All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1636: Big times

It's only one day ... No, half a day of kung fu, just sell so much? If we go on like this, the business of our Yuanheng Dyeing Factory will definitely be snatched away. This is still the scale of the Dahua Dyeing Factory. If he expands the production scale in the future, would Qingdao ’s largest dyeing factory have to be replaced by a large one? Hua Hua?

He stretched his neck to look in again, and saw that the trestle card originally placed in the most prominent position had been changed to the side, and a long gap was revealed in the middle position. The flying tiger card originally placed there had been sold out.

No, you have to think of a way! Hope Siya can get Fang Zi from Lu Jiaju? He is no better than Chen Liuzi, this is a good deal, Siya must have a way, Sun Mingzu can only comfort himself like this.

Sun Mingzu was too anxious there, but Shen Long and Lu Jiaju were just the opposite. They are now wandering around and talking to the guests who bought the Flying Tiger cloth, "Do you think this cloth is good there?"

"The color is bright and well-proportioned. If you wear it on your body, you just don't know if it's washable or not." A customer who grabbed the cloth said happily. If he took it back and made clothes, he would have a lot of face in front of him.

"Washable, guaranteed to wash. I will leave it here. Despite washing it with confidence, if it fades faster than the cloth of any dyeing factory in Qingdao, you will bring your clothes to Dahua and I will refund you! "Shen Long patted his chest and promised."

"Yo, you are a person of Dahua? I am relieved if you say this, but you have too few cloths? After a while, there will be no more work, this light is enough to make clothes for my husband, I It's not enough to make yourself a cheongsam. "The guest asked immediately when he heard that he was from Dahua.

"Yeah, Lu Dong's home, shopkeeper Chen, you two will give us a little more money, we promise to work hard to help you sell it!" The horse shopkeeper's same heart is bleeding, there are so many guests in the store I want to buy Flying Tiger cloth, but the store is out of stock. The next batch has to wait a few days. This is all money!

"We also have to guarantee the quality of the cloth! It is not easy to dye such a bright color, which is more laborious than other dyeing factories!" Shen Long amplified the sound deliberately, so that customers know that we are not easy to make this kind of cloth. They will feel that the money is worth it, otherwise they should complain that the unit price of the Flying Tiger is too expensive.

I said to the customers in the store, "Thank you for your love for the Flying Tiger brand. I am here to guarantee that in the next few days, people in the factory will not stop the machine. As long as there is no power outage, we will give the big guy three shifts. Dye the cloth, try to make the horse shopkeeper sell the cloth, and let you make the clothes of the Flying Tiger on board early! "

This words won the praise of the big guys, Shen Long seized the opportunity to start asking for more valuable information, "Do you think there is anything to be improved on this cloth? Are these colors enough now? Do you want to add more? New color? What color would you like to add if you want to add it? "

"I think you sell like cotton now? There is no silk. What about the cheongsam, or the silk is better? As for the color? Is there any gray? Don't be too dark, it should be slightly bright A little bit of gray, white cloth is good-looking and good-looking, but it is not tolerant of dirt, and gray ones are better. "These guests really gave Shen Long their opinions.

Shen Long wrote down all these carefully. Knowing the needs of customers in a timely manner is also a must for an enterprise. Even if he remembers it, Shen Long also asks the owner of the horse to help him pay attention to it. Just chat with them. You are a senior in the industry and have more experience than us. You must know that they are reliable. If it is useful, I will distribute more to Wanfang in the future! "

"That feeling is good!" It must be said that the white helper horse shopkeeper is too lazy to spend this effort. But when he heard that he could take more cloth and make more money in the store, he was naturally happy and promised. "Chen shopkeeper assured, I will definitely help you Pay attention! "

When I agreed to pick up the goods at the factory next time, Shen Long and Lu Jiaju went out to the next store. Now, every dyeing factory in Qingdao is actively delivering goods to the cloth store, but when they arrive, they pick up the goods at the cloth store. This freight is saved.

"Sixth brother, let's sell the Flying Tiger brand so well, just do it as it is now. Why bother with this effort?" Lu Jiaju was quite diligent when he ran the first few houses. After all, he watched so many people snap up his own cloth , They are still very happy to hear them boasting the Tigers, but after the last few, Lu Jiaju is a little bit unnerved. The cloths in these stores have long been sold out, and as soon as they enter the store, only the shopkeeper remains When the next batch of cloths could be dyed, Lu Jiaju was annoyed.

"Doing business is like fighting a war. The battlefield changes rapidly. What long-term business is there!" Shen Long shook his head. He didn't know how fierce the business competition was. "When you came back to the hotel and met those Northeast businessmen, Ask them like this, the atmosphere in the northeast is still different from Qingdao. Some cloths are easy to sell in Qingdao, but it is not necessarily in the northeast. We have to figure it out. "

"Not only do we sell these high-end cloths now, you need to be clear about the low-end and mid-range colors, the rich are a few, after all, it's not enough to do their business! Just wait for a few more batches of cloth to earn enough Money, we will buy a machine to expand the scale of the factory. "Now Dahua Dyeing Factory has limited production capacity, and can rely on the high-end market alone. When the production scale is expanded in the future, the low-end market must be considered. Market research Must do it in advance ~ ~ Holler, I remember, then I will go to Bohai Hotel now? "When Lu Jiaju thought of not having to continue to run the cloth shop, he immediately came to the spirit. In his view, dealing with those big businessmen is more interesting than talking with ordinary customers and cloth shop owners."

As the two of them arrived on the street, Lu Jiaju looked around and planned to call a rickshaw to the Bohai Hotel. At this time, a group of students came over with a banner and shouted "Send me Qingdao". , The tone is full of anger.

Some of these students are middle school students. They are 13 to 14 years old and 16 to 7 years old. They wear student hats with leather edges and black stand-up school uniforms. Others are 18 to 29 years old. It should be a student of the former Qingdao Special High School and now Qingdao Medical College.

Seeing this, Shen Long couldn't help but stop and stare closely, but the people on both sides of the street seemed to be indifferent and still do their own thing. Most people who looked at the past were just looking at the excitement, not as angry as these students. many.

Lu Jiaju is the same. He glanced at Shen Long and said, "Liu, this has nothing to do with us."

Shen Long shook his head, "No, the relationship is big!"

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