All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1614: The end of the traitor

"The general, the general, the soldiers made it clear that it was the two thieves of Nurhaci and Hongtai, the small ones were forced. Since Hongtai was killed by Mangultai, the small one has never infringed on one of the Ming. Cao Yimu! These things have nothing to do with the small one. The small one is willing to surrender, the small one is willing to play for Daming, and please spare the army for the small one! "When Du Gonggong saw Yu Xigao, he quickly rushed to hug Begging on the thigh.

"Oh, Jiannu is now a virtue?" Yu Xiagao saw Duo Gongpa's look and didn't know what to say. He only shook his head with a sneer and kicked Duo Gong away.

How to deal with Du Gong Gong, but he can't make a final decision. Such slave chieftains must be sent to Beijing to offer prisoners, and then His Majesty will deal with it. He won't say a good word for Du Gong Gong.

"Commander Lu, thanks to you for breaking the city this time, otherwise we might have to work harder." Ding Baiying thanked Wen Zhao for landing here. This time, Jinyiwei can make a big contribution to breaking the city. "Don't dare to do it, after today, Lu Mou finally has a face to meet the brothers who died in Salhu!" Lu Wenzhao's eyes were filled with tears. Now he just wanted to bring incense and paper money, and the head of Jian Nu Class, go to Thrall to comfort the dead Ming soldiers, the cloud that has enveloped him for many years can also be dispersed.

"Your Majesty will not forget those soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the country!" Shen Lian comforted. "Did your Majesty say that, after the restoration of Liaodong, he built Daming in Mars, Dalinghe and other places to sacrifice the martyrs for the country?" In the cemetery, the skeletons of these dead soldiers were transferred to the cemetery for burial, and the magistrates were enshrined in the incense at four o'clock. Presumably, their celestial spirits saw the destruction of the slaves and saw that they had incense to worship.

"Wait a few years later, when I am old, I will go to Salhu to accompany these brothers!" Lu Wenzhao can't wait to leave immediately, but the plan can only be postponed when I think that Jinyiwei still has so much to do. . "Don't forget to call me at that time! I will also go to Salhu to accompany you!" Shen Lian can't forget everything that happened to him.

"Oh, you are afraid that it will be some years!" Lu Wenzhao patted Shen Lian's shoulder. Although Jin Yiwei has many talents, there are not many people who may succeed him. He has already thought about it and recommends it when he is old. Shen Lian took over his position. In this case, Shen Lian had to work for His Majesty for a few more years before leaving.

"The newspaper, the commander, Shen Qianhu, and Fan Wencheng grabbed it!" While speaking, a Jin Yiwei came in with a man with a money mouse tail but dressed as a Confucian. This person was one of the three traitors in Liaodong. Fan Wencheng.

As for Bao Chengxian and Ning Wanmei, these two people had already died in the melee battle of Jiannu. When Bao Taixian died, Bao Chengxian was waiting to be received near the tent of Huang Taiji. When Ningwan finished, I first cast Dorgon, then when Amin and Daishan cleaned Dorgon, they were chopped into mud by the chaotic army.

Now only Fan Wencheng is still with Dorgon, and this time Jin Yiwei took a forehead. Lu Wenzhao hated these traitors. He glanced at Fan Wencheng and said disdainfully, "This kind of person is even ancestral. I do n’t want to wear any clothes. I saw that he could only stain my eyes, take them down and take care of them, do n’t let him die. ”After Shenyang recovered, Ding Baiying and Zu Dashou transported Jian slave captives back to the ship. These people Will be transported to the mine to work to death; while taking the remaining man to go down to clean up the remaining forces of the slave slaves, several groups of people attack together, and the remaining forces such as Amin and Daishan are defeated. Those well-known slave chiefs or The battlefield was dead, either died of starvation during the escape, or became a prisoner of Ming.

After all the cities in Liaodong were taken by Daming, Sun Chengzong, Mao Wenlong, Ding Baiying, Lu Wenzhao, Yu Zhigao and others returned to the capital with a large number of captives. Zu Dashou, Wu Xiang and others also endured the fear, they were not allowed No, now that the slaves have been completely settled, they have no other choice at all.

This victory was undoubtedly worthwhile to offer prisoners at the Meridian Gate and win the Tai Temple. Shen Long sat high above the city gate and watched a team of captives pass by before the Meridian Gate, and then imposed different penalties according to different identities. Those little leaders pulled out and cut off their heads, but those with a little name would add a grade.

Niu Luzhen really pulls out his waist and coughs, and it takes a while to sigh for a while before he swallows. As for the prestigious generations such as Duchess, Amin, Daishan and Bumbutai, how can it be too late? So those executioners who had filmed Akula and others came in handy.

The people in the capital also cheered. They had not forgotten the matter of building the siege of the slaves before, and they rushed to the Caishikou to watch the tragic ending of many fathers and other people ~ ~ Since the end of the Wanli period, the countless accumulation of soldiers This moment of hatred can finally dissipate.

But one person, Shen Long, was not executed on the spot, that is Fan Wencheng. When Lu Wenzhao asked him, Shen Long said lightly, "Isn't he the 17th grandson who claimed to be Fan Wen Zhenggong? People, then send them to Fan's descendants and let them deal with them! "

So soon after Fan Wencheng arrived in Beijing, he was sent to a prison car, escorted to Jiangnan, and sent to the city of Wuxi. When he arrived at the gate, a group of Confucian students came out to greet them. They are all descendants of Fan Zhongyan, who originally belonged to Luoyang. After Jin Bing and Mongolia went south successively, Fan's descendants moved to Jiangnan.

One of the most important ones settled in Wuxi and established their own hall number-Hou Le Tang, taking Fan Zhongyan's meaning of "before the world's worries and worries, and after the world's joy and happiness".

Fan family poetry and heirs also have such glorious ancestors, who have always been respected in Wuxi, but today they encountered such a thing. The children of the Fan family even came out of such a traitor, Fan Zhongyan, which made them so uncomfortable.

"Liaodong Fan Family and our Wuxi Fan Family are not the same family. These shameless people must have confessed to their ancestors and badly damaged our Fan family reputation! Uncle, we can't recognize them!" Someone in the crowd said with a black face. "Your Majesty has a purpose, can this be recognized?" The patriarch said, of course he knew this, but Fan Wencheng claimed to be the grandson of the 17th grandson of Fan Wenzheng, and they were all direct descendants of Fan Zhongyan. , Only such things can only be recognized.

Looking at Fan Wencheng's money mouse tail hair style, these people hated him with his teeth straight, but he couldn't be angry, his majesty said, this person let them Fan family handle it, so what should he do with him?

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