All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1950: When I was a bandit, I was an expert

"Well, I went back to tell the big shopkeeper about the situation in Qingdao. The big shopkeeper thinks it is indeed the same reason, he Zhang Shuyuan can't chase Qingdao to come? Anyway, it is much more comfortable to grab a small Japan than a villager. Now! So I brought the brethren to you! "Wang Zhiwu said.

"Where is the big shopkeeper? I invite the big shopkeeper to drink! Let's go to the Linhai Hotel!" Linhai Hotel is Miao Handong's industry, and the folks in the hotel will not leak the news.

"Don't tell me! The shopkeeper said, now you are a big man with a surname in Qingdao, let others know that your dealings with him are not good for you, so if you want to drink, go to the cottage!" Wang Zhiwu quickly stopped him. Not to mention, this Liu Zibang's mind is quite clear, so Shen Long is more at ease.

"Brother Liu has found a place to settle down?" After a few excuses, seeing Wang Zhiwu's resolute attitude, Shen Long no longer reluctantly went back to the factory and the account room to speak, and took a sum of money from his dividend, I went to a famous restaurant in Qingdao to buy some braised pork and cold dishes, then bought some jars of good wine, and went to the cottage with Wang Zhiwu.

On the way, Wang Zhiwu talked about the latest things. After Liuzi helped Laoshan, he recovered a wave of small bandits and occupied their cottage. This allowed Wang Zhiwu to contact Shen Long. This person was still very careful.

"Haha, brother, come here, why do you bring so many things? Although I am still poor, brother, it is okay to ask you to drink!" Seeing Shen Long, Liu Zibang laughed.

"Look what Brother Liu said, I have recently made money. What happened to the brother to have a drink? Come, Brother Liu, try the crabs in Qingdao. This is not fresh in Zou Ping!" So the big guy set the table Drink it up.

I drank this drink until midnight, and finally the big guys all fell down. Shen Long spent the night in the cottage. The next morning, the two came outside the cottage and talked about the future. Let me tell you, the little Japan runs business along those roads, I will let people stare first. "

"You can ask the right person. Nowadays, the Japanese usually ship their cargo to the dock by ship, and then send it from Qingdao to all parts of Shandong. They mainly take these roads ..." Shen Long pointed down the mountain. Fifteen to ten said to Liu Zigang, not only the Shanglu, but also sentries in those places, where he was robbed, and he was told to retreat from there.

"Okay, Sixth Brother, I don't see that you are still an expert! As I see it, you don't have to do business anymore, just go with me to a big bowl to drink and eat meat!" Liu Zibang was stunned. Shocked, many places are more appropriate than he thought. If this person enters Lu Lulin, then the custody is also a No. 1 character!

Hehe, what is this? Today, the old pimples that lie in the northeast of China, but I was bullying him. When it comes to the doorway, we are real experts! "I would like to have a happy life with Brother Liu, but there is a daughter-in-law at home, and now that the daughter-in-law has a baby, I can't go away! I can only give Brother Liu some idea."

"That's right, I took the liberty; hey, whoever wants to live a good life, who wants to do this!" Liu Zibang sighed. Although the bandits were happy, they couldn't stand upright and would be killed by the old family when they returned to the village. Disgusted.

"Brother Liu, this is not necessarily the case. According to me, Brother Liu is much better than those who are soldiers. At least you only rob those profiteers, local tyrants and gentry, and never harass ordinary people. The people of the Zouping generation are thinking Yours is good! "Shen Long comforted." Besides, we don't have to do this all the time, nor will we have a chance to find another way in the future. "

Shen Long stretched his finger to the northeast. "Look, didn't the old pimple do the same thing? People are now the inspectors of the three provinces in the east, and they are the number one figures in the country."

"We are different in Shandong and Northeast! This is the foundation of Beiyang. It is not easy to learn old pimples." When Yuan Datou was the governor of Shandong, he brought his new army from small stations to Shandong. In the Republic of China now, Shandong also has Beiyang has always been firmly in his hands. Previous Sun Baoqi, Jin Yunpeng, Zhang Huaizhi, now Zhang Shuyuan, and later Tanaka Yu, these Shandong governors are all from Beiyang.

Although there were also governors of Wu Dazhou, Hu Ying and other forces during the period of, these people were not very long in Shandong, and they did not have the influence of the Beiyang. It is not easy to repeat the experience of old pimples in such a place.

"At this moment, not now, it does not mean that it will not work in the future. As long as we have a firm foothold in Laoshan, we may not have no chance; even if we can't be as old as a knot, it is not a problem to be a regiment leader and brigade commander. "Shen Long knew that for a period of warfare between the warlords, all forces were recruiting troops and there was absolutely no shortage of opportunities for recruiting."

"Now all provinces are thinking about fighting. There must be soldiers to fight. Brother Liu has many guns under your hands ~ ~ there must be someone begging you to become an official!" Shen Long said his analysis Again.

"Six brothers, you can see clearly, but we are all Chinese. What's the point of calling around? If you really have the skills, then you can get rid of Qingdao's little Japan!" Liu Zibang looked at the sea. Japanese merchant ship.

"So we need to find the right time. If we just became the brigade commander, we would be pulled to the front to be cannon fodder. We must not be able to do this thing!" Shen Long also hopes to rely on Liu Zi to help strengthen himself. ?

Shen Long took a cheque from his arms, "Brother Liu, you first arrived, there are many places to spend money, take this first, let Zhiwu go down the mountain to buy some food, so that the brothers can eat; I will give You get some cloths and let the brothers warm up a bit; as for the guns, I'll think about ways to look back! "

Buy it if you can spend it. The Germans are probably willing to sell it. If they do n’t sell it, it ’s not afraid. If it ’s a big deal, I ’ll find a place to steal some good things.

"Six brothers, what do you mean? I look down on my brother or I still?" Liu Zi helped Na Ken to accept this? Quickly and Shen Long gave way.

"Brother Liu, we're brothers who worship the bastards. It's too common for them to care about this? Are you not accepting me or treating me as a brother! If so, I turn my head away!" Shen Long pretended to be angry.

"Hey! Sixth brother, I didn't confess you brother!" Liu Zibang moved to tears. "Okay, I have collected the money. When the business is done in the future, I will give you a few good things!" "

"Brother Liu, I will count on you to take care of my business in the future!" In this era of doing business, there is no backer behind it!

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