All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1661: Who are you scaring?

"Sixth brother, now Fujii is different from before. He used to beg for us to buy cloth, and he said a low voice. Recently, Little Japan occupied the Northeast, but he shook up, and let the Japanese rogues the other day. Going to Mingzu to make trouble, I think if he wants to buy it, we will sell it to him. Anyway, we also plan to open a new factory in Jinan. "Lu Jiaju was still a little worried about this matter. I heard that Shen Long To see Fujii, he quickly persuaded.

"It must be sold to him, but he can't afford to pay less!" According to the logic, when the Lu family and Chen Shouting bought Dahua, they only spent 10,000 oceans, and the money was hundreds of times thousands. Earned twice, but Shen Long had to kill Fujii hard, otherwise it would be hard to get angry.

"After you go to the meeting, take your family to Jinan when you come back, and go with Dongchu. By the way, picking celery and Fuqing are also piggybacked. I can just stay in Qingdao to deal with Fujii." Today's Fujii is Shen Long was not afraid of anything, but Lu Jiaju and his family were not afraid.

"Six brothers, we are brothers, I have to stay if you stay!" Lu Jiaju was quite unwilling.

"Don't make trouble, there must be someone to go to Jinan to open a new factory. Although Miao Brother helped us choose a good place, but how to build the plant still requires you to discuss it." Shen Long asked him to go to Jinan not just for the sake of disaster.

Lu Jiaju finally reluctantly agreed to go out and discuss with the colleagues of the chamber of commerce how to boycott Japanese goods; Shen Long felt much deeper than them about boycotting goods from other countries.

If this kind of goods is necessary for the country and cannot be produced by oneself, it is meaningless to talk about boycott, such as the ballpoint ball of the earlier ball, such as the chip and the operating system; if some countries can also produce, the cost can be higher than the other party, so It is necessary to consider the coordination role of tariffs. If you have a strong motherland and a sound customs system, you can use tariffs to increase the cost of the other party's entry into the domestic market, or go to an international agency to complain about the other party's dumping.

In later generations, China ’s customs played an important role in effectively protecting the stability of the domestic market, and countless institutions and enterprises were constantly at the WTO and foreign courts to defend their legitimate interests.

Now, the National Government clearly cannot bear this responsibility, and the people have little savings. If they can buy more goods with the same money, it is difficult for them to support domestic products. After all, their life is hard enough, it is really difficult Asking them too much; so if you do not take out goods of the same quality and lower cost as Japan, boycotting Japanese goods will not last long.

The contrast is even more striking. The Japanese textile industry belongs to the foreign exchange industry in other countries, that is, companies that can earn foreign money. In order to earn foreign money, the Japanese government does not charge taxes on this industry. Three-thirds subsidy, so his price is low.

In China, the textile industry is a large taxpayer. In addition, the industry is underdeveloped and there are few companies that can pay taxes. Therefore, the taxation of the textile industry is fierce. This is exhausting. The dyed fabrics are better. Those textile mills need to be more Difficulties, every autumn, the Japanese textile factories can only collect the cotton after the Japanese buy it. Because the prices paid by the Japanese are high, the people do not know what China and Japan are, and they pick up good cotton and sell it to the Japanese.

Japan has collected enough, and good cotton is almost gone. This is the main reason for the poor quality of cloth in this port. This cotton is laborious, laborious, and has many flaws. Therefore, it ca n’t compete for Japanese cloth in terms of color, and people do n’t pay taxes. There are also subsidies, and the local fabrics have to pay a heavy tax for the color difference, so they cannot compete with Japanese cloth in terms of price.

If it was not Shen Long who helped Miao Handong improve the technology, Miao Handong had extensive connections to get a certain amount of good cotton, which would allow Dahua Dyeing Factory and Yuanheng Dyeing Factory to get relatively better grey cloths. Otherwise, their lives will be more sad.

Hey, without a strong country, it is really difficult to do business! After all, this is a world of weak meat and strong food, let alone now, even in the future, the United States will not use its own hegemony to bully those companies that can threaten them. Has Alstom in France been tossed and kneeled by Americans?

At that time, China was already the world's second-largest economic power, and it will still encounter various kinds of suppression, not to mention now? Fujii could not bear thinking about it until now, it was already very difficult.

The meeting with Fujii was not pleasant. Fujii wanted to take the Dahua Dyeing Plant but was not willing to pay too much money, so after a few words, Shen Long got up and left, "I was planning to sell the Dahua Dyeing Plant, but There is more than one person you want to buy. If your asking price is too low, I will naturally find someone else. Others are afraid of you. Japanese merchants and American merchants are not afraid! "

Back at home, Cai Qin has already packed the luggage with his family ~ ~ Shen Long asked them to go to Jinan with Lu Jiaju tomorrow, and then when he came to the factory, Wang Zhiwu also took Shen Yuanyi to wait there Now, "The shopkeeper, last night, Miss Shen and I went to all the hospitals in Qingdao to inquire about it carefully, and asked about it elsewhere."

"Miss Shen's luggage was recovered, but he did not inquire about Chief Huo's whereabouts, maybe he didn't come to Qingdao at all." Wang Zhiwuhui reported that the thief was not able to do business casually. Can you still pay a visit to He Dageng's wharf? Coupled with the fact that the contents of Shen Yuanyi's suitcase are too expensive, this matter was immediately revealed.

Not only the luggage, but even the cashmere scarf was found and redeemed by Wang Zhiwu from the pawnshop, and now it is wrapped around Shen Yuanyi's neck.

"So what are you going to do now?" Shen Long asked.

"I want to go to Jinan, I have an aunt in Jinan." Shen Yuanyi replied.

"That's right, you go with Jiaju! When you get to Jinan, if you want to find a way to make a living, you can come to the dye factory to find me. You are a college student and you can definitely use it." Shen Long tweeted. Just let Wang Zhiwu take her to look for Lu Jiaju. Her aunt is not a good person, otherwise she will not let Shen Yuanyi go to the sea. This is also to help others. In the future, he will meet that Huo Changhe, who owes himself The human relationship is great.

After Lu Jiaju's departure, Shen Long was left alone in Qingdao. That night, Shen Long was sleeping at home. Suddenly he heard a gunshot from outside, and the bullet shattered the glass of his window.

Shen Long was unmoved, scared who, I haven't seen any storms? Want to scare me at this point?

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