All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1615: Yan Sheng Gong

"These fatherless and motherless people would bring their ancestral name into the ancestral hall." The emissaries of the court handed Fan Wencheng to them, and these people could only accept them depressedly, and then began to discuss how to deal with him.

"Should be the first to open the ancestral hall and break it out of the clan." This is definitely the first thing to be done, or else when the family mentions the Fan family in the future, it is not a descendant of Fan Wenzheng, but a traitor. Family, this is too embarrassing.

So the descendants of the Fan family rushed into the ancestral hall, weeping and weeping, feeling how the Fan family came out with such an indisputable thing, and then quickly wrote an article, scolding Fan Wencheng bloody, and then Kaige out of the clan; but what should I do next? These people are caught in a tangle again.

This is not something that can be done just by opening a tribe. People like Fan Wencheng cannot survive anyway, but how can he be executed to satisfy His Majesty and the world? Ling Chi? Fan Wencheng ’s crimes are definitely sufficient for this punishment, but the Fan family does not have this skill, and this is the punishment of the Ming Dynasty ’s punishment canon. They are not qualified to do so; the same is true of other waist cuts and five horses. The common penalties for dipping pig cages and spanking seem to be too light.

The big guy discussed for a while, and Fan Wencheng knelt outside the door of the Fan family and looked at the plaque at the door without saying a word. In the past, he regarded the name of Fan Wenzheng's descendants very seriously, and had fantasies. After one day, I can come to Hou Le Tang beautifully, accept the recognition of other Fan's descendants, and become the true descendants of Fan Wen Zheng Gong.

Unexpectedly, he really came here now, but under such circumstances, he absolutely humiliated his ancestors this time. Even if he died, I am afraid he would have no face to see Fan Wenzheng? "Your Majesty means, let us give this man a death law that is enough to spread the world and warn future generations. If the death is too unusual, I am afraid that your Majesty and the people of the world are not satisfied?" Fan family also guessed Shen Long Thoughts, but how to achieve this goal, but also caught in a headache.

"Is there any way to get it out quickly! This person's name can be described as unpleasant now, and it is better than Qin Hui. If you let this person kneel in front of my Fan family, how do others think about our Fan family?" The elders in the clan are in a hurry. The most important thing is the reputation of the family, but now it seems that a stinky **** is smeared on their faces. How can it be tolerated?

"Smelly?" The words awakened the dreamer, and immediately someone thought of a suitable way. "Uncles, since this person's reputation is already smelly, let him die!"

"Xianxie, this is how to say? Come and listen carefully!" Seeing someone think of the idea, the big guy immediately got excited and asked repeatedly.

"It's better to throw it in the place where the five grain reincarnation was killed, this place is in line with his reputation! Expect to spread it, everyone in the world will clap their hands." Fan Wencheng was thrown into the toilet and drowned, so it is estimated that the common people in the world Are you satisfied? This idea was not bad. The big guy carefully discussed it and immediately decided on the plan, so the Fan family escorted Fan Wencheng to the back door. In front of countless people who came to watch the people, they pushed down a wall and exposed the backyard. The latrine, and then pushed the latrine away, exposing the dunghole below.

Fan Wencheng was anxious when he saw this, and he couldn't guess how these people planned to deal with himself? He thought that he must be alive this time, but such a death method is really unacceptable! This might as well be executed by Ling Chi!

The onlookers were excited, they saw much more punishment such as beheading and hanging, even if it was Ling Chi or slashing, it was not a chance to see in Beijing, but this was the first time the **** slaughter! Even if I go through the history books, except for the unlucky Jin Jinggong, no second person seems to have died like this.

Fan Wencheng struggled desperately, trying to break the rope and break himself. However, the Fan family did not dare to have any sloppy. The two big men clamped Fan Wencheng to the ground and pressed him to the ground. Then the patriarch of the Fan family read the document After counting many crimes by Fan Wencheng, he finally announced that he was thrown into the pit by the execution of family law and drowned.

As soon as the voice fell, the people around him applauded in unison, and Fan Wencheng struggled more and more fiercely. The two big men immediately escorted him to the edge of the dung pit, and lifted Fan Wencheng directly into it; then jumped back suddenly With just a puff, Fan Wencheng fell into the dung pit, struggling desperately in it, and stirred up countless dung waters.

The surrounding people quickly covered their noses, which was a little too irritating, and they couldn't stand it so far apart, let alone fell into it.

The dung pit was thick and sticky, and soon Fan Wencheng's whole person sank ~ ~ Only the bubbles on the surface proved that he was not dead for a while! The crowd watched in this way until the pit completely calmed down.

"These gangsters with no monarchs and fathers are finally dead!" The Fan family immediately took action and began to build a tomb on the pit. It was not enough to throw Fan Wencheng into the pit and drown. Stay here.

Under the watch of hundreds of people, Fan Wencheng ’s tomb was repaired, and the tombstone was engraved with several large characters-"Tomb of Fan Wencheng, a traitor", and then the Fan family simply abandoned this backyard and demolished all the walls so that the people could Feel free to come and go to watch, so this special tomb has become a scene in Wuxi. People who come to Wuxi will always visit it and express their emotions. There are countless poems and prose, and they all abandon the behavior of Fan Wencheng. Warn future generations.

The news quickly reached Beijing, and Shen Long heard a faint smile, "This Fan family is still smart, so it's good to deal with it." At most, he can think of a method such as carving a traitor or casting a bronze kneeling statue. There is no such legend.

"Your Majesty, you asked the slave-maid and others to investigate the Anglican, and the slave-maid and others have already figured it out. The Anglican family has some illegal things in Shandong, and the people are miserable!" After finishing Fan Wencheng, Wang Chengen started again Reported another thing. It ’s strange if their family is okay. Shen Long murmured in his heart and then said, “It ’s just that the Anglican Yan is in the capital these days. At tomorrow ’s dynasty meeting, take all these things out. I ’d like to see how he explained . "

Daming completely settled Jiannu, which is a big happy event, but everyone who has a little identity has expressed his congratulations, and the big brothers who can come to the capital have also come to join in the fun. Of course, Yan Sheng Gong Kong Yin Zhi is of course no exception. It saves Shen Long a lot of effort, at least no need to send people to Qufu to get people.

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