that Hong Tai ’s successful revenge was on the perspiration. The two guys, Amin, got a yawn, and the brothers were killed and injured. "

"However, Dai Shan and A Min did not go well. Dorgon's death was counterattacked, and most of their ministries were damaged. Over the past few years, they have been killed by each other, and the strength of Jiannu has been greatly damaged. ! "

Well, it seems that I had a great effect of chopping the Emperor Taiji. Otherwise, they will not fight for so long, and let them kill themselves, which is much better than Daming.

"Moreover, since Fan Yongdou and others were taken down, the supply of food, iron, and gunpowder on Jiannu's side was completely cut off. Now Liaodong is short of food everywhere, and the rice has risen to as much as thirty-two, even those white armoured soldiers. I'm so hungry that I can't ride a horse! "Wang Chengen told the situation again.

"In this way, the conditions for recovering Liaodong are now in place. I plan to send troops north to wipe out Jiannu completely!" While you are ill, you will be killed. Since you are almost gone, then send you to the heavens early!

"Your Majesty, the minister is willing to marshal the East China Sea Fleet to sweep the Jiannu north!" Yu Xiagao immediately knelt down to fight, Zheng Zhilong stayed in the old port for five years, and he was able to block him. But he was not hot, but it is not easy now. With the opportunity to play, how can Yu Xiaogao miss it. "Okay, this battle requires General Yu to go out!" Shen Long agreed readily. "The purpose is to let Sun Chengzong of Liaodong and Mao Wenlong of Dongjiang send troops at the same time. Then General Yu loads 20,000 Jingying camps and goes north, breaking the road of building slaves. , I want to completely resolve the slave slaves in one battle! Revenge and hatred for the Daming people! "

"Weichen leader!" Yu Xigao was very excited, but this is the great merit of eliminating slave slaves. If he can completely calm slave slaves, even if he can't get the marquis, then the count must be stable? This is the glory that even his father Yu Dayou did not have.

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