All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1624: Lord Lu

The shopkeeper Zhou was good for Chen Liuzi, but he did n’t find anyone to teach him to read and read. Although Chen Liuzi will master the full set of techniques for dyeing cloth with clever brains in the future, these techniques are not very advanced; Shen Long thought later To come up with more advanced printing and dyeing technology than Japan and Germany, there are no suitable reasons.

As for the Lu Jiaju, although he learned textile printing in Germany, he looks at his appearance. I ’m afraid he did n’t learn much good things. You let him be a sales manager to attract big customers to be OK, and count on him to improve technology. That's dreaming; so you have to do it yourself. If you want to come by yourself, you have to lay the groundwork.

"Hey, I blamed that I didn't think so far back then, I didn't find someone to teach you a few reading and literacy." Zhou Zhanggui was a little guilty, and then a little curious after the guilt, "I said six sons, what's the matter with you? Never before? See you want to read and read? "

"Dad, look at what you said, if it were not for you, I would have been frozen to death, let's say, at that time, the people in Zhoucun's family didn't have a few who taught children to read and read." Shen Long first comforted Zhou's shopkeeper. Let him stay sick.

"Oh, I used to be a little clever in my own life, but I didn't think about reading and literacy as much. Chen Liuzi didn't know one big character, but he didn't know how to dye cloth, but he was no worse than others. In the dyeing factory, I saw the machine dyeing cloth. I think it is not much different from artificial dyeing. "

"The process is the same, the machine dyeing is to dip before and after, dry and widen, we are now people who stretch and widen, it is replaced by a machine, that machine is powerful, and the cloth that can be dyed more than once, they The dyes used are also imported from Germany. The dyed colors are good, but we are not bad. I have made several dyes that are better than theirs. "

"Sixth brother, what do you think about reading and literacy? Are you still in such a hurry? You bought such a large pile of books and come back?" Zhu Zi felt more and more confused after listening to it for a long time.

"At that time, I met the master of Chengtong Dyeing Factory. Oh, they were called engineers. When he took me around, I also told him the words just now; they were not angry, but asked. I asked a few questions, he asked me, you can bring out brighter dyes, which is very good, but you know why these materials are mixed together, the colors can be brighter? Hey, this one still Really asked me. "

"The engineer did n’t respond to me for a long time, so I patted my shoulder and said, you know it but you do n’t know why. It ’s not surprising that you can occasionally make a few good paints, but you want more. It ’s difficult, and the prospects are limited in the end; if you want to get through this craft, you ’ll have to study a lot and understand the truth. ”

"Then I told me something about acid dyes and basic dyes. Most of the time, I was confused. I didn't know what he said, but occasionally there was something that I could understand that opened my eyes. Ah! I used to look down upon Chen Liuzi. I used to think that I was so unique. In fact, many British and Germans have studied it. Not only do I know how to use it, but I also know why it is used in this way. It's too far away! "

In other words, Chen Liuzi's current printing and dyeing technology relies on experience, without forming a complete scientific system. When he encounters problems that cannot be solved by experience, he will be blind; Shen Long has both experience and a century ahead of this era. Advanced technology, but there must be a suitable reason to come up with these technologies, so he compiled such a story.

He took out a German printing and dyeing professional book and showed it to everyone, "We must not understand the German characters, but there are pictures on it, and everyone can see something; the engineer said, why The color of the dyed materials mixed together is brighter, why it must be printed and dyed when the water temperature is appropriate, it is not easy to fade, the reason is written on this! "

"I used to hear that Mr. Shu said what is art and what is Tao. I didn't understand it at first, but only when Mr. Shushu talked about people; now I understand that the technique of dyeing cloth that I currently master is art, and what it says is The way of dyeing cloth! There is only art but no way, we can't compare to the Germans! No matter how big I am, I can only use German dyes, at most I can make some improvements, but you let me start from the beginning I can't do it by mixing fuel myself. "Shen Long sighed.

The house was quiet, and the shopkeeper Zhou was all stupid by these words. Although Cai Qin didn't understand much, he instinctively felt that the words of Brother Liu Zi made sense, and his eyes were full of admiration.

"Liuzi, do you mean that after learning to read and understand this book, you can make up the German dyes?" The shopkeeper Zhou asked from a businessman's point of view. Save a lot of money.

"Sixth brother, do you still have to learn German characters?" The pillar scratched his head. We wouldn't even learn Chinese characters. We still have to learn this. That wouldn't be exhausting.

"Well, as long as you can read it, then there must be a chance. If you don't understand, you can't expect anything." Shen Long nodded. "From now on, I will read and read Chen Liuzi! Picking celery, pillars, You two should learn with me too! Master Lu is also planning to let me go to Qingdao to open a dye factory. After you learn to write, will you not be able to write to me every day in the future? "

You have to say to learn scientific knowledge ~ ~ They are probably not interested, but when they talk about communication, they are very excited and quickly agreed.

Shen Long hired people outside that day, and taught them to read and read every day. After a while, the husband was stupid. "Six sons, I always listen to Zhou Cunren saying you are clever and your brains are alive. It's considered a service; hey, if you're in the morning for a decade or two, I'm afraid there's hope for a top candidate! "

Don't tell me, I'm not uncommon for the champion. There are several champions I ordered together, and I still keep it. If you really take out the full set of skills, you must not be scared to death?

"It's all Mr. Teach well!" Shen Long said modestly, the progress of the pillars and celery is far inferior to him, but some progress, Shen Long estimated that after they arrived in Qingdao, the two of them gave themselves Writing letters should not be a problem.

After learning Chinese characters, Shen Long bought several Chinese-English dictionaries and Chinese-German dictionaries and began to learn foreign languages. He knows English, but he has never learned German. This is a serious study.

When Shen Long was obsessed with studying all day, Zhang Zou returned from Zhangdian and told him that Master Lu asked him to come.

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