All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1682: Return (Happy birthday to me)

"Six brothers, a lot of people know your things, they are very dissatisfied with you and those people, I think you should settle down for the time being." Miao Handong pulled Shen Long aside and persuaded.

"It's okay, Miao brother, don't worry, I've come here after so many storms and waves, what a fear!" Shen solemnly shook Miao Handong's hand, indicating that he was ready.

The big guy came back to the box of Jufengde and started to discuss the future of several factories enthusiastically. Shen Long began to pour cold water on them again, "You guys, I think, we will do business in the future, try to close the ocean, no In the case of the ocean, big yellow croaker, small yellow croaker, and silver are also acceptable. US dollars and British pounds are fine. Let ’s forget about the fiat currency! "

Wait a little while, if you take it in today, it will fall tomorrow and you do n’t even know your mother. The big guys think that little Japan has been driven away, and our good days will come. In fact, it ’s early. It.

When the Hongju dyeing plant resumed business, they found that today's harsh tax and miscellaneous taxes were more severe than Han Fuqu's, and the big guys were gradually unable to bear it, so Shen Long asked them to go to Xiangjiang, where to discuss life; Lu Jiaju, Sun Mingzu and others After listening to Shen Long's arrangement, they all went together.

Shen Long himself continued to stay and looked after the Hongju Dyeing Factory. Under heavy pressure, he still managed to maintain the production of the factory, and cooperated with the organization to complete some work.

After a few more years, the Liuzi Gang finally arrived in Jinan. Prior to this, Chen Shouting's hometown, Zhou Village, had already been taken by the Liuzi Gang, and Uncle Suozi and Zhou Zhangbao were not affected in any way.

After Zhou Cun was taken down, Shen Long closed the factory and took Bai Jinbiao out of Jinan City quietly. At the same time, Jinan ’s city defense layout was taken away, and the layout was handed over to Liu Zibang.

After a period of preparation, 140,000 troops were assembled to supplement ammunition, food, military uniforms, medicine, etc. At the same time, 500,000 ex-migrant workers provided support for the war, and when all was ready, they launched a general attack.

In just two days, it took Jinan outskirts, surrounded Jinan City Regiment, and another week later, the vanguard troops invaded the southeast corner of Jinan, and the armies swarmed in and started a street battle with the defenders. The army captured the main officials in the city and completely liberated Jinan.

Then Shen Long returned to Jinan for the third time. As soon as he returned to Jinan, he immediately organized workers to work overtime to start production, and sent a lot of cloth for other battlefields. Miao Handong ’s sulfonamide plant could finally start production with full force, for the front line A steady stream of medicines were sent, which greatly reduced the casualties of our army.

In June of the following year, Qingdao was finally liberated. Since then, the whole Shandong has been liberated; Shen Long returned to the long-lost Qingdao with Caiqin. Now it has been more than ten years since they left.

The factory building of the Dahua Dyeing Factory is still there, but unfortunately it has been abandoned. Fujiki used to produce it when he was there, but after Fujii was killed by Shen Long in Jinan, it was completely abandoned, whether it is Japanese Or the fruit party that will occupy here in the future, has no intention of resuming production.

"What a great factory, it's a pity to become like this, Jin Biao, let's repair the factory together, and then continue to dye the cloth." Qingdao's geographical location is better than Jinan, and it will fight in the northeast in the future. At that time, you can send the cloth and clothes produced here to the northeast of the Bohai Sea, so that some people will be killed less.

"Dad, after so many years, I almost forget what this factory looks like!" Fu Qing also came back. When he was in the northwest, he developed various medicines together with Fu Lai and others while teaching chemistry in local schools. In addition, it provides technical guidance to local textile and printing and dyeing factories.

This time when Fuqing came back, he accepted the organization's arrangement and prepared to set up a textile printing and dyeing major at Qingdao University to provide technical support for rebuilding Qingdao's textile printing and dyeing industry. In the future, the family of three would be together.

As for Shen Long, he is also responsible for the organization and is responsible for leading Qingdao ’s textile printing and dyeing industry to innovate, so that Qingdao can reproduce and even surpass the glory of the last blue sky. Chen Liuzi ’s ideal of selling cloth throughout the country can probably be realized here. With Shen Long ’s technology and experience, Qingdao cannot surpass the magic capital and become the most developed city in the country ’s textile industry.

"Go, let's go in and see, all the factories in Qingdao that have been ruined are not only our Dahua Dyeing Factory; but it doesn't matter, as long as we are there and Jin Biao and they are here, sooner or later they will flourish again." Shen Long said confidently.

Although Bai Jinbiao's hometown was in Shenyang, he had been accustomed to Shen Long for so many years, and he had already been used to it. He also joined the organization and was arranged to cooperate with Shen Long in Qingdao.

A group of people walked into the factory ~ ~ Shen Long pointed to the traces of his own hard work, and slowly told Fu Qing the story of what happened, how did he and Lu Jiaju rely on this The small factory became the largest printing and dyeing factory in Qingdao, Shandong and even the north.

After the visit, Shen Long picked up the brand of Dahua Dyeing Factory and hung it up again. From now on, here can finally be reborn.

But at this time, Shen Long finally heard the task completion and return sound. He thought about it, Liu Zigang, Fu Qing and others had arrangements, and Lu Jiaju they could not do anything outside. Son, after returning home and eating, he assuredly chose to leave temporarily.

A white light flashed, Shen Long returned to his long-lost home, recalling the time he spent in the mission world. He couldn't help shaking his head. This mission is probably the most aggrieved of the missions he has experienced?

May have been better at the beginning, but since he was driven away by Fujii, after he arrived in Jinan, he succumbed day by day. Instead, he followed Liuzi to help them fight the little devil in Jiaodong.

Can be considered over, Shen Long stretched a long lazy waist, and then looked outside, still no one came out and walked around, the big horn at the head of the village kept playing messages to keep everyone at home not to go out.

Went to the living room. Parents and Arya were sitting on the sofa and watching TV. When he came out, they greeted him to play mahjong. So the four people sat on the table and worked busy.

Until the evening, after eating, Shen Long returned to his bedroom, and when he was ready to fall asleep, Shen Long could not enter the system, ready to check the harvest.

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