All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1620: "Daranfang"

"Chen Liuzi from" Daifangfang "asked for your help and hopes you can keep his factory." Thinking about it, the system promptly sounded in my mind.

Hey, this time I do n’t have to worry about being bored at home. Shen Long sits up violently, "Daranfang"? I seemed to watch it back then. It was a very old TV series, but it was also quite classic.

"Daifang" tells the story of a begging young boy named Chen Shouting in Zhoucun, Shandong, from the end of the Qing Dynasty to the beginning of the Republic of China. After ten years of painstaking management, he co-founded Dahua Dyeing Factory and embarked on the road of industrial printing and dyeing, and eventually developed Dahua Dyeing Factory into the second largest printing and dyeing factory in Qingdao.

During the period, the changes of the great era interspersed, from the fall of the Manchu Empire to the melee of warlords, and then to the invasion of the Japanese invaders, Chen Liuzi passed through waves of hardships, but ultimately failed to withstand the general trend of history. After the July 7th Incident, Chen Liuzi put all the key parts of his factory on gasoline and connected wires. Once Japan captured Jinan, the Hongju dyeing factory was in flames; he donated the money for the cloth bought by the Eighth Route to the Eighth Route Army. Let them kill more devils and revenge for themselves. On his birthday, everyone celebrated his birthday in the factory, handed down the report, Han Fuju abandoned the city and fled; Chen Liuzi was completely disappointed in this country and finally said "What is this Army, what country is this! "He vomited blood and passed out, and then ordered Jin Biao to blow up the dyeing plant. Facing a burning dyeing plant, Chen Shouting shed tears.

Hey, without a strong country, how can businessmen in this country be guaranteed? Shen Long sighed, not to mention in that chaotic era, that is, in this era, once Chinese companies are enlarged, unless they are nestled in their own countries, after entering the international market, if they threaten the interests of those multinational giants, They will inevitably take various measures to deal with these Chinese companies. Isn't that the case with Huawei?

This task is not easy to do! You have to say that to make your printing and dyeing factory bigger, Shen Long has many ways to do it. In chemical industry, he has not only the old white knowledge reserve, but also the experience of engaging in large chemical enterprises with Song Yunhui and others in the "Dajiang Dahe" world. He Chen Liuzi could make Hongju Dyeing Factory the second largest printing and dyeing factory in Qingdao. Shen Long even had the ability to make this dyeing factory the largest printing and dyeing factory in China, but some things weren't enough. To achieve this step, it is not only to compete with commercial opponents, but also to master the local warlords and foreign aggressors who have ambitions for the land of China. These cannot be solved by commercial means alone.

And this is also different from the world of "Crossing the Kanto". In that world, you can seize the opportunity to become the master of the Northeast and use your own power to stop the aggressor; but in this task, Chen Liuzi's ideal is only to keep himself Shen's factory, Shen Long can't take this route.

So, prepare some more materials first, and think about how to complete this task! Now that I cannot go out, there is no way to convene relevant experts to make inquiries, but it does not matter. It is still the same as the problem of dealing with masks before. If the real world does not work, then go to other worlds.

So Shen Long opened the door of time and space and entered the world of "The Name of the People", first brushed the TV series with Gao Xiaoqin and Gao Xiaofeng sisters, then found the original novel and read it carefully, and then let his secretary help Finding information in this area includes not only technical information related to the printing and dyeing industry, but also information on the development of national industries during the Republic of China period.

The secretary has become accustomed to making some strange requests to his leader from time to time. Without asking anything, he went to find relevant experts and collected a thick pile of information for Shen Long. After slowly digesting these materials, Shen Long felt the difficulty of this task more and more. You have to say when you were a comprador in that era, you can live a very moist day. After all, those big families do n’t do that. Is it? As a result, they have become friends of foreigners, and they have made huge profits for themselves. They can also ask foreigners for help when they encounter any problems and let them help solve problems.

But if you want to do business, that problem will be more. From the experience of some famous ethnic entrepreneurs, you can see one or two. For example, Chen Liuzi's most respected businessman Miao Haidong, whose prototype is the national capitalist Miao Hainan He once studied at the Manchester Textile Institute in the United Kingdom and returned to his country after graduation, hoping to promote the development of China's textile industry.

After the establishment of Chengtong Yarn Factory and great success, he ambitiously formulated the "Great Northwest Plan", preparing to set up a flour mill or spinning mill in every important city from Xi'an to Lanzhou. Soon after the Japanese invasion, the Great Northwest Plan to declare bankruptcy.

In 1938, the Japanese army succeeded and forced Miao Hainan to establish a joint venture with him; he strongly opposed ~ ~ being expelled from the Japanese army; in 1939, he raised funds to build a Pufeng flour factory in Nanjing as a manager. By 1944, he was again The Japanese army forcibly conscripted the military, and did not withdraw its self-employment until the Japanese army surrendered unconditionally.

The problems he encountered were exactly the same as that of Chen Liuzi, but the invasion of the outside world led to the failure of the enterprise; in addition to these, ethnic entrepreneurs such as Hou Debang and Rong Yiren also encountered more problems. The layers of exploitation and the oppression of the compradors struck the national entrepreneurs.

The compradors did not have the need to develop national industry. They could make a fortune by importing foreign products and equipment. During their reign, the national industry even experienced a retrogression. During the period of the Northern Warlords, they could make gun steel and barrel steel. After the "great development" of the "Golden Decade" of the Republic of China, it could not be made.

In addition to the financial collapse caused by the issuance of banknotes, etc., China was not suitable for the development of national capital at that time. Chen Liuzi wanted to keep his factory under such circumstances. How difficult is it, even if there is no Japanese, it is estimated Will they be swallowed by those compradors?

After reading these materials, Shen Long only sighed. He felt that today's life is hard to come by. Only those people can save China. Those who miss the Republic of China online are inexplicable. After making preparations, Shen Long put all the necessary materials and materials into his personal space, and then returned to the real world, from the real world into the world of "Daranfang".

A flash of white light flashed over Shen Long from the small county town of Northwestern New China in 2020 to Shandong in the late Qing Dynasty and early Republican period, and then a thought suddenly appeared in his mind, Huh, what was Zhu Kaishan doing at this time? Is it still struggling on the borders of Shandong, or has it gone to the Kanto?

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