All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1671: Price war

"Fujii and Zi Wenhai want to make money by opening a dye factory, then they have to squeeze us down. The means they can use are nothing more than price wars to hurt people; now with this income, it is equal to yes Supplement us with a lot of guns and ammunition, and they will be able to bear it by then! "Shen Long is full of confidence in the victory over Zi Wenhai.

"Although I have just come to Jinan, I have heard of this person's name. Now in this world, it is not just a matter of neatness and familiarity with the legal provisions of the lawsuit! Brother, don't underestimate him. He used whatever means to make trouble, and you will send me a telegram. "Huo Changhe feels that the debt he owes is still not finished with the 300,000 pieces of cloth. Shen Long just handled it or even helped him. Busy, so I want to work **** this.

"That's not necessary. Miao brother is now the No. 1 national industrialist in Shandong. All the people in Shandong will eat his flour and wear his cloth. Even Han Fuqu will have to give him some face, if it's normal, Please ask Miao Brother to come forward! "Lu Jiaju said cheerfully. As for the unusual things, Liang Ziwenhai did not have this ability.

"Moreover, the Liuzigang commander of Jiaozhou, that is the brother of the sixth brother, no matter whether it is secretly, we don't have to be afraid of him." Through the battle of buying cotton before, Lu Jiaju had a deep understanding of his own strength.

"You can't say that, General Huo. Actually, I really want a place to ask you for help!" Although in the land of Shandong and even the northern market, Shen Long didn't have to be afraid of anyone, but like the Anti-Japanese War, this war was more than just Shandong things.

"Six brothers please tell me." Huo Changhe just listened to what Lu Jiaju said, and he was feeling a little depressed. He didn't even have the ability to help me. When Shen Long said this, she asked quickly.

"Since you are responsible for purchasing military uniforms, you must have also inquired about Modu's market. I want to ask you to go back to Modu and meet Mr. Lin from Liuhe Dyeing Factory. He will come to Jinan and say My brother and Miao asked him to discuss important matters. "Lin Xiangrong was a little arrogant and did not do things properly, but Mr. Lin was different.

After Chen Shouting moved to Jinan, he met two opponents. One was a model dyeing factory co-organized by Zi Wenhai and Fujii, and the other was the Linhe Liuhe dyeing factory. The model dyeing factory was a dead enemy and must be dying. Dry; but there is no invincible hatred with Liuhe Dyeing Factory. Can the two parties cooperate? There are also many small Japanese textile printing and dyeing companies on the side of Modu. In this regard, the interests of Liuhe and Hongju Dyeing Factory are the same. of.

"It's easy to say, when Modu met Mr. Lin, he heard that he was an old friend with Mr. Miao Handong. I am afraid that even if I don't need me to invite me, Mr. Lin heard that Mr. Miao and his sixth brother invited him. He will be here soon. "Huo Changhe agreed readily.

On the second day after eating, Huo Changhe personally went to the door and delivered the contract. After signing, Hongju Dyeing Factory and Sanyuan Dyeing Factory started construction at the same time, and began to produce military uniform cloth for Huo Changhe. It took only eighteen days to produce all the cloth Huo Changhe needed.

And the quality is nothing to say at all. Huo Changhe looked at Lian and said, "Okay, okay, okay, much better quality than those military uniform cloths produced in Modu before. With these, I will make military uniforms in the future. Say, use the cloth of our Hongju dyeing factory! The chairman will definitely agree! "

That ’s not necessarily, if the quality is good, the party will not fall into this end! After the invention of penicillin, some domestic scientists wanted to study and produce by themselves. As a result, Uncle Song came to say that they can't run out of what they bought abroad. Why should they develop and produce by themselves?

Listen, is this still what a country's highly functional say? Why can't you buy it back from abroad? Isn't the reason obvious? Is a pennyillin imported from abroad a small yellow croaker, can most people afford it? If domestic production can be achieved, the price will not fall, and more people will benefit.

But in this case, Uncle Song ’s interests will be affected, oh, you can all produce your own, then I do n’t have money to make? The business of selling foreign penicillins is in their hands.

It was these reasons that led to the fact that even the northwestern Nabo people began to study the production of penicillin by local methods, while Uncle Song was still selling his high-priced imported penicillin.

After all the cloths were loaded, Huo Changhe hosted a banquet and invited Shen Long and others. At the dinner table, he thanked Shen Long again, and then took Shen Yuanyi and the cloths to Jinling by train.

With this funding, Shen Long and they have already stored enough ammunition, and only waiting for the model dyeing factory to move; after the model dyeing factory is officially put into operation, Zi Wenhai and Fujii really started as Shen Long expected. After the price war, the new cloth will be much cheaper than the cloths of Hongju and Sanyuan Dyeing Factory ~ ~ Oh, their cost can't be lower than ours. Don't be afraid of them; let us know that our cloth will also be reduced in price, which is a dime lower than that of the model dyeing factory! Shen Long responded quickly.

Shenlong has dropped a hair here, and the model dyeing factory hastened to keep up with another two hairs down. Shen Long continues to cut prices with them, or a price lower than that of the model dyeing factory.

Several times in this way, the people of Jinan saw that the fabrics of Hongju and Sanyuan Dyeing Factory were of good quality and cheap price. In this case, who would like to buy the fabrics of the model dyeing factory? No, even at the same price, they will give priority to the cloth of Hongju and Sanyuan Dyeing Factory. After all, who wants to wear prison clothes!

The name of Ziwenhaijia Model Prison, it is so popular, few people in Jinan like him, unless they can find it cheap, no one will buy their cloth.

At this time, Zi Wenhai and his son were blind. They originally wanted to use the price advantage to blow up the name of the model dyeing factory, and then squeeze the Sanyuan dyeing factory and Hongju dyeing factory. By then, the entire Jinan, Shandong and even the whole The price of cloth in the north is not enough for them?

But who thought that people would keep up with them and lower the price even lower than them? What should I do? "Isn't Fujii saying that the grey cloth he gave us is cheap, can we definitely beat Chen Liuzi?"

"Mr. Miao's cloth is two times less freight than Fujii, and even selling it to Chen Liuzi may be profitable!" Zi Wenhai thought about it and finally came up with a crooked move, "I don't believe that Chen Liuzi put all the taxes After paying, we will go to the tax bureau later and let him severely collect Chen Liuzi's tax! "

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