All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1672: Open mine

However, Zi Wenhai's plan still fell through. Hongju Dyeing Factory and Sanyuan Dyeing Factory had just undertaken military supplies and supplied Huo Changhe with 300,000 pieces of military uniform cloth. Wu Qichuan, the tax director, worried that his background was strong, and he didn't dare to move. Forced by Zi Wenhai and his son, they sent two taxing officers to try.

As a result, before he reached the door, Wang Zhiwu was fanned out with big ears. This time Wu Qichuan completely counseled. It turns out that people not only have people in Jinling, but also have such a big face in Shandong; now the Liuzi Gang is a powerful faction, Han The sergeant had to be drawn around. If he dared to handle the brothers, maybe he would rush into the tax office and slapped him in the face.

Zi Wenhai was a little scared. Seeing that all the money was invested, the machine began to dye the cloth, but now the price is not even enough to cost. This is the more you sell, the more you will lose. I am afraid that he is about to go bankrupt. He has the intention to find Shen Long for peace, hoping that everyone can raise the price, so that he will not lose too much anyway.

However, Fujii refused to agree. Fujii ’s purpose was not just to make money. He also shouldered the task of the military department. He must completely defeat Chinese national enterprises, so as to grab a lot of money for Japan, and destroy the resistance of the Chinese business community. In the future, Japan is ready to invade China aggressively, so he would rather fight against Shen Long in the end.

Zi Wenhai is equivalent to being on a thief ship. It is not easy to think about it now. He can only desperately squeeze the wages of the workers, and at the same time strongly urges Fujii to bear most of the losses, and runs to persuade the Industrial Bank to borrow to continue. In his opinion, the strength of Hongju Dyeing Factory and Sanyuan Dyeing Factory can be stronger than Fujii? They certainly can't support it for a long time. After this time, Jinan and even the entire Shandong market will be owned by him.

It's a pity that he thinks it's wrong. Shen Long's strength is far thicker than he imagined. He knew that Shen Long had opened a dyeing factory in Qingdao before, but he didn't know that they also cooperated with Miao Handong to engage in sulfonamide. Jin, even if two or three years of price wars are fought, they will be able to withstand it, not to mention that even if it is shipped at this price, Hongju and Sanyuan still have no losses.

"Oh, he Ziwen Hai only knows about squeezing workers, so how much money can be saved? Many of the soil dyeing workshops in the countryside are done by their own families, and they are not counted as wages, but their costs are still higher than ours. Why? It is the advantage of technological progress. Our machine is more efficient than Zi Wenhai. The dye is also made by ourselves, which is cheaper than they bought from the Japanese. The sum of these items is not comparable to the salary he deducted from the workers. Go! "Shen Long sneered.

"Mr. Chen, you two fought, but killed us, and now my Yumei brand can't sell a few pieces of cloth in Shandong or even the whole north!" Mr. Lin from Modu Liuhe Plant also arrived in Jinan, now The big guys are meeting together to discuss.

"Grandpa Lin, your family has great business and can bear it. My Kaibu dyeing factory is nearly closed!" Zhou Taofei of the Jinmen Kaibu dyeing factory has already been beaten by their price war and is almost bankrupt.

"Everyone here is a figure that we can count in our domestic printing and dyeing industry. My sixth son Chen is a junior in front of Grandpa Lin and a rough man who has not read a book in front of Mr. Zhou." Do n’t blame me less. If it were n’t for me and Zi Wenhai fighting the price war, everyone ’s life must have been good? ”

"But this is not a matter for our family in the printing and dyeing industry in Jinan. Behind Zi Wenhai is the Japanese. If I lose, then the Shandong market will be lost. If the Shandong market is lost, the northern market will not be able to keep it. The northern market will all return. They, then Zi Wenhai and Fujii should turn around and go to fight against Master Lin! "Shen Long made this point clear.

"So this is our contest between China's printing and dyeing industry and Japan's printing and dyeing industry! My Chen Liuzi can not learn from the Northeast, even if it is difficult, I have to hold on." Hey, they are called Liuzi, why is the gap so big?

"My Chen Liuzi has no way to allow Zi Wenhai and Fujii to increase their prices, but it will allow you to lower the cost." Shen Long doesn't think that empty words can make them stand on the same front line as themselves. Let the big guy twist into a rope, then you have to take out the dry goods.

"Everyone has been to Mr. Miao's Chengtong Yarn Factory in the past two days. My Hongju Dyeing Factory and Zhao Dongjia's Sanyuan Dyeing Factory have seen it. Are you sure?" Shen Long asked.

"Miao Miao's spinning mill is much better than my spinning mill, Liuzi Your Hongju is also better than my Liuhe mill, no wonder you can keep the price so low and make money!" Mrs. Lin and Miao Handong are old Sympathy, so call him a brother.

"Originally, I thought that my opening of the dyeing factory is relatively high in the country. Who knows that when I look at Jinan, I find that it is far worse than the sixth brother!" Zhou Taofei also shook his head and sighed.

"I discussed with Miao Ge, Jiaju, Mingzu, Dongjun, and Dongchu ~ ~ our Jinan industry colleagues are willing to take out their own technology and share it with everyone in Jinmen and Modu." Shen Long took out the routine of dealing with Sun Mingzu. Everyone cross-shared shares to form a unified price alliance to jointly deal with the attack of Little Japan.

"It is not appropriate to say that nowadays, little Japan has occupied the Northeast. Why would n’t that dare to go to war with Little Japan? It is not because the country has not yet been completely unified, and the warlords are fighting each other, which wo n’t win Little Japan; The reason is the same in the business world. If we fight each other, we can only make the Japanese cheaper and be broken by each of them. It is better to twist them into a rope and work hard with them. I do n’t believe we can lose. They! "Shen Long said, patting the table.

"We can set up a textile printing and dyeing association, with Mr. Lin as the chairman and Miao brother as the vice-chairman. The rest of us are directors. We will discuss things when we meet and try to ensure the interests of each family." Shen Long gave arrangement.

"Oh, I am old, this chairman is still your sixth son!" Mr. Lin is not Lin Xiangrong, he has a long-term vision, and quickly accepted Shen Long's proposal.

Finally, everyone made some concessions, or did it according to Shen Long ’s previous arrangement, but neither of the two old men had the energy to manage it, and this burden still fell on Shen Long.

With the joining of Liuhe Mill, more grey fabrics can be provided. Liuhe Yarn Mill and Chengtong Yarn Mill will supply grey fabrics to these dyeing mills at internal prices, and then Kaibu and Liuhe Dyeing Mills will use the new technology provided by Shenlong For printing and dyeing, the cost will definitely be greatly reduced.

"We can also consider opening branches in other places."

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