All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1641: See you again

This was actually obtained by Shen Long himself, but Ms. Han Dong, Chen Shouting ’s experience, knows that you said that you did it. Miao Handong must not believe it, so I borrowed the name of Lu Jiaju.

Shen Long ’s remarks on industry have won the trust of Miao Handong. He thought that these were all said by Lu Jiaju, so he also had a good impression on this young man. He reached over and took them over. Oops, I have gone abroad for a long time, and now the machinery abroad is the same every day. I do n’t understand much about it. "

"Yo, this machine is also used in my spinning mill! This is the drawing that Xiaolu went to after I saw it?" Miao Handong saw it at a glance. The machinery on this drawing was based on his own spinning mill. Some equipment was changed.

"Well, Jiaju spent a few days after watching it. Do you think this improvement is not applicable?" Shen Long said with a smile. In fact, this was changed according to the principles of later generations of textile machinery, but he inherited it. Ivan-Vanke's capabilities, Ivan-Vanke is also a first-class veteran in terms of machinery, and the technical level exceeds the highest level in the real world. Although textile machinery and steel armor are not the same thing, these backwards can be beaten. After more than 100 years of technology, there is no problem at all.

"Don't talk for a while, I'm thinking about it!" Miao Handong frowned tightly, and he was fascinated by this look, and he murmured from time to time, "Oh, this method is wonderful, I didn't expect it at first What ... what's going on here? I can't understand it ... oh, that's what it is. "

He looked here, and Shen Long didn't rush. He ate his food slowly, and occasionally took two sips, until he was full of food, Miao Handong finally read the drawings, and he quickly raised his head and shouted, " Come on! "

When the housekeeper came over, he immediately commanded, "Go call Li host, take the car when you go, no matter what he is doing, let him come over immediately, it is a big thing!"

The housekeeper hurried away, Miao Handong looked at Shen Long, and slapped his head, "Oh, Sixth Brother, I'm really sorry, I was fascinated by the drawings, and I left you for a while."

"It's okay, I understand. If I meet any cloth that I haven't seen in color, you're more enchanted than Miao! How is it? Is it possible to change this drawing?" Shen Long asked.

"I only watched a series of seven, seven, eight, eight, and the host Li came to it later, but I figured it should work! And we do n’t need to find foreign merchants to import parts. Most places use them. It's the original matching parts, and occasionally there are a few that I haven't seen before. Let's build our own! "

"If the conversion is successful, our cost will definitely be reduced a lot! The original knitting skills can now be at least one and a half! Even if there is a government subsidy in Little Japan, we can compare their costs. Lower! "Miao Handong said excitedly. The reason for limiting the cost of domestically produced grey cloths is not just technology, but tax is also a key factor.

Nowadays, warlords in the Republic of China are fighting each other, and warlords everywhere are desperately squeezing businessmen. In order to obtain foreign exchange, Japan not only reduces taxes on the textile industry, but also provides government subsidies, just like the export tax rebates imposed on the textile industry after China's reform and opening up. In this comparison, the cost of domestic grey cloths is naturally no less than that of Japan.

Therefore, although Qingdao does not collect taxes, Miao Handong only opened a small yarn factory there, and did not expand the scale, because he knew that his factory must be no better than the Japanese, even if the Japanese have a more freight The cost will not work; oh, no, it should be two, one is the cost of transporting the grey cloths from Japan to China, and the other is the cost of shipping cotton from China to Japan. The local cotton can support Can not afford such a large-scale production, raw materials still have to rely on China.

"Changsha Houlang pushes forward waves, Jiaju's ability in textile machinery is much better than me. I can know at most how to use the machine shipped back from abroad. You can't let me modify it!" Miao Handongwei Shandong is happy to have talents.

"No wonder the brothers Zhao Dongjun and Zhao Dongchu let you come to Jinan to start a dyeing factory. You don't agree to go to Qingdao; if I would like to cooperate with young people like Jiaju!"

This is really not the reason. Shen Long smiled and did not speak, and continued to listen to Miao Handong talking about the various benefits of these transformations. Until the technology under Miao Handong was brought in, the two people were addicted to the drawings together. "Dongjia, the people who draw this drawing are of a high level. I think that Dr. Gan of the Zhou family doesn't have the skill. We will issue it this time!"

Ha ha, if he had this ability, it would be weird. Do n’t look at it as a minor transformation. In fact, the technical content is not low. It is far from what the mechanics of this era can do.

"As you guess, when will our factory in Qingdao be changed?" Miao Handong asked. He didn't plan to start the transformation in Jinan, but wanted to first transform Qingdao to facilitate the supply of Shenlong.

"Miao brother, let's look at Jinan first! Let's do this but grab a meal from the Japanese pot. Now Qingdao is occupied by the Japanese. Let's do this in Qingdao. I'm afraid the Japanese will jump into the wall. "Shen Long didn't relax his vigilance against the Japanese at all. Don't look at Fujii's rules for himself now, but once his business is broken, then he can't guarantee what will happen ~ www. ~ Hey, we are clearly a victorious country, why should we suffer this humiliation! "Speaking of this, Miao Handong was not angry, he didn't insist on a few words of curse," That line, I owe you a favor this time, and when the machinery is transformed, the first one produced I will give you free of charge, and I will give you as much as you want in the future! "

"Miao brother, you're out of here! I accepted the first batch of cloth, and you still have to make money in the future, otherwise I will be embarrassed to get cloth from you." The two sides disputed and finally reached an agreement. , Miao Handong will provide Shenlong with a 5% discount of the Japanese price, and the freight is also Miao Handong out.

The next day, Miao Handong's Chengtong Yarn Factory stopped working and began to transform the machinery. Shen Long looked at it for a few days and felt that there should be no problems, so he resigned.

After leaving the Miao family, he first went to Sanyuan Dyeing Factory, met the brothers Zhao Dongjun and Zhao Dongchu, renewed his old relationship, and then left Jinan to return to his hometown in Zhoucun.

But halfway down, Shen Long turned a corner and went straight into the mountain. He soon heard someone laughing, "Ha ha, six sons, let's meet again!"

No one else came, it was the bandit leader Liu Zigang.

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