All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1640: Say the world

Zhou Xuexi is now a leading figure in the business circles of the Republic of China, and his achievements in establishing the Kailuan Coal Mine, supervising the Tianjin Official Silver Bank, and establishing the Jingcheng Waterworks are well known.

Regardless of his many patriotic moves, just talking about Zhou Xuexi's financial resources, he used Tianjin as a base to create a "Zhou's Enterprise Group" that has attracted worldwide attention and has been well-known at home and abroad for the next few decades. The investment field includes fuel. , Building materials, textiles, hardware, transportation, machinery, finance and other industries, a huge capital group with Qixin, Luankuang and Huaxin as the core has been formed. Master the initiative to transport roads, railways and canals; the company has its own power system and water supply system, with a total capital of more than 40 million yuan, which is a terrible number.

It took only 10,000 yuan for Lu Jiaju and Chen Shouting to buy the Dahua Dyeing Plant. Zhou Xuexi's family property equals 4,000 Dahua Plants. Although the metaphor is a bit inappropriate, it can also tell the difference.

In addition, Zhou Xuexi is also the first president of Shandong University Hall, and he is noble in the minds of local readers like Miao Handong, so he was a little unhappy to hear Shen Long say, "Six brothers, I know you have a high spirit! Gao is a good thing, but I ca n’t underestimate the heroes of the world. I ’m still far from Mr. Zhou ’s ability! "

"The manager of the Huaxin Spinning Mill is Mr. Zhou Zhijun, the second son of Mr. Zhou. He used to study capitalist economics at the Hamilton Business School Correspondence School in Alexandria, USA. He used the equipment of Meixing Company in the United States. A Ph.D. as a technical supervisor, whether in terms of equipment or scale, is the first in the country! "

"Miao brother, I still admire Mr. Zhou, but this does not mean that the cloth of the Huaxin factory is just fine. At least compared with the cloth of the Japanese, they are not as good in terms of quality or price." Shen Long did not fear Miao Handong's attitude, but to be honest, if the cloth at Huaxin Factory was really good, he would not go to Fujii to buy cloth.

Miao Handong is really speechless now. Most of the Japanese cloths are now shipped from the country, which is a layer of freight more than the local cloths in Qingdao. Even if the cloth is so cheaper, the quality is even better. Needless to say, Japan's technology is definitely more advanced than that of the Huaxin plant. After all, the development of the Republic of China's industry is many years later than that of Japan.

"Oh, if you can't even look at the cloth of the Huaxin plant, then mine will be even less of your eye!" Miao Handong shook his head. His factory in Qingdao is smaller than the Huaxin plant, and the equipment is more backward.

Shen Long did not directly answer, but continued to talk about Zhou Xuexi, "I heard that Mr. Zhou was paying much attention to improving technology when he was running Qixin ash company. He always paid attention to the improvement of foreign cement manufacturing process and the invention of new equipment. The equipment can promote the improvement of the quality of cement. He always buys and uses heavy money; Qixin's cement continues to increase in output and quality, and the cost continues to decrease. It has won medals and awards at international competitions, fairs and domestic exhibitions. . "

Zhou Xuexi is also known as the "Father of China Cement". Qixin Co., Ltd. has monopolized the Chinese cement market for 14 years. The Beijing Library, Furen University, Yanjing University, Continental Bank, Bank of Communications, Hebei Stadium, Magic The famous buildings at that time, such as the General Post Office, were built with Qixin cement.

"I think Mr. Zhou did the same when he set up the Huaxin factory?" Hearing Miao Handong's face calmed down here, but Shen Long turned his back, "However, now Toyota Loom has started to produce textiles. Machinery, and the quality is better than the products of Meixing Company. We have been importing textile machines all the time. When will this continue to catch up with Japan? "

Zhou Xuexi is already a visionary businessman of this era, but even he never thought of making his own textile machinery. Most of the so-called prosperity in the Republic of China is like this. Merchants import various foreign machinery and use local resources to produce Some light industrial products do not have the ability to make machinery on their own. This kind of prosperity is nothing but a vain after all.

This is like a precision machine tool or a lithography machine in the later generations. If these things cannot be controlled by yourself, it is equivalent to being stuck in the neck by a foreign country and cannot be developed for a long time.

"No way, our time to start an industry is too short!" Miao Handong learned this. Of course, he knew the problem pointed out by Shen Long, not only was he more impressed with Shen Long, "Sixth Brother, you have grown up during this time. Little? Was that Lu Jiaju telling you? We have another amazing student in Shandong! "

He thinks that Chen Shouting, a countryman who has always been in the village of Zhou, could have learned this information. It must have been said by Lu Jiaju, who had studied abroad and returned from school.

Just what he said, otherwise I would n’t be able to explain it to him, and Shen Long had originally planned to put these on Lu Jiaju, if he went along with his topic, "Jiaju told me that dyeing cloth The textile industry is called light industry, and the production of textile machines and flour mills is called heavy industry. If a country's economy wants long-term development, it must have its own heavy industry, that is, the ability to manufacture machinery! "

"Having this knowledge ~ ~ is not bad among young people! However, this manufacturing machine is not as simple as you think!" Miao Handong is both relieved and somewhat regretful. Shandong has such an excellent young man. Unfortunately, although the dream is good, there is no basis for its realization.

Miao Handong's construction of light industrial plants such as flour mills and textile mills has been very difficult. Not to mention heavy industrial plants with higher investment and more difficult construction. Of course, he knew that his research and manufacturing of textile machinery was a great thing, but he really didn't have this ability and this condition.

"The food should be eaten bit by bit, and the road should be taken step by step. It is good for you to have such an idea, but you are not in a hurry. When you have finished the dyeing plant first, consider these things!" Shen Long and Lu Jiaju can do it. After all, this is something that neither he nor Zhou Xuexi can do.

"Jiaju studied textile printing in Germany, and Germany's heavy industry was very developed, so he had such an idea. He often found opportunities to visit German factories and stole others." Shen Long took out a stack of paper and handed it to Miao Han east.

"This is Jiaju's plan for the transformation of the machinery used by Miaoge in the Qingdao yarn mill based on what he learned in Germany. It may be difficult for us to build the textile machinery from scratch, but there is still hope for the transformation. "!" Shen Long continued.

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