All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1660: Sell ​​factory

Shen Yuanyi is a university student of Northeastern University. After the fall of Northeast China, she heard that her lover, the captain of a certain army of the Northeast Army, Huo Changhe, was injured and came to Qingdao, so she ran to Qingdao, but she ran all over the hospital in Qingdao and found Huo Changhe The whereabouts of accidentally accidentally stole the luggage that the thief carried with him.

At this time, even the car money for the rickshaw driver was gone. Shen Yuanyi had to give Huo Changhe her cashmere scarf for the driver. This scarf was bought by Huo Changhe for three hundred years, and the result was fifty cents lower; the so-called cashmere It means Kashmiri cashmere. Since Napoleon sent this thing to Queen Joseph's wardrobe, cashmere has become a luxury item.

After being hit successively, Shen Yuanyi suddenly jumped into the sea and committed suicide if she could n’t think about it. However, she chose not at the right time, but she jumped into the sea at a high tide at night and walked a few steps forward. The high tide water pushed her back and walked a few steps again. Back, Shen Yuanyi was so frustrated that he could not even die.

At this moment, Shen Yuanyi was crying loudly, the wind blew, and her hair shivered, her hair stuck on her face, and she was in a state of embarrassment; Shen Long hurried over when she saw her, and coughed for a while. Come over and squat next to her, "Sister, how can you be stupid? If you don't have the flame mountain to pass, why look for shortsighted?"

If it ’s dark today, this is in the wilderness and wilderness. When I suddenly heard the man ’s voice, Shen Yuanyi was still a little scared, and subconsciously shrank back, but as soon as she saw Shen Long ’s face, she was not afraid anymore. The man was particularly credible and said timidly, "How do you know that I am looking for shortsightedness?"

Nonsense, I have watched TV series! Shen Long smiled and said, "Sister, I have lived on the beach for ten years. This is a common occurrence. This is all foreign novels. When I see a few books, I am evil, and I am free to fall in love freely. If you do n’t succeed, you ca n’t think of it, either hanging or jumping into the sea; hi, my sister, after this force has passed, think about it again, it ’s stupid! Get up, it ’s too cold and fast, first find a warm place to change clothes. "

Suicide often stems from impulse, and when the impulse passes, Shen Yuanyi rests her suicidal thoughts. When the wind blows, Ms. Shen trembles even more, and the teeth of her upper and lower teeth clang loudly, so she listened to Shen Long's persuasion and followed him to the street , Shen Long beckoned to stop two rickshaws and let them transport them to the Bohai Hotel.

As soon as he entered the door, the high-selling shopkeeper who was talking could say hello, "Chan shopkeeper, what's going on here? This girl's family is ..."

"You don't care who you are. Get your old ladies and let them wait for the young lady to stay, wash, open the door of the clothes shop, and buy two sets of clothes according to the size of the young lady." An old lady came, they first saluted Shen Long, and Shen Long waved, "It's so cold here to sift the bran, what kind of gift is good! Quickly, quickly help Miss to go upstairs and make the bath water hot, you two listen , Wait in the room. "

Then he ordered some other things, and Shen Long said to Shen Yuanyi, "You stayed in the hotel first, listening to your accent is not like Qingdao, come from the northeast side? And Qinglang separated? Don't worry, I ’m familiar with people in Qingdao, maybe I can help you inquire! Hurry up and rest, I will talk about other things tomorrow. "

He did n’t want Shen Yuanyi to go to Jinan as a social flower. Her Huo Changhe was n’t gone. They were well mixed and useful to Shen Long, so Shen Long said a few more words; but he did n’t even accept this girl. It is planned that this palace fighting skill is full. Isn't it uncomfortable to marry home?

After making arrangements, Shen Long took a rickshaw to go home, settled the bill for the driver, and then returned to the room to rest; the next day, when he arrived at the factory door, he found that more than twenty refugees were sitting there. Well, they went out together to escape, and the children were breastfeeding. When he came over, the refugees came under a big beard.

"The shopkeeper, those of us are dry dyeing factories in the Northeast, you accept us, we do n’t need to pay, just manage the meals; we used to work in Shenyang Puduo dyeing factory for several years, I am an electrician, he is a dyer , The craftsmanship is very good. "This is Bai Jinbiao, he is not stupid, he knows where to find a job.

These people were quite reliable. Shen Long nodded and asked Wang Zhiwu to take them to take a bath and change their clothes. They accepted these people, although the dyeing plant in Qingdao would be closed, but the dyeing plant in Jinan would also Employing people, now the Republic of China is lacking in skilled workers, and accepting these people is absolutely not a loss.

After arranging these people, the high treasurer of the Bohai Hotel came over, and Shen Yuanyi also followed him. When she saw her, Shen Long nodded. Well, this girl doesn't need to be a concubine of the night! Shen Long thought of the "Sai Ming Fei" and "Xiao Ming Fei" that followed the street in the TV series. What's the matter, Ma Dan, did not know if there was any one named Lu Mingfei? If this is the case ~ ~ Let's go and wrap it all night.

"Chen shopkeeper, Yuan Yi should thank you for your life-saving grace!" Shen Yuanyi paid a gift and directly stared at Lu Jiaju next to him. This style is comparable to ordinary women? Even if the big ocean horse compares with her, it is more than enchanting, and the grace is not enough!

"Don't say this, um, you should be fine today, are you still looking for your lover? I'll find someone to take you!" Shen Long called Wang Zhiwu and explained to him the situation, "You follow He can just go out. He is familiar with people in Qingdao. He knows all three teachings and nine masters. It ’s right to find someone to follow him! "

Wang Zhiwu has been in Qingdao for many years, and He Dageng's brother, if Huo Changhe really came to Qingdao, in his capacity Wang Zhiwu can certainly find out the news.

Shen Yuanyi thanked Wang Zhiwu for leaving, and the high shopkeeper settled the bill and went back. As soon as the two of them left, Lu Jiaju came quickly. "Six brothers, you went to the beach for a walk yesterday and picked up a fairy daughter! Why don't you let me I'll help her find someone? Qingdao is also familiar with me! "

"Let you go? Then there are more than three wives in your family? Besides, you are not afraid that the military commander of other people will collapse you?" Shen Long huh, if that's the case, the big business in the future will run away.

"Liu, look at what you said, I haven't talked about the friendship on Fengyue for many years!" Lu Jiaju scratched his head and smiled. Over the years, he has been obsessed with technical matters. Things are also missing.

The two laughed for a while. Lu Dengbiao came in and told them that the Chamber of Commerce invited them to a meeting to discuss the boycott of Japanese products. Shen Long asked Lu Jiaju to go, "I won't go. Fujii asked me to meet and said that we want to buy our factory. Deal with. "

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