All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1617: The Kong family is over

Above the hall, all the ministers of culture and martial arts were staring at Kong Yinzhi, and they were terrified in their hearts. Is this too terrible? Kong Yinzhi had just vowed, and it was fulfilled immediately. Wu Lei's top was not much, but he was split into black charcoal on the spot. Could it be that God couldn't stand him?

What oath have I made before? Are there any missing areas? No. After you go back, you must think about it and hurry to honor all the vows that have been issued. Otherwise, what will happen in the future? I don't want to end with Kong Yinzhi.

No, there is a raised faucet on the ridge of this hall. Longkou spit out a tortuous metal tongue and stretched out to the sky. The root of the tongue is connected to a thin wire. Through the ground, if lightning strikes the house, the current will flow from the dragon tongue. Walk to the ground along the eyes to avoid the thunder and lightning from destroying the main hall; in this case, even if there is lightning, the people in the main hall will not be chopped? What the **** is going on? Those who understand science like Xu Guangqi and Sun Yuanhua couldn't help looking at the roof.

I'm sorry, but I didn't hold back for a while, but if you make individual vows, it might be over, but if you're dying or not, you're just talking about the five thunders. Shen Long thought of Kong Yinzhi's first investment in Li Zicheng and then slavery. Cashed him on the spot, summoned five lightning bolts to split Kong Yinzhi out of focus. "Your Majesty, Kong Thief bullied the king, and even God hasn't seen it. He lowered the thunder punishment. He asked His Majesty to investigate all the illegal things of the Confucian family, so as to avoid heaven from sending down the punishment again!" Zhang Mo first woke up , Suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, said that if this matter was spread today, it would be enough to make him famous.

Seeing no, I just impeached Kong Yinzhi, and God lowered the Thunder to punish him. This shows that even Heaven has agreed to my impeachment, which will surely greet me with great reputation.

"Your Majesty, Weichen is guilty, and Weichen did not see the true face of the perforated Yin Zhi. He was blinded by him! He also asked His Majesty to allow Weichen to atone for his sins. Weichen is willing to go to Qufu and personally investigate the various wrongful actions of the Kong family. "The minister who previously supported Kong Yinzhi also immediately made a 180-degree turn and directly criticized Kong Yinzhi. It won't work if you don't change your tongue! Kong Yinzhi was hacked by Lei on the spot. How can you help me talk to him? If I don't change my tongue, I have to suffer! Many ministers looked at Kong Yinzhi with resentment. How dare you do so many bad things? Isn't this death? It doesn't matter if you find yourself dead, don't bother me!

"Your Majesty, please quickly disperse toward Korea, Kong Yinzhi, this man is angry, and it may not be right to stay in the temple!" Some people also thought of security issues, but now there is a big hole on the top of the hall. What should I do if something falls down on people?

"Nothing, I am the Lord of Fate, and the Thunder came down from the sky because Kong Yinzhi has nothing to do with me and you." Shen Long said calmly, and rest assured, as long as no one continued to swear foolishly, there would be no Thunder He ordered, "Come a few people to see if Kong Yin Zhi is dead?"

The literary ministers watched Kong Yinzhi dared not step forward, lest there should be a thunder again, or Lu Wenzhao was more courageous, and walked to the front to turn Kong Yinzhi lying on the ground and turned around, only to see that the vegetation of Kong Yinzhi thundered 'S body was black, but there were still a few breaths, and he did not die on the spot, so he reported truthfully.

"Oh? What's the matter? Since Heaven sent down punishment, why didn't he kill Kong Yinzhi? Instead, he left him a life?" Shen Long asked deliberately. "Your Majesty, this may be the Lord ’s Majesty! Kong Yinzhi is, after all, His Majesty ’s courtier. His Majesty, on behalf of God, is the shepherd who guards the people, and his courtiers should naturally handle it when they make mistakes. God can only warn him, not replace His Majesty. Execution. "Someone immediately thought of Yan Song's allusions.

During the period of Jiajing, Taoist Lan Daoxing used the help to ask the immortal to expose Yan Song as a traitor under the name of God. The Emperor Jiajing asked him, "Since Heaven knows that he is a traitor, why not punish him?"

Lan Daoxing thought about it and answered, "I want to leave it to His Majesty to deal with it for myself." Now these ministers have the same meaning as the original Lan Daoxing.

Kong Yinzhi, who had been struck by thunder, was very painful, but he did not dare to show a slight look, and could only force his eyes to be dizzy. In addition, he did not know what to do. This is better than pleading guilty. What kind of vows are arbitrarily made? This is good. The Confucian family seems to be completely over.

"It turns out so!" Shen Long nodded, believing this statement, "It seems that Zhang Aiqing's impeachment is all true, then send someone to Shandong to check it? That Ai Qing is willing to do the heavy duty?"

"Your Majesty, Weichen is willing to go!" Zhang Mo stood up without hesitation, he wanted to take this credit seriously.

"Your Majesty, Weichen is also willing to go!" If the previous ~ ~ that civil servant is willing to go to the Kong family? The Confucian family is the face of the world's readers, and they go to check on their own. The world's readers don't know how to scold themselves? But now it is different. Kong Yinzhi was struck by thunder in the main hall just now, and he went to Shandong to check the Kong family, but he did what he wanted to do.

More importantly, I just spoke to Kong Yinzhi just now. If I don't want to save some points, I won't be able to mix up in the court.

"Now that, let Zhang Aiqing and Lu Aiqing go together!" Shen Long ordered Zhang Mo, and another official who had spoken to Kong Yinzhi most hard, appointed them as ministers of embarrassment, and went to Shandong to investigate the Confucian family. From Jinyiwei and Dongchang, Telikan was mobilized to help them in the future.

Kong Yinzhi was put in Tian prison to take care of it. After the news spread, the world was in an uproar; when Zhang Mo and others arrived in Shandong, no hundreds of people came to their door to complain and sue the many crimes of the Kong family.

In the past, they certainly did not dare, because the Confucian family has been entangled in Qufu for nearly two thousand years, no matter which family is the emperor, they are indispensable to the wealth of the Confucian family. They are desperate to confess to the Confucian family.

But now it's different. Kong Yinzhi vowed that the thunder had spread to Shandong. They felt that even the heavens didn't see the Kong family, so they took out all kinds of evidence to sue the Kong family. Zhang Mo and the old man of Lu did not dare to neglect. One of the crimes was severely interrogated. The local officials no longer dared to look after the Confucian family. With their cooperation, the true face of the Confucian family gradually revealed to the world.

The merger of the land, the harsh treatment of the tenants, the squeezing of the people, the arrogance of the lawsuits, the hoarding of strange things, and the messy things in the home are all made public. This is why the reputation of the Confucian family is completely broken. The object of the Confucius family is over.

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