All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1670: Big sale

Lu Jiaju took them back to the office again, took out his coffee pot, personally ground the coffee beans for the two of them, and then waited for Shen Long while drinking coffee. Shen Long didn't return to the office until more than five o'clock in the afternoon.

"It's still the sixth elder brother. If you have to do this for three days and three nights, when you arrive at the sixth elder brother, you will have to clean up the ground for half a day." Lu Jiaju gave a thumbs-up and praised Shen Long, then Shen Long took a bath and changed clothes, and went to Huiquan Tower with them.

"Sixth brother, I originally meant to invite the sister-in-law and the jadeite together, but Changhe said that today I would like to thank you and have important things to discuss. Today we will wait for a few, wait I will ask the big guy again in two days. "Shen Yuanyi explained it to them in the car.

After arriving at Huiquan Building and entering the dining room, after waiting for the dishes to be ready, Huo Changhe paid tribute to Shen Long for three glasses of wine. Shen Long still said that to Shen Yuanyi. Do n’t thank yourself too much. As a matter of fact, whoever encounters difficulties in the future will be able to reach for it.

"Sixth Brother Renyi, I am convinced today!" Then Huo Changhe talked about the business, "Brother, I came to Jinan this time, there are both official and private matters; this private matter, I am not afraid of jokes, I have a wife in the Northeast, Before I went abroad, my family told me that when Little Japan occupied the Northeast, I hurriedly walked without taking my daughter-in-law, and then her whole family voted for Little Japan as a traitor. The next time I plan to take Yuan Yi back to Jinling to get married. "

"If it wasn't for the sixth brother to join hands, we might not have the chance to reunite! I know that the sixth brother is busy and may not be able to go to Jinling, so after two days, when the official business is done, Yuanyi and I invite you to join us in the fun Lively! "Huo Changhe mentioned the invitation again. The reason this time was not to be refused. Shen Long and Lu Jiaju agreed.

"After finishing the private business, let's talk about the official business again." Huo Changhe continued, "Brother, I have the Chairman's attention, and appointed me to buy cloth in Shandong for military uniforms, a total of 300,000 horses. I want to give this business to Sixth Brother, come here. "

"Why don't the government buy cloth? Why don't you go to Modu? From Jinling to Modu, are you closer?" Shen Long asked, and Lu Jiaju next to him stunned him. Such a big businessman gave you what to do. ?

"Six brothers, this is nothing wrong. After the fall of the Northeast, the people were very dissatisfied with the corruption of the government. The prices of the Modu were high. They were also controlled by officials and businessmen. The government did not dare to do this, so the chairman sent me to Coming from Shandong; this time the price given by the government is 90% of the magic capital. I heard Yuan Yi talking about the situation of Hongju Dyeing Factory. At this price, the sixth brother still makes a profit! "Huo Changhe directly showed the low price. .

"So what is actually given to us?" Shen Long asked again. He naturally understood the doorway inside. The government expenditure is 90% of the magic capital. Those who can handle it always have to eat. They must deduct it from it.

"Ah." Huo Changhe was a little embarrassed, glanced at Shen Yuanyi and gritted his teeth. "I don't care what other people do. Since the chairman gave me this job, I have to listen to me, which is 90% of the price of the magic capital. . "

"Changhe, I know you are not greedy, but some things are not just yourself." Shen Long said, at least Huo Changhe now has no idea, peanuts gave him three hundred and two gold, he returned it, although He finally got it, but he did not get any other money.

"You don't have to take it, but what about others? You really gave it to me, but it would offend people!" Even Li Dakang, when he didn't know about Ding Yizhen? Didn't he stop? "According to me, it is as much as it should be. Anyway, the cost on my side is lower than that on Modu. Even if the price drops, I can make money."

"My Chen Liuzi is a businessman. I must be thinking about making money when I do business, but I am also Chinese. I have to get out of Qingdao when Little Japan occupies the Northeast. If you can fight a little bit, use the money saved to kill more A few devils, I do n’t think it ’s too hard for Bai! ”Shen Long Yue thought more and more that Huo Changhe took more than 300,000 from the military budget, which was not kind. If he bought this 300,000 for guns, how could he kill a few more? Devil?

"Sixth brother, Huo Changhe has rarely served people in his life, but he has served you now!" Huo Changhe is not a person in the northwest after all. In this respect, his perseverance is not tough. After Shen Long's persuasion, he agreed. "I don't care about my share, some others still have to give it, don't look at me as the director, but I don't count a lot of things."

"I will be able to call you these two hundred thousand pieces of cloth in two days, but I want to ensure that it will be completed within twenty days, and the color and quality will not be worse ~ ~ After that, I took these cloths together with Yuanyi to Jinling; of course, if you are too busy here, my sixth brother, I can help to drag them for a few days, as long as it is no more than a month! Too much, Hongju's production capacity cannot keep up.

"This time is indeed a bit tight, but the three shifts are started 24 hours a day. If people stop the machine, it is estimated that it can be infected." Lu Jiaju said after thinking.

"It doesn't need to be so hard, if we only care about this stall, our other cloths will be out of stock. Our new Flying Tiger cloth has just been put on the market. It may not be good to sell out at this time, which will affect our reputation. ; I think so, it ’s better to give Zhao Family ’s Sanyuan Dyeing Factory a hundred thousand horses. ”Shen Long does n’t owe them anything. It ’s almost the same for 100,000, just in line with the scale of Hongju and Sanyuan Dyeing Factory. .

"As for the grey cloths, don't worry. Mr. Miao just grabbed a wave of business from the Japanese. Now he has a lot of grey cloths in his textile factory!" At this time, you don't need to ask Fujii to buy cloths, or you can make military uniforms for Guojun. But it is necessary to use Japanese cloth, how unpleasant it is to say this.

"Sixth brother, they owe you a lot of love at the beginning of the next East! Looking back, he must let him have a few drinks!" Lu Jiaju praised.

"Everything I said before is now a war between our Chinese businessmen and Japanese businessmen. General Huo fights on the battlefield, and we fight with them in the mall! We can make a lot of this business for General Huo, which is equal to accumulating for us With enough ammunition, it is just a good fight with Zi Wenhai! "Then it is estimated that there will be a price war, and it is always good to reserve more funds.

"Okay, I wish the sixth brother to win!" Huo Changhe raised his glass.

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