All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1683: New mission: 3 countries

As expected, Shen Long acquired Chen Shouting's talent in textile printing and dyeing. He couldn't help but spit out. If Sun Shaoping's coal mining ability and Lei Dongbao's civil engineering ability were added, he would later I can farm the fields by myself and almost climb the technology tree.

But it is also a good thing. At least after going out to buy clothes or something, there is no need to worry about buying fake ones. Well, maybe there is a place for it now. If anyone wants to use a fake mask to fool, I am afraid it will not work.

Sleep up, continue to sit in the yard to bask in the sun, teach parents to exercise, and then go to cook for the big guy, after eating, then play mahjong in the yard.

These days passed, and the big guys felt a little bored, but for safety reasons, these problems could be tolerated for the time being, even the best-moving Aaliyah also expressed understanding after Shen Long persuaded. .

Shen Long has never stayed with his family for so long since graduating from university. Before every New Year, he hurried back and left in a hurry. After eating at the relatives ’houses, this year was over; this time The matter gave him a rare opportunity to reunite with his family, so that he could get along with his family every day.

If it is said that before, Shen Long may feel bored, but he has experienced so many task worlds, and experienced the difficulties of being a parent. Now when he chats with his parents, he can understand their thoughts.

"Hey, in previous years, I felt that every family ate, ate, and drank. Every time they drank too much, they had to quarrel. It ’s a bit too human; but now, it ’s clean, but it ’s too clean, are we? These old ladies and old ladies are okay, and you can meet a few times from time to time. You young people are all in the South and the North, so you can get together and talk together in the New Year. My nephew didn't know anymore. "Father sighed.

"No way, this is the only way to transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society; in the past, big guys lived in one place, no matter whether it was farming, or red and white happy events, it was necessary to take care of each other and help each other. Get things done; it ’s different now. You ’re in Modu, and I ’m in Beijing. Even if I want to help, I am helpless! ”Shen Long ’s feelings were even deeper than his father ’s.

"But this is also a good thing. I used to be at home. I have done a good job. At most, I can have a full belly. I don't have much chance to go up. Now, as long as you are willing to work, there are infinite possibilities." In comparison, industrialized societies are much more indifferent than agricultural societies, but they also bring opportunities.

"Hey, you are not worrying about eating and drinking now, and you have a house in the capital; the only thing Mom is worried about is when she can hold her grandson. Ma looks at your cousins ​​and cousins ​​who have children, and feels greedy. "Ah!" Yes, no matter what the topic is, as long as you are with your mother, you will always fall into marriage and give birth.

If I really brought all my children over, I was afraid that I could n’t live in this yard. Shen Long murmured silently, and then said with a smiley face, "Mom, do n’t worry, wait for Xiao Ai to graduate, and we will get married. Time to give you a smart and beautiful baby to come out and keep you happy. "

"Well, that's good, while I'm in good health now, I can help you with your children." The mother was really happy when she heard this. Everyone likes to bring grandchildren.

I really do n’t need you to bring a child. We are not short of money now. It ’s enough to hire a few babysitters. By the way, let ’s talk about the experience of bringing a child. I ’m richer than you. It! We do not know how many children we have brought back in each mission world.

"Then you will have to go to Beijing with me at that time!" Anyway, Shenlong's courtyard house is big enough, and it doesn't matter if they live in more. Or you can come back to your hometown, and then you can arrange your yard well. It is definitely a place suitable for living, after all, the air here is much better than that of Beijing.

I just don't know if Arya would be bored in such a place. In fact, it doesn't matter if she feels bored. After all, there are so many exciting mission worlds to satisfy her adventure desire.

"Okay, you can go to Beijing, as long as you can stay with my grandson, there is no problem going there!" The mother has always been reluctant to the environment of her hometown. Shen Long asked them to go to Beijing several times. They were unwilling, but when they talked about their grandson, their mother Forgot everything in an instant, and agreed without hesitation.

Hey, I really want you to look at your grandchildren, from those who are as old as me to those who were just born. Taking care of you once can be an addictive, Shen Long could n’t help but want to bring his own children over Show it to my mother.

There are all kinds of things, there are aristocratic children, there are academic styles, and military styles, of course, they will sell Meng to please grandma ~ ~ But if these children are pulled out, Mother had to be terrified, so she had to leave.

This kind of life continues, waking up during the day and wandering around in the yard for a few laps, then eating, four people exercise together after the meal, and then mahjong; then eat again, pick up the phone to brush all kinds of news, and pray that this can be lifted earlier State, to restore freedom as soon as possible, to be able to re-enter the outside world.

From the 30th of the year to the first day, and then from the first day to the fifteenth day of the first month, after eating dumplings and eating glutinous rice balls, I saw the first month was almost over, and it was almost time to get a haircut.

With the efforts of countless heroic front-line staff, the situation is finally under control, and various data are declining every day. Shen Long seems to see the hope of regaining freedom.

"Mom, I used to tell you to travel, but you are always reluctant. Now that you have been at home for so long, you should want to go out for a walk? When the summer vacation, let's go out for a family of four!" The two ships should be ready, so take them on a trip around the world.

"Okay, no problem! As long as you have time." Now that parents are not entangled, they hold back at home for a long time and always want to go out and see the world.

If you do n’t need the sailboat first, drive the modern cruise ship, and then do n’t cross the Pacific Ocean directly, just walk slowly along the coastline, Shen Long slowly pondering the plan.

It was the end of the day again, Shen Long returned to his bedroom to prepare for a rest. At this time, the familiar sound of the system came again in his mind, and a new task came, "From the world of" The Romance of the Three Kingdoms ... "

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