All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1681: Take back Hongju

This is the monk Xu who was previously chattered by Shen Long. Now the commander of the Jiaodong Military Region, people came to help Liuzi to pray for the New Year. Of course, Liuzigang was happy. He quickly greeted him and opened the big bowl to start drinking.

When I was happy, Liu Zigang also invited Xu Monk to make a double gesture. They were from Shaolin Temple. They had good martial arts, and they gave Liu Zibang some clothes in a few rounds. In addition, they were received when they dealt with Xing Family. Without feeling waiting for the monk to speak, Liu Zigang offered to join them.

"I have worked as a bandit in these years, and then my sixth brother helped me to get a relationship. I thought that from now on I will be able to be an ancestor of Zongyao and let the local people live a good life; we are also from poor families, know It is not easy for the poor to live; but who would have thought that as soon as Little Japan came over, Han Fuqu's dog day would be gone! Shandong would be the little devil. "

"However, Han Fuqu can run, but my Liuzigang can't run, so I stayed and continued to work with Little Japan! Thanks to the help of my six younger brothers, and the care of you, these two years have been tough, but the big guys are suffering. They did n’t eat it in vain, but killed a lot of little devils! They could n’t take root in Shandong. ”

"But sometimes, when I think about it in depth, I remember what the sixth brother often said to me. If I count on the one in Chongqing, I'm afraid I can't help it. Look at him and what his men do. Things; I have seen a lot of people in these years, there are warlords, fruit parties, and those who sing high-profile, but I have never seen you like this. "

"Just like the sixth brother often said, you are doing all the hard work. If you want us to become prosperous, I am afraid that only you can do it! Actually, I had such an idea. This time, the commander just wanted to come. Now, let me just say it straight. My Liuzi Gang and his gang of brothers intend to vote for you, but I do n’t know if you ca n’t accept it! "

Xu Monk came here this time just thinking about knowing Liu Zigang and Shen Long, and forging a good relationship so that he could continue to work together to fight devils in the future. As for conquering them, Xu Monk did n’t think about it for now, because the force of Liu Zigang is better than them. He was much older, but the words of Liu Zigang surprised him.

But who is Monk Xu? It was notoriously bold and careful. After a little thought, he realized that Liu Zigang was not trying him, but sincerely, so he readily agreed, "Long Xu knows what the commander Liu Liu did, and he loves the people. , Good guys who really fight against Japan, our team needs such people! "

"Well, I will follow you in the future with the Liuzi Gang, and you will even let me be a soldier!" From the Liuzi Gang, all the officers stood up to salute the monk Xu and showed the same attitude.

Over the years, Shen Long and Liu Zigang have reorganized the team a long time ago. Those who might have thoughts about it, they have already sent them away. Now those who remain in the team are really doing it with them. In addition, Liu Zigang and Shen Long also discussed with them in advance and got their unanimous approval, so they had the scene before them.

"Zibang is a personal talent. If you only give you a soldier, doesn't that mean we don't cherish talents?" Xu Heshang laughed, "But ah, our rules here are still different from those in other places. In the future, everyone will study together and make progress together! "

The receiving team can not only put them under their own command, this is the style of the fruit party; after receiving it, they must also educate and reform, and use strong political work capabilities to instill faith in this army, an army with faith To be invincible.

So he was here just this year. He reported the information to the organization and began to reorganize the army of the Liuzi Gang; when he was ready to start the political work in the next year, another big man came.

This one greeted Shen Long as soon as they met, "Haha, the shopkeeper Chen, when I was in the preparatory course at Qingdao University, I passed your Flying Tiger card. Oops, the quality of your Flying Tiger card is really good! Many seniors have heard that you supported the revolution from the beginning. In 1919, they donated a lot of cloth to them as banners. Now they are officially devoted to the revolution. I will wear the devil out of China in the future. I still want to wear it. Your Flying Tiger! "

"Not to mention, when the time comes, my Flying Tiger brand will not only be sold all over China, but also sold abroad, so that those foreigners can also see our Chinese cloth!" Shen Long said with great pride. The industry occupies more than 70% of the world market, and the output of garments of enterprises above designated size is 28.781 billion pieces, which is equivalent to providing 6.89 pieces of clothing for each person of the world population. I am afraid that Chen Liuzi dreamed of it?

After the two merged into one, they began to mobilize the masses in Luxi, Lunan, Jilubian, Luzhong, and Binhai areas to establish an anti-Japanese democratic regime ~ ~ to develop the people's armed forces and consolidate and expand the anti-Japanese base areas; It has frustrated the Japanese puppet army's many sweeps of different sizes, and it was firmly nailed to Shandong like a nail.

They carried out streamlining and simple administration, implemented the localization of the main force, strengthened the grassroots construction of the company, launched a decentralized and mass guerrilla warfare, and proposed that the Japanese army "sweep" and "cannibalize" the base areas. Flanging tactics "reversed the passive situation in Shandong Anti-Japanese Base.

Shen Long also played an important role in this process, providing a lot of much-needed supplies for anti-sweeping, and won many awards from superior departments.

With the passage of time, the life of the little devil became more and more sad, so our army immediately carried out a large counterattack in Shandong, controlled the Jinpu, Jiaoji, Longhai Railway in Shandong, and recovered Shandong except for a few cities in Jinan and Qingdao. Most regions.

Finally at the moment of victory, the little devils in Jinan and Qingdao also laid down their weapons and surrendered. Shen Long returned to Jinan with Caiqin and came to the door of Hongju Dyeing Factory.

Lu Jiaju, Sun Mingzu, Zhao family brothers, Miao Handong, they also came, looking at the already dilapidated factory, they all cried, "It's not easy, eight years, we finally got our factory back."

"We want money now, people, and people, and we can immediately hire workers, clean up the plant, reinstall the machine, and then sell our Flying Tiger brand all over China!" Lu Jiaju said with pride, in his opinion, drove away With the little devil, everything will be fine.

"Well, let's get back to work!" Shen Long nodded, whispering in his heart, that is not necessarily, there will be tossing in the future.

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