This victory won Jiaozhou's father and elders, so when the Liuzi Gang announced that they would withdraw from Jiaozhou and go to the mountains to fight guerrillas, although the fathers and fathers were reluctant, they also expressed their understanding; Han Fuqu all ran away, and his commander Liu also returned It's good to be able to stay in Jiaozhou to fight devils.

They cooperated with the Liuzi gang to blow up several important facilities in the city, and even some people took the initiative to join the army. They wanted to fight with them to fight devils. After waiting for these, Liuzi gang took the horses into the mountains.

The loss of these hundred little devils gave the Japanese army a blow. They gradually realized that Shandong is not only a waste like Han Fuqu, but also a real hero. Their task of occupying Shandong may not be so easy.

Shen Long has been preparing for many years. Liu Zibang has prepared in advance in large and small places in the mountainous area of ​​Jiaodong. He has stored a lot of arms, ammunition and food. Of course, Shen Long supplies their medicines and cloths. He caused great trouble to Little Japan. Although Little Japan still occupies a big city, but they dare to come to the country, it will be miserable.

You send large troops, Shen Long and Liu Zigang will not appear at all, but military operations of this scale consume money and energy, and cannot be used for a long time; but if you send small troops, there will be no return. The haunted guerrillas immediately came from all directions to eat these small troops.

At the same time, they also kept close contact with Shen Long and Liu Zigang. You let Liu Zi help them fight, but you let them do mass work and twist the people of Jiaodong into a rope. It is embarrassing them; and the Xing family they lack soldiers and ammunition on the Jiaodong side, and the strengths of the two can just make up for each other.

Therefore, Liu Zibang and Xingjia were getting closer and closer. The two sides began to cooperate. The strength in Jiaodong developed and grew stronger. The two sides smashed the "sweeping" of the Japanese puppet army on the Daze Mountain area of ​​Wendeng County, and opened up Consolidating the Jiaodong Anti-Japanese Base with Pingdu, Zhaoyuan, Laiyang, and Yexian as the center, and consolidating the Xihai District, at the same time, the fifth detachment also advanced into the Beihai District, opening up and adhering to the coastal areas of Penglai and Huangxian.

After entering Zhaoyuan, Shen Long took advantage of the local mineral resources, used his own chemical technology to improve the production capacity of the local gold mine, and then used the gold mines to extract gold to effectively support the local war of resistance; at the same time he also Continue to produce sulfonamides in the base areas, and use Laobai's chemical capabilities and Ivan-Vanke's physical and mechanical capabilities to produce military materials for them. Of course, I have not forgotten my old business and continue to produce cloth.

For a time, the anti-Japanese war in the Jiaodong area was very vivid, which greatly restrained the Japanese military forces, made it difficult for them to digest the occupied territory, and provided strong support for the anti-Japanese war in other regions.

When the Xing family came over, he also received a letter from Fu Qing. In the letter, Fu Qing described his work during this period. After he arrived in the Northwest, he quickly took over the sulfonamide manufacturing work and gave him according to Shen Long ’s teaching. Knowledge, successfully produced high-quality sulfonamides, won praise from superior leaders, and even received the interview.

During the work in this period, Fu Qing felt the spirit and power of these people and was deeply touched by them, thus generating the idea of ​​joining them; during the interview, the person who learned his idea was very Happy, offered to be his introducer, now Fuqing is already a member of the organization.

Recently, Fu Qing is working with Dr. Fu Lai to study the preparation of penicillin. Dr. Fu Lai is an Austrian. After Germany annexed Austria, Fu Lai turned to China, and through the arrangement of Peking Organization, he crossed the blockade to the Northwest headquarters. Use the medical knowledge you have learned to help the military and civilians in the base areas.

There were many foreigners in the northwest during this period. In addition to the well-known doctor Bai, there were also a large number of people such as Fu Lai, Ma Haide, Hong Dao, Li Dunbai, Ke Dihua, Bai Suhua and so on.

However, due to the problem of ability and blockade, Fu Qing and Fu Lai could not make penicillin temporarily, so Fu Qing thought of Shen Long. In his opinion, his father was omnipotent, like Shen Long helping .

Shen Long had already done this in the world of "Bright Sword". He immediately came up with an indigenous method of making the Northwest Headquarters, and provided strains for the Xing family to bring back to Fuqing, and then stop by. I wrote a letter to Fuqing, in which he described a variety of methods for using the local method to manufacture the materials that the Northwest Headquarters desperately needed.

The family was grateful to Shen Long again. The sulfonamide previously provided by Shen Long saved countless people's lives. Now that there are so many good things, these things add up, and their love for Shen Long is growing.

Soon after sending away the family, Shen Long received a letter from Lu Jiaju they sent from Chongqing. In the letter, Lu Jiaju and others expressed their admiration for Shen Long's insistence on the war of resistance, and also sent him a sum of money with the letter ~ ~ I hope these can help him.

As for Chongqing, the textile mills and printing and dyeing factories continue to run hard. What they have to guard against is not only the bombing of the little devil, but also the extortion and extortion of many important people, which makes them exhausted; even if there is Miao Handong and Mr. Lin, two well-connected seniors, maybe they ca n’t keep the industry.

Even if Huo Changhe took care of them, the people who were greedy for their industry had a much higher status than Huo Changhe; at the end of the letter, Lu Jiaju made a vague mention. The news from Shen Yuanyi seemed that some people were right He was very dissatisfied with the Xing family in Jiaodong.

These things made Shen Longqi not to hit one place, what did this group of people do not do, dragging his hind legs was a great match one by one, because I did not follow them to Chongqing, if I went, it would be hard to guarantee that day Couldn't stop getting angry, and killed all the stick moths one by one.

In a blink of an eye, it was the end of the year. During this time, Shen Long and Liu Zi helped them continue to expand their territory and began to march into Haiyang and Mou Pingping. The Xingjias also expanded a lot, and officially established the Jiaodong Military Region.

It looks like the New Year is coming. Although it is a special period, Shen Long still got some supplies as much as possible. I want the big guy to have a good year and eat dumplings.

The big guys got together and cooked the dumplings cheerfully. At this moment, when someone outside came to report that there were VIPs visiting, Shen Long and Liu Zigang hurried out.

"Good luck to everyone, I am giving you a New Year greeting!" A rude voice came in.

Shen Long took a look, it was really a VIP!

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