All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1622: Big flicker

"Brother, I don't see any cleverness!" A bandit who had a bald head and a thick eyebrow and a missing front tooth stood up and surrounded Shen Long with seven or eight men. "I wanted to knock you out. After being taken away, now that you have been found, what do you say? Are you going with us? Or are we taking you? "

"Then I'll go with some good guys!" Seeing these bandits, Shen Long felt inexplicably cordial. These people reminded him of Zhen Sanjiang, Lao Yaozi and others he had encountered in the world of "Crossing the Kanto".

"If you are smart, we won't be difficult for you when we get to the place in a while. As long as you do what we say, we will let you go." The bandit leader was very satisfied with his response.

A group of people surrounded Shen Long to a dilapidated Guandi Temple. Through the fire of the torch, the pair on the door of the temple could be seen clearly. The red paint had long faded and the writing was somewhat mottled. The horizontal batch is "one person". Lianlian is "Writing Spring and Autumn and Reading Spring and Autumn". "Xilian" is "Brother Xuande Brother Wingde Brother Xiongde." Guan Yu, who is at the gate, is worn out; Zhou Cang, who is next to him, has no blade in his hand. With a stick; Guan Ping's upper body is not there, only half of the leg.

Bringing Shen Long to the Guandi Temple, the bandit leader gathered, "Brother, do you know why this is?"

Shen Long smiled, "Dachang Dyeing Square, just say something. If you can promise, I will. I can't agree. It's useless for you to kill me." He felt that these bandits were not bad, so he was willing to talk to them. , Or else it ’s already started.

The bandits went further, "Okay, pleased! I said, how do you know that the sign was issued by Dachang Dyeing Workshop?" The cliché Shen Long could understand, that is, Dachang Dyeing Workshop asked them to tie Shen Long.

Shen Long said with a smile, "Hey, it's not easy? I'm a dyemaker. I have no money, no land, no offense. Isn't who Dachang can be? Oh, if you have anything, just say it."

The bandit leader is very happy, "Brother, at first glance you are an understanding person; our brother is also entrusted by others, the matter is very simple, you raise the price of your Tonghe dyeing shop, and do not use any German dyes. You only have to promise these , I let you go. You are happy, I am also happy. How? "

Shen Long clenched his fists, "Brother, I think you are a reasonable person, so I will give you a good talk! My Chen Liuzi is an orphan, and he fainted at the entrance of Tonghe Dyefang in the snow and ice. Picking up a life, the shopkeeper Zhou treats me as a son, for me to eat and drink, so that I can have a present. "

"It's a benevolent man!" The bandits listened to the story and nodded. "It's not easy to live in this world, you are a good person!" They are not born to want to be bandits, they really can't live. This is the only thing.

"You said that this person has won the favor of others, can you not want to return? Guan Erye and Uncle Liu Huang treated him as brothers, and then born and died for Uncle Liu Huang." Shen Long bowed to Guan Eryi and said, "We Although it ’s not as good as Guan Er ’s, Shandong ’s lords have the first word meaning, and since they have received such a great favor from the shopkeeper Zhou, they should try their best to return. ”

"That's that!" Hearing that the eight words in the first words of Shandong people's senses, these bandits felt that they were talking about themselves, and they couldn't help but straighten their backs a bit.

"Zhou shopkeeper is doing business, then I naturally have to help him to do a good job of business. My Chen Liuzi has always operated in good faith in Zhoucun. No matter what kind of customer he came from, he dare not have the slightest carelessness to ensure that the colors are well-proportioned. The water does not fade; and thanks to the trust of our folks in Shili Baxiang, we all took the cloth to the Tonghe Dyeing Workshop for dyeing. "

"I am thinking about it. The Tonghe dye shop business can be improved. They all rely on these folks, so they are willing to give them some discounts. The brothers also know that it is not easy for the folks to earn some money. It is difficult to plan food in the soil. The sweat falls into eight. It takes a lot of time for Qian'er to save a few bucks from spring to winter; to buy some cloth and make new clothes for the family, it is really not easy! "

"It's not easy, it's not easy!" These people are also born in bitterness. Shen Long's words came to their hearts. For a time, they even forgot the business and responded.

"So, I lost 20% of the money for dyeing cloth, and the villagers would have a little more money to buy more cloth, and the children at home did not have to run around. You said this is a good thing or a bad thing?" Shen Long asked back. Road.

"Good thing, this is definitely a good thing!" These people are poor people, naturally speaking to the poor people.

"Yeah, I also think it's a good thing. The folks have benefited. Can we make more business in the Tonghe dye shop?" Shen Long clapped, "but some people can't stand it! I actually don't want to talk about people behind my back." Bad words, but the king's shopkeeper in the Dachang Dyeing Workshop did some things too much. "

"You said you should do well in business, but he doesn't, it must be filled in second, people work hard to earn money to dye cloth here ~ ~ but he does well, dye cloth After going back, the water faded twice. Is this the reason for doing business? Once or twice, his business is not so good! Then he complained about it to me! "

"Let me increase the price in the store, but I will not be allowed to use good dyes; say that if I do this, I will get 20% of the profit! Listen, is this all human words? This is for me to eat inside and out! Put it on the rivers and lakes, that would require three swords and six holes! Big shopkeeper, if you were bought by someone and let him eat it, would you agree? "Shen Long looked at the bandits." And everyone, if someone asked you to Betray the big shopkeeper, what can you do? "

"That's definitely not allowed!" The head of the bandit slapped his thigh and gave his thumbs up. "My Zou Ping Changshan Liuzi Gang has never served anyone, just serve those who are righteous, brother. You are this."

"Absolutely not agree!" The bandits said quickly.

"Yeah, although I'm not as loyal as everyone, I still understand the truth of being a person. This kind of thing that doesn't stress arrogance can't be done!" Shen Long clenched his fist again. "I also know the rules on the rivers and lakes. After accepting this order, I will not embarrass my brothers! "

He pulled his clothes and showed his chest, "Brother, if you stabbed me with two knives, even if you made a deal, it wouldn't be a bad rule; I don't blame you, is this all business?"

"The sale of farts! If I knew I was doing something for this kind of unscrupulous person, my Liuzigang wouldn't take over this business. Isn't this a bad reputation?" Liuzibang looked up and saw Guan Erye, "We are in front of Guan Erye now, if Guan Erye sees that we have harmed such a hero, he will certainly not bless us."

The uncle Wang, who was eavesdropping outside the door, was stupid when he listened to it. Why did he limping the bandits in a few words?

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