All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1635: Oceania Jasya

Jia Siya was tall, with a perm shawl, and the new cheongsam perfectly showed her curves. Sun Mingzu and Liu Zhangfang were both dizzy. Liu Zhangfang quickly lowered his head and dared not look directly, "No, I only went to the cloth shop yesterday. I have seen that there is no cloth store in Qingdao selling Feihu cloth. "

"You said it was yesterday! It used to be that the shopkeepers of the cloth shops didn't know where to buy the goods. Today, as soon as the Dahua Dyeing Factory put out the advertisement, they hurried to go to buy the goods without even paying back the price!" Jia Siya clapped the newspaper on the table. "Now all cloth shops are rushing to buy the Flying Tiger card. You two are still silly here!"

Jia Siya was well-informed. Not long after they started selling the Flying Tigers in the horse shopkeeper, she made it clear that she was inquiring about everything. This woman was a little difficult.

"Hurry up and ask again!" Sun Mingzu waved his hand to let Liu's room go down, but he paced back and forth anxiously. "Why did this happen suddenly? This first shot really made Chen Liuzi start?"

"I have persuaded you before that I can't underestimate Chen Liuzi. You're fine, you don't care about anything. If you go on like this, the business of Yuanheng Dyeing Factory will definitely be snatched by Dahua Dyeing Factory! I might as well go find Chen Liuzi's partnership is counted! "Jia Siya gambled. After seeing the new cheongsam, she felt that there must be an article in it, but unfortunately Sun Mingzu didn't listen to her.

"Don't, you are our Yuanheng people! How can you go to them!" Sun Mingzu quickly sat next to Jia Siya, hugged her shoulder and calmed down.

"What is Yuanheng's man?" Jia Siya pulled his hand away and sat a little further. "I did so much for Yuanheng. I asked you to give you some shares and you didn't give it! I ’m Yuanheng ’s man? "

"I'm not the only one who can give the shares! Although I am the chairman of the board, this kind of thing also has to be decided by the board of directors!" As he said, Sun Mingzu felt that Jia Siya's face was wrong, so he hurriedly Corrected, "Well, my chairman's speech is actually still useful? When the matter is resolved this time, I will open a board of directors to give you shares!"

"Really?" Now that Jia Siya was in a spirit, he sat on Sun Mingzu's lap with a twist, and kissed him fiercely with his arms around his neck. "You can count!"

"Counting, counting!" Despite knowing for so long, Sun Mingzu still couldn't bear her enthusiasm, subconsciously put her hand on her, and then stunned, "Hey, this cloth is not our Yuanheng? "

"That is, Yuanheng's cloth color is so good! This is the Flying Tiger brand, I finally got it." Jia Siya got up and turned around, showing Sun Mingzu his new clothes, " How is it? Good to see? "This kind of thing may be very difficult for others, but for Jia Siya, who is so versatile, it takes a little effort.

She found a tailor who helped Mrs. Er make clothes, took one of the samples he left in the shop, and put on a new cheongsam made of flying tiger cloth before the other ladies.

"Siya, you are our Yuanheng people, how can you wear the flying tiger's cloth?" Sun Mingzu called a heartache, the two said a few words, Sun Mingzu quickly studied the clothes on Jia Siya, "But then again, Chen Liuzi's craftsmanship is really good. Compared with the cloth he dyed, our Yuanheng's cloth is a little gray."

"So the key lies in the formula of the dye. You said, if we get the formula of the Dahua Dyeing Factory, wouldn't it be possible to drive Dahua out?" Jia Siya, like in the TV series, made the idea Hit the prescription.

"What's more! If you can get Fangzi, not only can you get rid of Dahua, other factories have to be laid down by us!" Yuanheng is now the largest dyeing factory in Qingdao, with strong financial strength and strong production capacity. If there is such a better way, it is even more powerful.

At the thought of this prospect, Sun Mingzu glared excitedly, and promised to blurt out, "Siya, as long as you can get the formula back, I will take the lead in giving you shares!"

"Is you fooling me before co-authoring?" Jia Siya rolled her eyes. In fact, she also knew that there was no real thing, Sun Mingzu must be reluctant to share, Yuanheng is a hen with golden eggs, she prepared to get up Leave, "Okay, you are waiting for my good news at home!"

"Eh, Si Ya, Si Ya, Fangzi is important, but you can't cut yourself out!" Sun Mingzu quickly hugged, he also knows the situation of Dahua Dyeing Factory, knowing that he wants to get a party from Chen Liuzi Zizi is almost impossible, and it is only possible to start with Lu Jiaju, and Lu Jiaju's romantic demeanor, when he came to Qingdao, he hooked up with him. What means will Jia Siya find him, Sun Mingzu can know without guessing, he But reluctant to let Jia Siya do this kind of thing.

"You can rest assured!" Jia Siya kissed Sun Mingzu's fat face again and smiled secretly in her heart. It wouldn't be enough to let you know? Really don't say, Lu Jiaju looks much better than you.

Jia Siya left for a while with the fragrance, leaving Sun Mingzu alone in the house. He sat on the sofa and looked at the advertisement of the Flying Tiger brand. "The Flying Tiger brand of Qingdao Dahua Dyeing Factory dyed Cloth, no fading, no shrinking, red cloth is like Guan Yunchang, black cloth is like that black Zhang Fei ... what is this ~ ~ Why can it fire? "

"No, I can go and have a look!" Sun Mingzu couldn't sit still anymore. He quickly changed his clothes and went out. He ran to the door of the cloth shop and looked around. As soon as he walked to the door, he heard the guys say loudly, "I'm sorry, Twenty flying tiger brand cloths were bought in the store today, and they are all sold out now! But do n’t worry, our shopkeeper has already rushed to the dyeing factory again. I will inform you as soon as there is news! "

Twenty horses sold out so quickly? Is this the case with one of their stores, or is it true of the 18 Dabu stores in Qingdao? It would be a little scary if it were all like this, Sun Mingzu felt his eyelids jumped straight.

"Sold out so quickly? Then, let me give you the money first. When the goods come back, you will send a long blue coat to my house!" The following words made Sun Mingzu worry more. Is the Flying Tiger brand so good? , Would you rather buy the money first? Wouldn't it be good for you to buy a few trestles from our Yuanheng Dyeing Factory?

"You are the patron of our shop. It stands to reason that we will certainly be willing to do this little thing for you, but you see this account book, it is all paid for the goods, and even if there are twenty more, I estimate. Fear is not enough, I guess I have to wait for the third shipment. "

Cough, Sun Mingzu was choked directly by this remark.

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