All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1625: Who are our international students?

Shou Ting, Lord Lu, I've seen it before. People don't have to say anything when doing things. Who doesn't admire the entire Zhangdian? It is his eldest son Lu Jiaju, who has a good background and has stayed in Germany. He is our rare foreign jinshi, so he is a little proud of himself. When you go, be more patient and don't lose your temper. "The shopkeeper Zhou is both expecting and a bit worried about this cooperation."

When Manqing was still there, a policy was issued, and those students who returned from overseas also had the merit of meritorious scholarship. Therefore, with the saying of Yangjinshi, although Manqing now kneels, some old arguments are still retained.

"Dad, I know the size, then I will go back to prepare and go to Zhangdian early in the morning!" Shen Long knows, although Lu Jiaju is a great young master, but he is still a real person, except for greed and lust. Seriously, dealing with him is not difficult.

Go back to your house, the color of the bright red word in the house is still bright, picking celery on the edge of the kang to put clothes into a dark blue bag, "The train is smoky and dirty, you get off the train to find a place Change it; then Master Lu is an international student, saying that he is dressed in a suit and a collar, and you go in one step, don't let people despise you. "

"It's okay, who is not clear about Master Lu's person? The children taught by such elders are not difficult to deal with even if there is a slight problem. You can rest assured that I can definitely handle the matter." Shen Long looked at him with a smile. Pick up celery.

"I went to Zhangdian on this trip, I couldn't run in vain, I had to make it happen; Caiqin, Zhoucun was too small, so I was so cruel, and broke down several others. The village ’s cloth is all ours, how much can we have? Qingdao leans on the sea, and everything comes to the fore; as well as Nade and Yang Xing, I want to see how thick our German materials are. In the future, we will directly feed from there. With this item alone, we will save ten acres of land a year. "Shen Long described Caiqin's prospects.

However, this is not his own idea. His real idea is to find an opportunity to see if he can help Miao Handong improve textile technology and make his textile factory produce more fabrics than German and Japanese products. Dyes also come by themselves, so their cost is naturally lower.

Cai Qin deliberately lowered her face, "Huh! When you go to Qingdao, can you still think about our family? There are some foreign students in skirts who have long forgotten the fool's fools at home!" He raised his mouth and played grievances with his clothes.

Hi, isn't it just a female student? I haven't seen it before, can I be dazzled by those girls? I am not Zhou Hexuan, I like one when I see one.

Comforting Caiqin, even if this thing has passed, in fact, the two grew up in childhood, Caiqin trusts Liuzi very much, I don't believe he can do these things.

The next day, Shen Long got off the train, dressed in a cloth cloth, and put a scrim on his shoulder, and entered the Lu family. Lord Lu greeted him with joy, and Shen Long walked two steps forward to say hello, "Lord Lu!"

Then led him into the main hall and asked him to take a seat. Shen Long insisted on sitting down on the stool. Lu Jiaju sat down with a proud look, while Lu Jiajun was busy pouring water.

The two sides were polite and complimented each other. Lu Jiaju may feel that he has been left out, and found that he may become a typical model. How much impatient he thought, he decided to take the initiative to attack. ?"

"Understood, what's wrong with that?" Not to mention the machine dyeing cloth, I even visited the large-scale fully automated intelligent printing and dyeing factory. "Last year I went to Modu and visited Chengtong Dyeing Factory, saying It's not uncommon for the machine to dye the cloth. The process is the same as the manual dyeing. It is more efficient, and the basic truth is the same. "

Shen Long said to Lu Jiaju, "I heard that the young master was studying textile printing in Germany? The German machinery and chemistry are famous in the world. I do n’t know how much the young master learned? Can you manage and repair the machinery? Understand What is the configuration of the dye? Can we develop a product more suitable for our Chinese? "

"Uh ..." Lu Jiaju was dumbfounded. "I can manage the printing machine. I know he did it right. But you said that repairing and debugging the machine is a matter of the mechanical department. I also understand the reason for the dye configuration. But to match dyes, it must be more professional in chemistry students. "

"Oh, Master Master, you went to Germany for several years and learned something like this?" Shen Long shook his head. "Then you are far worse than Mr. Miao Handong. Mr. Miao went to the UK to study textiles but he came back The factory was opened. Inside and out, Mr. Miao took the lead alone. Now they are already the largest factory owner in Shandong! "

How can it be compared? Lu Jiaju was suffocated. Who is Miao Handong? Did n’t you bully me by comparing me with others? Shen Long pretended not to see Lu Jiaju's depression ~ ~ Then he said, "Master, do you think I use Mr. Miao to bully you, but our Shandong Hanzi must have the spirit of a sperm, Miao Mr. Miao can do it, we must also be able to do it; Mr. Miao returned from studying abroad for a few years, and opened his own textile factory to become the largest in Shandong. If you go to Germany to study printing and dyeing, you must also open the dyeing factory to be the largest in Shandong, even It ’s the biggest momentum in the country! "

"The gentleman of Tianxingjian is self-improving, Jiaju, the sixth son's words make sense. You are not as good as Miao Handong, but if you can't even think of this kind of thought, you don't need to do this business!" The words were right to Lord Lu's appetite.

"Chen shopkeeper's words are a bit louder? I still understand somehow. I don't know what Chen shopkeeper knows?" Lu Jiaju was not convinced.

"The printing and dyeing machines that are popular in Germany now are ... The advantages of this machine are the high efficiency of dyeing and uniform and stable coloring ... The disadvantage is that the spreading force is too strong and it is easy to shrink ... To solve this problem, you have to use the power of the steam engine Start with ... "

"The dyes that the Germans sell to us now mainly include acid dyes. This dye has the advantages of bright color and complete color spectrum. Unfortunately, it is only suitable for printing and dyeing of wool fabrics and silk ... But it is somewhat insufficient on the printing and dyeing of cotton fabrics. Poor, easy to fade, to solve this problem, you have to add dye aids to increase the sun, wet treatment fastness and levelling performance issues ... "Shen Longbarabara said a lot.

This series of professional terms and technical analysis made Master Lu and Lu Jiaju and Lu Jiajun brothers silly. Master Lu and Lu Jiajun didn't understand it and could only look at Lu Jiaju.

Lu Jiaju was surprised. Who is our international student?

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