All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1619: It's boring to stay home

"Zhu Youjian from the world of" Embroidery of Spring Swords "thank you very much for helping him realize his wish and let Daming get a rebirth. Now I will give you the emperor's true dragon spirit, whether it is accepted, please confirm." Before Aaliyah had returned, Shen Long first entered the system to check the harvest.

"Accept!" This thing feels like the five virtues of benevolence and ritual wisdom obtained in "Crossing the Kanto", as well as the merits obtained in the world of "I am not a drug god". There are great rewards in the world, it is always good to hold.

A flash of white light flashed over, and Shen Long felt like there was something more, but there was nothing more specific but he couldn't tell. He simply didn't bother to bother and went to bed.

When he woke up, the real world was a big deal, and his parents didn't go out to go to relatives anymore. The village committee's big horn rang and asked all households not to stay at home. Hey, why is there such a big thing suddenly? Shen Long was also stunned. Well, since he could not go out, there was no shortage of vegetables and food at home. Spring couplets and firecrackers were also bought. So stay at home! Fortunately, I'm back in the village now. The new home is very spacious, otherwise it will not be suffocated!

At the beginning, the family was sitting in the living room, watching all kinds of news on TV, and worried about this sudden disaster, but after a long time of watching, people thought that it was not a matter of fact. Way to pass the time?

So the mother secretly counted the people in the room, one two three four, as if it was just right, so she turned her gaze to Arya, "Ai Xiao, will you play mahjong?" I originally thought about the New Year, and the big guys are on holiday, but it can be regarded as a few fun, but now I ca n’t get out at home, I have to play by myself.

"Mahjong? I've seen them play, but I haven't tried it myself." Arya said thoughtfully. "It shouldn't be difficult to learn? Or you teach me, I play with you?"

"Well, it's really simple, you just remember this formula, n × aaa + m × abc + dd, m or n can be equal to 0, add up to equal 4." Shen Long took Arya to the automatic Mahjong table On the top, she was presented with a few sets of cards, "The mahjong here is simple, unlike the national standard mahjong, we have to talk about the number, and there are special cards such as Guoshi Wushuang and Qixing not relying on it. You remember these and add A seven pair is enough. "

The local mahjong is not counted either, it is only two types of self-touch and Hu brand, and there is money in the bar, and Arya will learn in a few minutes.

"Okay, then let's try it first? Learning while playing comes fast!" The mother watched Arya learn so fast, but was very happy, immediately struck to start playing. "It's a little stuffy inside the house. Now the sun is so good outside. Let's go to the sun room?" Shen Long deliberately built a sun room when he built the house, which was specially used for his parents to sunbathe and grow flowers and grass in winter. Now the sun It just happened to be inside, with the glass blocking the wind, and then turning on the air conditioner a little bit was enough to warm up.

So he moved the automatic mahjong table to the sunshine room, soaked in tea for his parents, and took some nut snacks or something. Four people sat comfortably on the massage chair and played mahjong.

"Hey, although it's not as busy as it used to be, it's also a lot of leisure! In the past, I had to go with relatives every day. It was more tiring than when I was at work. Eight loaves." The mother said with emotion while playing cards.

"Bump." My father showed two pieces of eight loaves, and then threw out a piece of nine loaves. "Also, I was still worried about drinking. Now I'm fine, I don't need to drink anymore." Now he is in the county. The reputation of the village is ringing. Many people come to visit during the New Year and invite him to the banquet or something.

These things are not easy to offend people, and you have to drink when you go. The old man is really a little scared. Now I do n’t have to worry about these at all. All the restaurants in the county are closed and closed, and dinners are strictly forbidden. The big guys are at home. Stay with your family.

"I just don't know if there is a gap cover in the village or in the county now? If it's missing, I would like to find a way to get it back?" Shen Long glanced at her mother's card with perspective, and found that she had heard it, so Throw a gun.

"Hu Huo Hu." The mother smiled and smiled and opened the card. "I am the dealer. This gives me two of you."

The three gave each mother two small cards, and then continued to chat. The father said, "I heard that there is a shortage of doctors in the hospital are not enough. If you can find it, get them some!"

"Okay, I'll think of a way to go back at night." Now I'm afraid I'm afraid that everything is missing ~ ~ But can I go to other worlds and buy a bunch of them in the world of "The Name of the People" Donate to the county hospital again!

The four people played mahjong all afternoon. At the beginning, Shen Long secretly looked at each other ’s cards and fed a few cards to his father, mother and Aaliyah to make them happy and happy, and later too lazy to care about these , As long as you fight, as soon as the meal is settled, the mother and Arya both win, and they lose with their father, but the two losers are happier than the winner.

After dinner, my parents went to watch TV, and Shen Long took Arya back to the room, and turned to the world of "The Name of the People". He probably felt that it would take some time to touch this matter. In the past, Arya ’s old house must have been a bit depressed at home, it ’s better to take her out and get better.

Let Arya go around by herself, Shen Long asked the secretary to buy a lot of masks for herself, and when Arya is intact, the two have returned to the real world.

After a night of rest, Shen Long and the village said the next day, and drove these masks to the county hospital. Now the county hospital is having a headache for this. The mask that Shen Long took out helped them solve the big trouble. .

After sending the mask, I went back home and continued to play mahjong. This time it was a whole day. During the rest, Shen Long went to cook, and Arya exercised with her parents. She was always sitting and sitting. Not good for health. At the beginning, Shen Long also felt that this kind of life was good. After all, he was rarely reunited with his parents once a year, but as time went on, he could not bear it a little. Although the family was quite big, it was only one. With so many acres, I can't get out in such a small place. It's really boring for a long time.

Hey, can you give me a new mission? Let me go out to breathe? Shen Long prayed in his heart.

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