All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1627: Cooperation reached

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"Hahahahaha, the big guys said that Zhou Cuntong and Chen Liuzi, the shopkeeper of the dyehouse, are all good, but they are illiterate, but listening to what I said just now, it doesn't look like an illiterate person!" Laugh, the cleverness of Chen Liuzi was enough to complete the dyeing plant. What would be the technology? It seems that this business will definitely make a lot of money.

"I used to think that literacy is not a big deal, but last year I went to Modu and saw it at Chengtong Dyeing Factory. After listening to the engineer who came back from studying abroad to tell me something, I thought I was really It ’s a bit of watching the sky, and I only saw the small piece next to me, but I did n’t see that there is still such a big sky outside! With my previous skills, it is enough to hang around in Zhoucun, but I want to go to a big place like Qingdao. It ’s still a long way off, and it ’s not enough to read without reading. ”Shen Long told the story again,“ So I went down to study for a year. ”

"Well, it's never too late to read such a thing!" Mr. Lu was also a cultural person. He had seen Tan Si and Liang Qichao in those years. He had often read Lin Shu and Lin Qinnan's translations in these years. Come, "Su Laoquan, oh, it was Su Dongpo's father. He didn't learn when he was a teenager. He learned to read when he was twenty-five years old. Since he was a gentleman, did he not become a generation? Six children are still young, and it's not too late to start reading now. "

Isn't that Su Xun? I had seen it before, and had drunk with him, and gave him some medicine to make him live for a few more years. Shen Long arched his hand. "The lesson learned from Master Lu is that after arriving in Qingdao, I will Ask the Master about the Germans ’knowledge. I ’m also learning German recently."

"Still learning German?" Lu Jiaju was even more surprised and asked quickly in German, "(How long have I been learning German)?"

"AchtMonate (eight months)." Shen Long replied casually. "However, the German dictionaries available on the market are all everyday words, like special printing and dyeing terms and chemical terms. I was blind, I had to Xiang Lu Master, ask me more! "

This is really not nonsense, people really learn, and now Master Lu has nothing to do. What did he learn in Germany, Master Lu knows clearly, people are so clear about printing and dyeing, if they come to Qingdao, I'm afraid it won't take long before I can get rid of my confidence.

If Dad knows how much I have n’t learned in Germany these years, why do n’t I scold me? So Lu Jiaju's attitude showed a 180-degree turn and quickly said, "It's easy to say, I have to ask the sixth brother to do business in the future. Although I know some textile printing, I haven't done business yet! "

"Yes, yes, my brother and I will support each other in the future. If that happens, we can open Dahua Dyeing Factory as the largest dyeing factory in Shandong just like Mr. Miao!" Jun, urge me to see if the meals are ready; Jiaju, I will have a drink with my sixth brother later. "

"Thank you, Lord Lu, but what about the charter of our partnership?" Shen Long asked, and the business was not finished yet.

"It's easy to say, I spent 10,000 oceans when I bought the Dahua Dyeing Factory. Originally, I meant that our two people each owned 5,000 oceans. When we were the shopkeepers, we made six or four points to make money. It took 4,000 oceans, and then half of the profits; but, now that I have the skill, this account ca n’t be counted like this. Simply let the four thousand oceans pass through the dye shop, and the profit is reversed. Let ’s take six. Take four at home. ”Lord Lu is a person, showing the bottom card at once.

"Success, then do this!" In fact, Shen Long estimated that he could speak more if he wanted to bargain. Even if it was seven or three, the Lu family would make a lot of money, and Lord Lu would agree, but this task is not the key to making money. , So he readily agreed to come down.

"Then let's draft a contract!" Lu Jiaju added, he now dare not underestimate Shen Long.

"I can trust Master Lu to speak. It is enough to have Master Lu!" At this time, some Chinese businessmen still maintained the quality of integrity and integrity. Master Lu is a person who knows the truth, and it does not matter if the contract is not the contract.

This time the big guys are all happy, and the food over there is ready, everyone moved to use the meal, Lu Jiaju really toasted Shen Long at the dinner table, Shen Long also voted for the peach, and pretended to ask Lu Jiaju about the situation of the German printing industry. , Lu Jiaju talked eloquently, very much in front of his father.

Lord Lu thought that Lu Jiaju had learned his skills abroad, and praised him a few words. This made Lu Jiaju even happier, and his influence on Shen Long became better.

After a night ’s rest at the Lus ’home, Shen Long returned to Zhoucun the next morning and told this to the shopkeeper Zhou ~ ~ The shopkeeper Zhou was both happy and reluctant," Hey, things are good My son, but when I marry chopping celery, I have to go a long way, but I am bitter and chopping celery. "

"I do n’t care. There are also people at home who are looking after me. I can rest assured. Besides, ca n’t I still write a letter? I ’m in Qingdao and write a letter to my family every week. If the business stabilizes and I can get away, come back and take a look. ! When I make a lot of money, I will take you to Qingdao to enjoy the blessing! "Shen Long said.

"Hey, I'm all this age, and I'm still going out to deal with that foreign crime. I'll just keep the dye shop! In the future, it's enough to pick up the celery. There are pillars at home." When I saw Chen Liuzi, it suddenly seemed like yesterday, and the eyes of the shopkeeper Zhou turned red.

He told the family one by one, let the pillar take care of the dyeing workshop, let Caiqin take care of themselves, and of course it was also necessary to look at Uncle Zuozi and explain the care of Uncle Zuozi to the pillar.

Finally, I also took Ba Se-li to the Wang's house and gave Zhu Zi the marriage; Zhu Zi found this daughter-in-law really good. The ancestors raised it during the Qing Dynasty, and the girls still knew how to read and read, so even if it was When he left, some people still taught the pillars and picking celery to read and read.

Waiting for this, the time for departure to Qingdao is also up. Shen Long and Lu Jiaju joined together on the train. This time Shen Long did not squeeze the hard seat like the six sons. Of course he suffered hard, but there is no need to find for himself Suffering, if conditions permit, he still likes a better life.

Lu Jiaju was wearing a brown suit waistcoat, a bow tie, and a white shirt. He was smoking a cigarette, shaking red wine in hand, looking at the scenery outside the window; the **** waitress walked by, and Lu Jiaju's gaze immediately followed.

Well, if you arrive in Qingdao, there will be some tossing.

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