All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1616: Thunder hole

At the next dynasty meeting, the military and military officials were together, and the expression on his face was much better than when Shen Long was in power. At that time, the slave soldiers were under pressure, and the domestic people did not talk about life. The pressure of these officials was also great.

It ’s better now that the slaves have been completely eliminated; the princes and honoraries have also been swept away by Shen Long, greatly reducing the expenses of the court; coupled with the sharp increase in commercial taxes, Daming ’s treasury is unprecedented. Even if various disasters often occur in the territory, due to the various high-yielding crops promoted by Xu Guangqi, the lives of the Daming people can still survive, and there is no large-scale disturbance of the refugees.

Even if there are occasional local disasters that are too heavy for the people to survive, the imperial court will arrange for them to go to the bureaucrats, to Nanyang, and to the newly recovered Liaodong resettlement. There is no large-scale starvation; so many officials are in private During the chat, I said that it seems that it can be called a prosperous age now, but they didn't express congratulations only when they knew that Shen Long didn't like these things.

The military commander was even happier there. Although it was said that Shen Long had collected many honors in Beijing and Jinling before, many families that had inherited for more than two hundred years were uprooted by Shen Long; but after that, the slaves were eliminated and the Nanyang was swept away. Many military commanders were given the opportunity to establish meritorious service, and many people became knights. Training those four sons of Teng Xiang's four guards, it is self-evident that Mao Wenlong was also named marquis because of his years of work in Liaodong, and finally he had his wish. For many years, it is time to come back and enjoy. The officials under his staff also have their own appointments and will not be buried. He can be said to have no regrets.

Yu Xiagao was also named Earl for training the East China Sea Fleet and assisting the army to win Shenyang. At this time, Yu Xiagao had already defeated his father Yu Dayou, but he was still somewhat dissatisfied because Zheng Zhilong was Obtained a promise and will be blocked in the future, Yu Xigao is not willing to lower Zheng Zhilong's head.

But it does n’t matter, because Shen Long has already told him that solving the Jiannu does not mean that the East China Sea Fleet will be okay. There are Japanese pirates over the sea waiting for Yu Xiagao to deal with it. If this can be done well, In a battle, his title will certainly be promoted, so Yu Xiagao practised his pawns all day long, waiting for the opportunity to go to war. Lu Wenzhao also won the title of knight. Jin Yiwei repeatedly made warfare in the Liaodong World War. He personally infiltrated Shenyang to help the Daming army open the city gate and captured many fathers and other people.

In addition to the knighthood, what is more important is that the civil and military are clearly distinguished from the top of the court. The status of the generals has been greatly improved. When they see the civil servants, they no longer have to bow down like the previous ones. This is their most happy.

The big guy thought that Jiannu had just been settled, and he hadn't received any bad news recently, so Wen Wu Baiguan's expression was very relaxed, thinking that today's Dachao meeting might soon end, and the big guy said something nice to congratulate Your majesty, then you can go back to each house, but unexpectedly someone threw a big bomb and shocked them.

"Wei Chendu Procuratorate Zhang Motan's imperial prince Kong Yinzhi's ten major crimes: First, he held his position incorrectly, when Wei Eun was in power, Kong Yin Zhi had more Wei Wei Eun ... Under the name of their Confucian family, Kong Yinzhi acquired large-scale land in Qufu and other places, resulting in fewer courtesies confiscated by the imperial court in Shandong each year. During the days of the Qiqi, every year in Shandong province. … "

"Third, treat tenants harshly. Every year, dozens of tens of tenants are killed and tortured among Confucian manors, and as many as hundreds. Kong Yinzhi is so vicious, not only in violation of the law of the court, but also as a descendant of Kong Sheng. "" Fourth, colluding with the slaves, the Kong family controlled grain in and out in Shandong, and a lot of the grain was sold to the slaves outside the customs. Such a move is really counterintuitive, and should be handled like Fan Yongdou and others. "

"Five ... Sixth ... Seventh ..." Zhang Mo read impeachment one by one, the smile on Kong Yinzhi's face suddenly froze, a layer of cold sweat came from his forehead, and his hands and feet began to tremble.

Some of these things he knew, such as the merger of the land and the killing of tenants, the Confucian family is one of the largest landlords of the Shandong generation ... No, they have been the largest landlords since the clan and other kings were disposed of. It's no surprise that such a big family happened to kill tenants.

Some of him did not know, such as selling food to Jiannu, etc., but he felt that it was not impossible. Who made Shandong and Liaodong not far away from the sea, and Jiannu could afford the price.

"Your Majesty, Weichen was wronged!" Kong Yinzhi couldn't help but want to defend him until Zhang Mo finished the impeachment.

"Huh? Isn't Yan Yangong allowed others to finish talking?" Shen Long snorted ~ ~ Yu Shang Yu Shi immediately came out and scolded. He just asked Zhang Mo to finish all impeachment before allowing Kong Yinzhi. excuse.

"Your Majesty, these little officials really don't know, maybe some are the mistakes made by the house slaves, but my Confucian family dare not violate the imperial court rules!" As soon as he heard Zhang Mo Nian finished, Kong Yinzhi burst into tears. Argued.

"Your Majesty, Yan Shengyi is a descendant of the saint. I don't expect to do such injustice." The Kong family is after all a descendant of Kong Shengren, representing the face of the scholars in the world, so someone came out to help Kong Yinzhi speak. .

"Because the Ancestor Yan is a descendant of the saint, what he has to do is worthy of being a model for the world's scholars. Kong Yinzhi is in such an unbearable situation. How can he stand up to the position of the Ancestor Yan?" Zhang Mo is not alone. There are also supporters, many of whom are officials from Shandong. They had suffered losses in front of the Confucian family. They finally waited for the opportunity. Will they easily let go?

Civil servants, you come and go to argue with each other, and stir up a mess in the court, but the generals are smiling and watching on the wall. This matter has nothing to do with them. Seeing the excitement is over.

The fighting power of Daming civil servant is not bad, Kong Yinzhi is also a fierce battle, and soon a little caught off guard. I do n’t know who shouted, "If the Lord Yan is worthy of his heart, dare to swear to the sky?"

As soon as Kong Yinzhi's head was hot, he immediately raised his hand and swear, "If my Kong family commits so many wrong things, I will be punished by the thunder of my thunder!" As soon as the words fell, I heard a thunder and a thunderous sound. A big hole was directly punched in the roof, and a lightning bolt cracked on Kong Yinzhi's head. Then, the second and third times, there were five thunders, and five lightning bolts cracked on Kong Yinzhi's head.

Seeing this in awe, the group ministers, no one spoke for a long time.

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