All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1623: Have to recognize words

Uncle Wang, the eldest son of the shopkeeper, rushed in from outside the door in anxiety, "Fuck, Lao Tzu has torn the ticket to make you **** tough guy!" He was about to grab the knife, and Shen Long didn't panic at all. Just looked at him like that.

Liu Zigang threw his eyes across the wrist of the younger brother-in-law of Wang's shopkeeper, "The third man, the murder ticket is not the price. To kill, I let him go, and you kill yourself." And today, in front of Guan Erye, you let him kill such a good-looking man, and then Liu Zigang will have no face on the rivers and lakes.

Shen Long clenched his fists in both hands, "I will take care of Liu Liuzi's affection today, and I will be heard by Zhou Cun in the future. I will definitely invite you to have a drink!"

"You're welcome, today we did the wrong thing. We picked up the sign without much inquiries. In the future, the brothers wouldn't complain about me!" Liu Zibang hurried back. "It's not the time today. The brother is late. The family is afraid that I am worried. I'll take you to the intersection, and I'll come home to make a guilt tomorrow. "Shen Long didn't play the method of burning people with incense sticks, Liu Zibang was not too guilty for him.

So they talked and laughed at the intersection. The youngest uncle of the shopkeeper Wang saw the situation was wrong and hurried away. The Liuzigang did not stop him. When they arrived at the intersection, the two of them talked for a while, so they reluctantly let go. Shen Long left.

After going down, Liu Zi asked someone to inquire about it and learned about Chen Shouting's support for Uncle Suo Zi, which made him even more admired. He brought a gift to Tonghe Dye Workshop to find Shen Long.

"I haven't seen anyone like Liuzi; after I returned to the inn, I asked who Chen Liuzi was. Everyone in the inn was familiar with Liuzi. He said that an old man gave him half a piece of cake. Now, the sixth brother has made a fortune and has offered a white face for ten years. I heard all the tears, and this time I really tied the wrong person; my Liu Zibang rarely served people, this time it is considered a service; Good wine, there is an elbow; if you do n’t dislike the sixth son, we will drink two cups; as for the matter of the Wang family, if you say a word, I will kill the third son. "Liu Zi helped pat the chest.

"Liu shopkeeper is polite, but we are doing business, pay attention to being kind and make money, he is not kind, but I can't be unrighteous, I will deal with this matter myself, and I won't bother Liu Liubao!" Said Shen Long, "since you have arrived Zhoucun, then I should be the host, let's go, let's drink two cups! "

Arriving in Zhoucun ’s largest restaurant, Shen Long asked for the best table, picked up a glass of wine and Liu Zi to help them drink happily, talking about various things on the river and lake at the banquet, I heard Liu Zibang admiring, "Brother You are right, we have to be moral in running the rivers and lakes, and we cannot let the folks scold the backbone!

The shopkeeper Wang was hiding in the corner of the distance. He secretly looked away. He was crying anxiously. What the **** are you saying? What do you think of loyalty as a bandit? Finished?

The people in Zhoucun are talking about each other. This time, the king ’s shopkeeper made people bind Chen Liuzi, but they all knew that they could not help but feel a sense of hatred against the enemy. You said that everyone is doing business, and it is normal to compete with each other. Although you have resorted to this method, what can you do if you find someone to tie up the ticket? Like you, who dares to do business in Zhoucun in the future?

After the banquet went away, Shen Long sent Liu Zi to help them away. The king's shopkeeper quickly went to the door to make a guilt, but Shen Long didn't delve into it, and he was too lazy to hold him accountable. After this incident spread, there was no guest at Dachang Dyeing Square, and the business of Wang's shopkeeper in Zhoucun would certainly not be able to continue.

The fact is exactly what Shen Long expected. From that day on, the business of Wang's shopkeeper was gradually languishing, and finally he could only sell the dye workshop back to his hometown. His youngest uncle was even scolded by him. If it were not for him, His business can't collapse so fast.

On the other hand, the business of Tongtong and Dyefang is getting better and better. Everyone knows the benevolence of Chen Liuzi, and they are not willing to be subdued under the intimidation of bandits. This shows that people value integrity very seriously, and such People are assured of doing business; gradually, the dyeing workshops in Zhoucun are crushed one by one, forming a unique situation in Tonghe dyeing workshops.

This is a big business, so we have to expand new purchase channels. When the shopkeeper is a little empty, Shen Long asks Shen Long to go to Modu to buy grey cloths. After all, Modu is now the largest textile center in China. Songjiang cloths are from the Ming Dynasty. It started right here, backed by rich Jiangsu and Zhejiang, there is no shortage of raw materials and markets, and the door is the most prosperous port in the Far East. It can keep up with the dynamics of the Western Ocean and import various advanced machines from the Western Ocean. Told him.

"I heard that now Modu has begun to dye fabrics with machines. When you arrive at Modu, remember to go to Chengtong Dyeing Factory and take a good look at how the machine dyes cloth! Master Lu in Zhangdian wants to work with us, When we buy the dyeing factory in Qingdao, do we always have to figure out the situation in advance? "Said the shopkeeper Zhou.

"Well, I plan to do that too." This is a good opportunity. Chen Liuzi is a very clever man, and he is equally outstanding. But one of the biggest shortcomings is that he is illiterate, which makes Shen Long have many ways. The method is taken out, and the change is too sudden to easily cause others to doubt, and it is a good opportunity to go to the devil.

So Shen Long took the train all the way to the south, and wandered slowly to the magic capital, first went to the market for a lap, bought the gray cloth ~ ~ and then went to the Chengtong dyeing factory specially, and saw some Machine dyed cloth and chatted with the workers in the factory.

After coming out of the factory, Shen Long turned his head to the bookstore, bought a bunch of books on chemistry and mechanics, and then bought several literacy books.

The prices of books in this period are not low. Information on this aspect is detailed in Ale ’s “One Side”. Lu Xun ’s translation of “Destroy” is priced at four. Shen Long bought so many books, but it ’s not costly. Young ocean.

After finishing the work, Shen Long took the train and walked back to Zhoucun slowly, took those gray cloths and books back to the Tonghe Dyeing Workshop, and unloaded the gray cloths with the pillars and others into the warehouse.

After he was busy, he distributed the gifts he brought to the big guy, from the couple of Zhou's shopkeeper, picking celery, to the pillar and the fellow below, none of them were missed.

The big guy thanked cheerfully, and then they were surprised to find that Shen Long also brought so many books back, not only asked curiously, "Six brothers, you are illiterate, so why buy so many books?"

"Hey, when I went back to Modu this time, it was an eye-opener. Immediately I felt that it would not work without literacy!"

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