All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1649: Liuzi helped

"As long as I want to do something, there is nothing wrong with it. When I first learned to dye fabrics, it was a lot of stains, but the shopkeeper Zhou did not blame me! You must sum up first, if you want to get a stamp Bring it, how much money do I have to spend, can I still get it together? "He is willing to do something, and Shen Long will definitely support it.

"Liu Brother!" Lu Jiaju's eyes were a little red with excitement. From small to large, the family didn't expect him to do anything other than reading. The old man always felt that he could not do big things frivolously. Help; the younger brother always feels that the family has given all the resources to himself, and if it is given to him, he will definitely be more rewarding than himself.

It ’s the same when I arrived in Qingdao. Although Dahua made money, the businessmen in the industry saw that although they talked and laughed on the surface, they did n’t take him seriously; before they went to the Ocean Horse, it was passed for a while. For a joke in the mall.

Now that Shen Long believes he can do this, and is willing to spend money to take risks, how can Lu Jiaju not be excited? He said seriously, "Six Brothers, you can rest assured that I will contact my old classmates in Germany and ask them to help some good hands to open the printing machine; during this time I will stay in the factory like you. Now, multi-color overprint is temporarily unsure. I will try monochrome printing first! "

"Success, whether it's money or people, you just squeak! Just stay in the factory, you haven't eaten this bitterness, you should go home and rest after work! Go home for lunch too." Shen Long didn't think he could get used to the big pot rice in the factory.

In the following period, Lu Jiaju really changed his past style. He came to the factory in a rickshaw early in the morning and began to debug the printing machine. He also moved the book materials he brought back from Germany to the factory. If you have any questions, please quickly turn over the book and study.

Sometimes the work is fascinating, and Shen Long has to urge him to eat. Occasionally, when he meets the key, he simply does n’t want to go home and eats a big pot of rice with Shen Long, but this is really a bit overwhelming for him. After that, he should let Mrs. Er give him dinner; nevertheless, Lu Jiaju's change has also won the recognition of the workers, and he has been sincere after seeing the respect on his face.

On this day, Shen Long was busy working with the workers in the workshop, and he saw Lu Jiaju running happily, holding a red cloth in his hand, "Six Brother, Six Brother, I got it! I got it! You! Look at this peony! "

"Let's see!" Shen Long put down his work and took a look at the red cloth. I saw a few more beautiful peonies on it, which is the popular style of marriage nowadays.

"Jiaju, there really is you! The old man didn't spend money to send you to Germany! If the printed cloth is of this level, it can be sent directly to the cloth store to sell!" With Shen Long's eyes, this It is no surprise that this kind of monochrome printing cloth is still far away, but as far as the current market situation is concerned, this piece of cloth taken out by Lu Jiaju has not lost much to Modu products.

"The owner is amazing!" The workers began to whisper, "This cloth is pretty!"

"That is, of course, but the owner went to Germany to stay abroad and learned this!" Lu Dengbiao also straightened his waist to help his cousin brag.

"This family is happy today. I will add vegetables to you at night, Lu Dengbiao, and quickly go out and cut a few pieces of meat. I invite everyone to eat meat and eat white-faced buns!" Lu Jiaju was even more happy to hear these.

Lu Dengbiao did not immediately agree but turned his attention to Shen Long. The man spent the money in the factory, but the man said it. Shen Long would not disappoint naturally, and said aloud, "The Dong family has been tinkering with the printing machine these days, and now finally It ’s a big event for our factory, and it ’s a joy to be together; Lu Dengbiao, buy another bar, and the big guy drinks two at night! "

"Thank you Dongjia, thank you shopkeeper!" Many workers thanked in unison, and then Shen Long asked them to continue to work hard, and took Lu Jiaju to the workshop where the printing machine was placed.

"Six brothers, do you say that we will start printing to take out immediately?" Lu Jiaju is still immersed in joy.

Shen Long took the cloth and used his fingernails to pick the pattern, scraped the paint and looked carefully at the sunlight, "Jiaju, can't be so impulsive in doing business! Now this pattern is out, but you didn't try it Washed with water? I looked at the color of this pattern a little unstable, maybe it will fade after washing twice. If you sell it, you have to smash our Flying Tiger brand! "

Lu Jiaju instinctively wanted to refute, but when he thought of the sixth brother's cloth dyeing technique, he immediately shut up and scratched his head and took the cloth to find someone to wash it. After several washings, the peony really started to fade.

This time Lu Jiaju is like a frosted eggplant. "Sixth brother, I'm really useless. I can't even do this little thing!"

"Who said this? Isn't that good? Are you full of inquiries in Qingdao ~ ~ Who else will open the printing machine besides you? Can you print such beautiful flowers?" Shen Long continued Encourage, hey, this child's mental quality is too poor, how big is this thing, and began to doubt life.

"The flowers that can be printed fade! This can make money!" Lu Jiaju was still crying.

"What about then? It's better than it was at first? You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to walk step by step. If you can make it like this, it's like walking ninety miles, and it's almost ten miles away; I am thinking. , It may be that the formula of the pigment is not right, I will give you a few more recipes, you can try it one by one! "

After Shen Long ’s comfort, Lu Jiaju regained his fighting spirit and began to study with the prescription given by Shen Long. At night, instead of going home for dinner, he drank with the workers to celebrate.

Drinking and drinking, Lu Jiaju was a little drunk, and whispered to Shen Long, "Six brothers, how do I feel that drinking here is more moisturizing than drinking with the ladies at the Bohai Hotel?"

"That is, of course, those ladies are all for your money; these workers really thank you and respect you, of course it is different!"

"Six brothers made sense, it seems that I have to stay in the factory more in the future." Lu Jiaju thought deeply.

After eating, Shen Long sent Lu Jiaju to a rickshaw. After watching him leave, he was about to return to the factory. When he saw a shadow, he sneaked over and looked at Wang Zhiwu.

"Sixth brother, the big shopkeeper brought the brothers to Qingdao, let me report a letter to you, I would like to invite you to drink!" Wang Zhiwu said.

"Brother Liu is here?" Shen Long was very happy, which was a good thing.

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