All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1637: Industry saves the country

"Six brothers, we can't control this matter!" In the view of future generations, this matter has far-reaching impact, but people in history have a lag, often waiting for a long time after an important historical event occurs. Looking back, you can really understand the significance of these things, even Lu Jiaju, who has stayed in the world and has seen the world, is no exception.

"You have been busy in the factory these days, and you do n’t know what is going on. I said to you that China participated in the European War, which is the victory over the country, but at the Paris conference, the United States and Britain wanted to put Germany in Jiaozhou. The interests of the Gulf were transferred to Japan, so these students marched, and the play box said that Beijing was making more trouble, and Shanghai was also making trouble. We are late here, just started. "He also explained to Shen Long.

"Why don't I know?" I'm afraid that I don't know this better than I do when I look at the whole world. In the real world the year before, there was a photo that burst the Internet.

An old man sitting in the lounge of the United Nations bowed his head without saying a word, and looked very tired and helpless from the side. The old man in this picture is the Syrian representative to the United Nations, Bashar al-Jaffari, because Syria is in The UN meeting suffered unfair treatment. Many netizens compared this scene with China in 1919.

Shen Long sighed. Looking at this scene from a historical perspective, it was different from personal experience. Looking at Lu Jiaju, who was still bewildered, Shen Long said, "This Qingdao is originally a place in China. Isn't it supposed to give China back?"

"Oh, I think it is still so good!" The horse shopkeeper also came out from the store to see the excitement. "Now we don't have to pay taxes. If we go to the national government, the taxes collected will be gone; Chen. The shopkeeper must be clear about the situation on the other side of Jinan and Shenyang. The cloth shops and dyeing factories there are not as comfortable as our lives. "

As I said before, Qingdao used to be a German colony. The Germans could not collect taxes, but the National Government did not dare to collect taxes. Therefore, the operating costs of the merchants here are much lower than other places. That's why it's normal for people to say that most of the time, people can only see the short-term benefits in front of them.

But he also knew more or less that this kind of thinking was not appropriate, so he didn't dare to speak loudly, but lowered his voice so as not to be heard by the students.

"Horse dispensers, you're going to miss this!" Shen Long knew that he could not listen to what the country said to him, because he really has a cow, he is a beneficiary, so Shen Long also started from the interests and used He explained in an understandable way, "Now Qingdao is being transferred to Little Japan!"

"In the past, the Germans were in charge. The Germans focused their attention on Europe. There are few people who can be sent to Qingdao, so they are not strict with Qingdao; but little Japan is different. They are on the sea side. There are too many people. When they come to our place, the tax collection is inevitable! And the merchants of Little Japan will also come in batches to grab business with us! "

"At that time, there are people behind you who can support you. Can you compete with others? Hey, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do business in the future!" Shen Long shook his head and sighed.

Listening to Shen Long's words, the expressions of the horse shopkeeper and Lu Jiaju suddenly became severe. They may not understand the international trend and national justice, but they are very concerned about their vital interests, and they also know that there are backers and no backers in doing business. It's totally two different things. I really want to come to a group of hard-core Japanese businessmen. This business is really not good.

"Isn't it?" For a long time, the horse shopkeeper said with talent. "This was the case when the Germans were there. Can't you rush to change the rules when the little Japan comes?"

Now, this person always loves to think in a direction that is beneficial to him, but it turns out that the horse shopkeeper thinks wrong. Those Chinese businessmen who will occupy the area in Little Japan in the future will definitely have a hard time, not just business. Easy to do, even one's own property security and even life can not be guaranteed.

"Six Brothers, it ’s useless to worry about you. We ca n’t do these things! We are just small businessmen, we ca n’t do anything." Lu Jiaju has gone abroad, seeing the problem farther than the horse shopkeeper, but he can only Two words of comfort.

"If everyone thinks like this, then it's really over!" Fortunately, even in this era, there are still batches of patriots working hard for this country. Who can think of it, just thirty years later, Will China drive away all the colonists? If everyone waits for others to sacrifice their efforts, there will be a declaration thirty years later.

"Although we are only businessmen, we can also do something! I am a dyeing factory, as long as I can dye better cloth than Little Japan, as long as I use our grey cloths made in China under the same circumstances, then Even if you contribute to the country, can industry save the country! If a country's factories are strong and its merchants are strong, the country will definitely not be far behind. "Shen Long said.

Of course, he said this just to persuade Lu Jiaju. The history of later generations has proved that the road of saving the country by industry is impassable. The rampant colonial plunder of imperialism has aroused the indignation of the people ’s patriotic salvation ~ ~ The bourgeoisie also felt that its survival and development were threatened more deadly. Under this circumstance, the theory of industrial salvation called for by the development of the capitalist industry and commerce of the country and the resistance to imperialist aggression and plunder became a reflection of the interests and aspirations of the national bourgeoisie.

Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, Zhang Jian and other people preached this kind of thought. They believe that since China has poverty and ill health, the development of industry is the only requirement; under the requirement of development industry, capitalism and machine production are increasing day by day, forming an irresistible The historical trend; there is only one way to save China, that is, to strengthen the national strength, to increase the national strength, it is necessary to develop industry, but this desire is ultimately only illusory.

Because foreign powers will not allow China to develop industry, and there is no stable and capable government to maintain the development of industry, these ideas are like castles built by sand. When the peace is fine, it looks like something. Once it encounters wind and waves Was immediately washed away.

But even these are better than doing nothing. The commercial struggle is also a struggle, and it can provide some help to the country.

"Dongjia, let's donate some cloth to the students, make banners for them, write the words of the parade on the front, and write our flying tiger card on the back, no money, just give us a fight." It's a little too far, and the most important thing now is to make money.

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